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Politics & Government - 27 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics


i am ali reza nemati i received from your bank aletter about that i winner in australian lottery. is it a true

2007-02-27 16:33:35 · 3 answers · asked by shahin r 1 in Embassies & Consulates

I previously posted a question with the same title as this one. (You can refer to it to see all the curious details)
Since that question was posted, Hillary somehow, mysteriously extended her question another 2 weeks without signing in. (Still has the same 96 points)
Yahoo staff claims...
"This is not an endorsement. We are not siding with any candidate or party -- in general or for the 2008 US elections."

What do you believe is acctually going on here?

2007-02-27 16:31:30 · 8 answers · asked by Write Your Name Here 4 in Elections

What is your preference and why? Since they are basically the same(and partially true).

2007-02-27 16:31:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-27 16:30:21 · 15 answers · asked by jsimatovich1723 1 in Military

Difference between Void contract, unforceable contract and illigal contract.
All void contracts are unforceable but not all unforceable contract are void why?
All illigal contracts are void but not all void contracts are illigal why?

2007-02-27 16:28:37 · 7 answers · asked by B R 1 in Law & Ethics

Political or economic conservatives, please.

2007-02-27 16:27:03 · 5 answers · asked by mykll42 2 in Politics

was he christian, protestant?? what ???

2007-02-27 16:26:28 · 14 answers · asked by SPHINX 1 in Politics

Racial tension in America always seems to increase every time Americans elect a Democratic President. There are a lot of liberals living in California. Many of them seem to dislike immigrants from Mexico. Many of the people in the South that took pride in the Confederate Flag were white liberals that hated African-Americans. Racism was much worse when Bill Clinton was President. The beating of Rodney King was proof of that. Why is it always worse when Americans have a Democratic President?

2007-02-27 16:25:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

His client as not satisfied over this act of the Law Practioner.
what are the laws /rule in this regard.Is there any remedy of it

2007-02-27 16:25:05 · 4 answers · asked by gyan-1065 1 in Law & Ethics

I am approximately two years away from finishing my college degree, I have one semester left followed by a full year and an additional semester, putting me one semester behind graduating in four years! It will also add another 40,000 dollars to the amount someone will one day paying back to Sallie Mae!!! I have really wanted to join the air force to serve my country, learn a skill, meet new people and travel before I settle down in my civilian lifestyle and hopefully start a family! My question is how hard is it to finish your degree while in the Air Force and how long will it take? Or is it perhaps better to join after graduating(I don't want to be an officer) and serve my country travel work in something that supports the mission of the air force, and use tuition assistance and my GI bill to get my MBA while enlisted? I mostly want to know how long it takes to finish your degree, and from the outside looking in which is most beneficial?

2007-02-27 16:24:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Basically, why do terrorists hate the united States, if we left the source of insurgency, wouldn't 9/11 happen again? A lot of people claim that pulling our troops out of Iraq, would be awesome, but then what do our troops do? Do they just sit on their butts? I mean aren't soldiers created to fight? Basically, wouldn't it be better if American soldiers keep suicide bombers at bay out in a desert surrounded area, than a full industrial infrastructure, like New York City, ex. 9/11? So if our troops come home, do they instead sit around tall skyscrapers with machine guns in their hands waiting for suicide bombers to come out of a taxi pulling right up? I mean you have to think about it, "DID 9/11 HAPPEN BEFORE OR AFTER THE IRAQ INVASION?" People also claim that there loved ones have been over in Iraq for years, they been over there to long. But have people forgotten that wars can lost a very long time. For ex. the Hundred Years War. Wars do not have a determined end date. Right? Right?

2007-02-27 16:22:11 · 15 answers · asked by Adam B 2 in Military

Anyone knows what is going on with that ?

