First off, I'm not talking about people who are simply pro-life and have a peaceful opinion about it.
By "radicial pro-life advocates" I mean those religious-freaks who scream outside abortion clinics, humiliate & slander women who choose to have an abortion, ect.
Are these people aware that when women who cannot afford [or whatever the reason they don't want their child] a baby that said baby goes into custody of social services and then requires a family to raise it & help him/her grow into a adult. If this cause is sooo important to these people, why aren't they putting their oh-so-great moral attitude to better use and adopting, or even providing foster care, for a child in need ?
I know not everyone can for financial reasons, but if you can't do something about these parentless children, should you really be protesting so strongly against abortion ? Isn't that slight hypocricy - "Well I don't want to adopt that baby but someone needs to take it!"
22 answers
asked by
.$. Clare .$.
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
I know just because they oppose it doesn't mean they are responsible for the babies given up for adoption.
I'm saying the people who go crazy over it should either do something that matters or calm down.
08:11:42 ·
update #1
You give those people far too much credit for intelligence and logic. I saw one jam a picture of a late term aborted fetus at a 12 year old girl who had been raped by a relative. She didn't understand that she was pregnant until she was about 6 weeks and the social worker helped her and her parents find a doctor. She was crying while a middle-aged man screamed at her and called her names.
2007-02-28 08:10:54
answer #1
answered by Buffy Summers 6
I must say I strongly agree with you. If they are going to bash a women who does not want to raise a child in poverty on welfare the rest of her life, or bash a woman who takes prevention such as birth control to avoid getting pregnant and has an accident, etc... then they should be adopting and paying more taxes to help these women. I disagree with using abortion as a birth control method but accidents do happen, rape does happen, and birth control does not always work. It is more harmful to make a women and child suffer the rest of their lives than to have an abortion. And I must say "good for you" for saying something about it. Maybe make a flier or something that says what you said and pass it out to those people on the side of the road, or the court house, or the churches.
2007-02-28 08:12:09
answer #2
answered by Lisa B 2
I think the extremists on this situation are probably wrong and I do understand your point...
However, isn't murder, murder? One can argue back and forth when life beings but as far as I know, life begins at conception.
True, it would be nice if radical pro-life people adopted more children so that they can really 'put their money where their mouth is'
However, isn't just as true that if you can't afford to raise a kid, you should be taking the measures necessary to avoid having kids in the first place. If not abstaining from sex, than at the very least using birth control of some sort?
Our society wants to have its cake and eat it too. We want to be able to have sex and than avoid the real reason why we have sex, to reproduce. This is not a matter of convenience as it seems to be the norm, but rather one of denying someone the right to exist. I can't help but to think that it is wrong to deny someone that right unless very special circumstances (incest and rape).
2007-02-28 08:13:29
answer #3
answered by rabbi0230 2
Let me say this: abortion is murder, that is a fact.
BUT, I understand where your coming from with "radical pro-life" advocates. I think that those people just don't want woman to have sex before they get married. Now, not having sex before your married IS the right thing to do, but for crying out loud, these so called "pro-life" advocates take it to another level.
If a woman has pre-marital sex, that's her problem!
I believe that the "pro-life" term needs to be trashed completely. How can you be pro-life if your for the death penalty?
I can gladly say that I'm ANTI-ABORTION, and I'm ALL FOR THE DEATH PENALTY!!! Pro-life? HAH!
2007-02-28 13:17:18
answer #4
answered by godlyteengirl 3
nicely, "Blaze" Deomcrats do not delay indications hailing killers with slogans like "God hates Abortionists", like at the same time as Tiller became killed. i do not imagine you'll locate one Democrat who approves of what this kook did. i do not. i imagine he's nuts. and that i'm ashamed he used the be conscious democrat. notwithstanding, there are those who gladly help Tiller's death as a "Jesus lovin' Republican"'s portion of do. *that type of weirdness is information* notwithstanding, i'm positive it will be performed on FOX 24/7 for per week, in case you pick to seize it lower back.
2016-12-05 01:55:26
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Why can't they just put the kids up for adoption? I agree the crazy abortion people are just as bad as the anti war people. Personally i find it very morbid killing an unborn baby, but that is just my personal opinion. I do believe however that there are circumstances when abortion is necessary, but abortion should not be used as a method of birth control.
2007-02-28 08:10:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You can't argue with folks who are driven by religion. There's no logic to it whatsoever.
Bible doesn't cover abortion, yet they still find a passage or two to twist into something to suit their beliefs.
Separation of Church and State. Learn it, love it, live it.
*you mean your OPINION is that life starts at conception. Scientists would have something to say about that opinion, but who wants to look at facts anyway??*
2007-02-28 08:13:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I agree. they want to take away abortion but not fix any of the problems that lead women to have abortions.
but I understand why they feel that way- who wants to actually do work and take responcibility?
2007-02-28 08:25:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like you need to take a little breather. Calm down.
2007-02-28 08:07:36
answer #9
answered by KC Slim 5
For a True Christian™, the sanctity of human life begins at conception and ends at birth. After that, you're pretty much on your own.
2007-02-28 08:09:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous