People of greed RUIN everything... even the BEST ideas... A government for the people, by the people...
Yeah right.
Profit rules.
Truth be told? If you read ANY type of political or historical books, whether they are recent OR from civil war days... or even back in the days of Micheal Angelo~ YOU will see and be reminded THAT MONEY really IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL~ its not just a cute saying . IT is fact .
GREED has been around for EVER... SELF gain has ALWAYS led people to do wrong even if it COSTS OTHERS THEIR LIVES.
The government protects THE RIGHTS OF THE RICH TO GET RICHER>
Like the distraction and WASTE of MONEY caused by what I call the anti-smokERS campaign->
The anti-smokERS campaign is JUST a farce to keep us from going after the MONEY MAKING giants and politicians that profit from selling us chemicals in our
food supply ,air, water, oj, milk,candy... you name it.
I will add more details in one minute:
6 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Law & Ethics
Yes, cigarette smoke IS a health threat.
HOWEVER, any body that feeds their kids rice-a-roni, mac and cheese or even MILK and peanut butter is introducing toxins and chemicals into them too.
Look up "cotton seed oil". Cotton is GROWN as a TEXTILE, therefore it can be TREATED with chemicals NOT allowed IN OUR FOOD>
THEN... they USE THE SEEDS to make oil FOR our FOODS.
Pesticides, fertilizers and WHO knows what.
THE same TYPE of chemicals that are IN tobacco! THAT is MY point.
THEY (government) keeps us all DISTRACTED TO THE REAL THREATS TO OUR WELL BEING by pointing fingers at smokers as the "bad guys". SMOKERS are very visable and all of us are CONSTANTLY being reminded how awful us smokers are.
THAT way we stay way to distracted by THOSE we "see" and NOT band together and attack what is wrong with our own FOOD system, or the polution produced by big business. We ARE a DIVIDED nation in THIS way....
16:11:00 ·
update #1
ALL of this protects THE MONEY made by our consumption of ALL THINGS bad for our bodies. Profiting THOSE that have given their SOULS for their OWN profit.
We ARE intentionally divided into two groups battling EACH other instead of ONE LARGE voice to make others listen.
Cancer will grow in ANYbody~ Something triggers it in SOME people. We can not really know which person from what. I personally get paranoid every time I have an Xray or cat scan... HOW do I know which level of radiation will "cause" cancer for "me"?
We don't know.
16:13:56 ·
update #2
Certain types of cancers are "born" into our children if we eat proccessed meats like pepperoni, bologna and hotdogs while pregnant. NOT in all babies... but our family lost a three year old with that type of cancer. You just do not know. Yet our government does NOTHING to fix these things.
did you ever wonder HOW MANY PEOPLE would be out of a JOB...
IF they cured CANCER? How many people would LOSE their cushy office jobs with ALL The perks, ALL payed for BY donations to "cure cancer"... Source(s) Again:
MONEY reeeeeeally IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL~ its not just a cute saying . IT is fact . GREED has been around for EVER... SELF gain has ALWAYS led people to do wrong even if it COSTS OTHERS THEIR LIVES.
ONLY the government has THE power to END the waste of time and money spent to "spoof us". But they continue to grow richer at our expense.
16:15:44 ·
update #3
Okay , now maybe YAHOO KNOWS why I want an "over 40" topic area.
if you read the whole thing then you will be clued in to how deceptive our schools are . You will see the bigger picture than faded out history lessons that TELL only fluff. Fluff that PROTECTS the greedy and the rich.
You are probobly to young to know these things... I was thirty when I thought of it all and investigated my opinions, but I am nearly 45... took me THAT long to be public with it.
16:25:25 ·
update #4
more answers to your emails and posts~
In April of 06... the World Health Orginization made the decision THAT second hand smoke does NOT cause cancer. Truly, NOTHING we think we know as teens and twenty somethings is accurate when it comes to the WHOLE picture. I don't think our heads are as ready for pessimism as it is once we have been knocked down a few times by life. One example:
Read up on even the civil war a bit to know how our government tricks us into beliefs for THEIR own PROFIT.
Smoking issues make "politically like minded people" enemies. Thus... they divide a potential STRONG resistance to Government folly.
Also , I do NOT smoke near others out of common courtesy. The smoking issue I brought up is so that I may show examples of division brought on by issues that are ABUSED.
and OH how I HATE ABUSE~
visit my blog.... I have lived long and hard. Long enough to voice what is true.
16:48:46 ·
update #5
Thanks Mac, ant the others that GET my twisted up point!
