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How can I raise my Carbon Emissions higher than 57.15?

Any suggestions on how I can be LESS carbon neutral?
I went to Al Gore's website, where there is an inconvenient truth carbon calculator (what a joke) and I can only get a 57.15 rating (legitimentaly) as I do not have access to personal jets and limousines, like Gore does. I wonder what he scored, anyway I am thinking about driving more, or maybe buying a larger vehicle and letting it idle more often, to burn more fuel.

2007-02-28 08:11:44 · 8 answers · asked by feralpundit 2 in Politics & Government Politics

8 answers

Add motor oil to your fuel. Use a trash barrel to burn all plastics. Replace your grass with AstroTurf. Burn it off every year. Cook everything with charcoal. Keep a campfire going year-round. Smoke 2 packs of cigarettes daily. Keep another burning in the ashtray for good measure. Cut every tree on your property down, then burn their carcasses. Go on a beef and bean diet. Leave your car idling in the driveway when not in use. Light your home with lanterns....and electric light. Heat your house with the oven, the shower, a fireplace, and every 100W bulb you can find. When it gets too hot, turn on the AC. Drive to your mailbox. Mow your AstroTurf. Buy property along a fault-line and drill for magma.

I think that's enough for now. Have fun! Be creative!

2007-02-28 08:26:49 · answer #1 · answered by Michael E 5 · 1 0

Get an old Dodge Charger or any big block engine car from the seventies. Most of them don't have the Catalytic converters that today's cars have, so they use a lot more fuel and let out a lot more emissions. Switch to spray deodorant instead of the stick so you can spray the aerosol can. Also use more Incandescent light bulbs cause they use more energy. Leave all the lights on all the time. Blast the AC or heat all the time as well. These are just a few small steps you can take to raise your carbon footprint.

2007-02-28 08:19:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have a better idea! Get a big pile of wood and a can of kerosene (it smokes more). Stand in the middle of your wood pile and pour the kerosene over your head. Then light matches until you and the woodpile are completely engulfed. You may not live long, but in carbon pollution per years of life your score should go up. There is, of course, the added benefit to the species in Darwin at work.

2007-02-28 08:20:15 · answer #3 · answered by foolrex 2 · 0 2

ride a old 4 cylinder motorcycle like me,,,you will be breathing pure pollution,lots of fine unburned carbon resin,,,,but no worry like gore ,you can buy carbon offsets ,,and enjoy the burn..cheers decider

2007-02-28 08:20:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Quit buring the unclean swine

2007-02-28 08:17:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Beans. Eat lots of them.

2007-02-28 08:14:05 · answer #6 · answered by MoltarRocks 7 · 2 0

FU. global climate change is a legitimate threat, even if it hasn't started yet.

2007-02-28 08:15:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

keep talking.

2007-02-28 08:15:12 · answer #8 · answered by paul 5 · 0 1

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