2007-02-27 16:20:58 · 3 answers · asked by melodyluv2000 1 in Immigration

2007-02-27 16:20:44 · 15 answers · asked by Taquito 2 in Immigration

Why do these confused knuckleheads in ask yahoo support a war they only know by what the media tells them (which are force fed lies, do your research)? It's tragic when a person from the middle class or even lower class supports a super rich government that sends their children to die for a war that THEY manufactured from top to bottom, taxes the life out of them, blatantly lies to them thriving on their ignorance, and expects them to wave an American flag. When will people realize, especially middle and lower classes, that to the government money is worth way more than human life. The government will send our sons and daughters to die for ulitimately money but won't spend enough money to even properly equip them to give them a fighting chance. I am a former Marine and have experienced first hand the miracles ground troops are expected to perform with equipment that is way below sub-par. So for all you broke republicans out there, explain how you became the dumbest of the dumb.

2007-02-27 16:20:39 · 11 answers · asked by Gabriel Anton 2 in Politics

What would be the first thing you legislated to make your country better?

Can you be bipartisan?

2007-02-27 16:20:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Not to be racist or sexist, but would you rather have the first african-american or women president? Why?

2007-02-27 16:19:50 · 11 answers · asked by ftballtwenty1 4 in Elections

the 1st one meeting this crtiteria will receive 10 pts.

2007-02-27 16:18:38 · 1 answers · asked by Hehe. ;]] 3 in Government

It was never actually used in battle but I am doing a report on German weaponry/propoganda and i cant find any info on it so if anybody happens to know it that would be pretty cool if u told me or sent any info regarding it

2007-02-27 16:17:16 · 3 answers · asked by jagjam37 2 in Military

2007-02-27 16:15:37 · 7 answers · asked by rainlve2kill 1 in Law & Ethics

No...........NO..............NOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!

2007-02-27 16:12:38 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Comedy - John Kerry
Costume Design - Barney Frank

Who do YOU predict, and for what?

2007-02-27 16:11:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

People of greed RUIN everything... even the BEST ideas... A government for the people, by the people...
Yeah right.
Profit rules.

Truth be told? If you read ANY type of political or historical books, whether they are recent OR from civil war days... or even back in the days of Micheal Angelo~ YOU will see and be reminded THAT MONEY really IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL~ its not just a cute saying . IT is fact .
GREED has been around for EVER... SELF gain has ALWAYS led people to do wrong even if it COSTS OTHERS THEIR LIVES.
The government protects THE RIGHTS OF THE RICH TO GET RICHER>

Like the distraction and WASTE of MONEY caused by what I call the anti-smokERS campaign->


The anti-smokERS campaign is JUST a farce to keep us from going after the MONEY MAKING giants and politicians that profit from selling us chemicals in our
food supply ,air, water, oj, milk,candy... you name it.

I will add more details in one minute:

2007-02-27 16:09:08 · 6 answers · asked by dbzgalaxy 6 in Law & Ethics

none they don't want to see the light

2007-02-27 16:06:27 · 15 answers · asked by Taquito 2 in Immigration

I hear things like, "A woman can do anything a man can do!", or "It's time for a woman President", and I just couldn't disagree more. Men and women were not created equal, the man should always be the head of his household, (if he is not abusive), and I believe the womens lib movement did more damage to our society, by undermining what a mans role should be, at home, or in politics. And I personally don't want any woman (especially Hillbillery) to go up against our enemies in the Middle East, where they have such low regard for their own women. Can you imagine how much more respect we will lose from them? Can't men just be men, and women be women? We need our women doing what they were designed to do, being caretakers and nurturers, and actually raising these children they have. And yes, I do believe women are smart, and capable, and strong,etc.. but for God's sake why can't they do the most important "job" they will ever have? Being a Mother, if they have children.

2007-02-27 16:05:18 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Source: The Military famlies in the USA...."Information:...Military Families Speak Out is calling on Congress to end funding for the war in Iraq, admit the war is wrong and bring our troops home.

2007-02-27 15:57:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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