For others:Anyways... THE whole point in MY tirades if you have read my responses ~points to I HATE ABUSE.. of ANY kind. SO , now that I am old enough to KNOW that everything on the planet is NOT my fault... I still feel the need to PROTECT people from abuse. Sorry all , but you R part of the world so I will protect you too.
For every person that can not read to the bottom of my post, or for all that can NOT find the significance, there are A FEW people that "get it" and WILL make a difference in the world.
My favorite saying :
"If you can't change THE world... CHANGE your little PART of IT"
Debra Ackley
02:40:08 ·
update #6
If you think I bothered to read all you wrote, you're wrong = wasted space, wasted time.
Get to the point, don't ramble on and on.
Just to let you know I received your e-mail and did go back and read all of your comments. Your question was "Have you ever thought of the WHOLE picture of Government deception?" All of the rambling you did had little to do with your question, but rather was about smoking and how "old" you are (by the way, you are younger than me). You also mentioned us needing to read the whole thing, but didn't say what thing and I saw no reference to it, to see how deceptive our schools are. You also say "THE whole point in MY tirades if you have read my responses ~points to I HATE ABUSE.. of ANY kind. SO , now that I am old enough to KNOW...". So, what is actually your point? Still seems it has something to do with smoking, though I'm not sure just what. Even with all your add ons you are still mainly referring to smoking.
My original "answer" was only in reference to you writing so much,....Point being that most like to see a question with a few details that get to the point. I'm not here to argue with you, so don't write back if you plan to. I'm a smoker also so don't think I'm just saying this because I'm against it.
(think I'll have that smoke now)
2007-02-27 16:18:17
answer #1
answered by J T 6
Yes, there are many toxins in our society we as human beings have to be aware of. We can not necesarily blame them on the government without blaming our majority now can we? I know the majority of people are not the most intellegent or we would not have all the issues we have with our enviroment now. We could of delt with these early on and meet these problems head on. We also would not have a problem with our social security system if the funds were not bleed off in other directions. They should of been invested properly and left alone to grow. There would be more then enough for the baby boomers retiring, with much to spare for future generations. Unfortunately God never promised us heaven on earth and we will have to deal with the mistakes made by those less intellegent. Many do put money first. Mankind is not perfect, so mistakes will be made, out of greed, haste and ignorance. You are part of this government, as am I. You can make a difference and you do not have to be rich to do it. Educate your children. Teach them to be thinkers not sheep that follow the crowd. Use their minds and don't be lazy counting on others to do the right thing because history shows that through knowledge man can evolve. Why do you think so much organic food is on the market these days? Free thinkers! Basically, do no harm and leave this world a better place.
Spell check is not working, I apologize for all the errors.
2007-02-28 00:54:58
answer #2
answered by JAN 7
Thanks for the info on the oil, I was not aware. I worked in the medical industry--- don't worry about the radiation from CAT scans- you get more if you lived one day in Australia. You are passionate about your beliefs and I commend you for them but like most of us that are "more mature" we have seen it all way too many times- the Kennedy brother assassination cover up, MLKing murder. I was shocked that the terrorists wasted their time to get to Dick Cheney- why they would think he is a threat is beyond me, they must've gotten bad intelligence like that he actually had a brain and knew how to shoot straight.
It doesn't matter what industry you investigate in America-- they are all corrupt- paying monies to hide their illegal workers--pocketing lobbyists to keep the government regulators off their backs, and don't forget the campaign contributions in the form of supporting their private businesses (which is legal and monetary campaign contributions are limited). Why do you think Bush didn't start a war with the REAL terrorists, the Saudi's? It's because they are his best friends-- and are making $$$ in oil together----I'm not much of a religious person anymore, everything about this country and it's values sickens me, and the use of religion by our President and his party sickens me-- they are no more christians or god fearing people than Charles Manson-- I see no difference in their killing patterns-- at least Charles is paying for his crime and only targeted a few....but our government has forgotten the rule of separation of church and state and Bush is a believer in Armageddon and I'm afraid he "has heard a calling" that he should partake in helping it come about.....God knows he has done enough to screw up our country to give it a good start--- ask any person that is from New Orleans.
2007-02-28 01:01:40
answer #3
answered by mac 6
It is not only money that is the root of all evil, it is also the lack of money that contributes to many people committing wrongful acts.
If someone eats a cheeseburger, that's there problem. But, when someone smokes, in a crowded room, restaurant, that second hand smoke becomes my problem even though they own the cigarette. It is similar to people who own cars, guns and homes. We must all be responsible for the things we do and own.
All costs and insurance claims are passed onto the policy holders as we saw from Hurricane Katrina. Many insurance companies needed to raise their rates of all their clients, including those who were not effected by the devastating huricane.
And, now reports are coming out stating that many insurance companies will not be insuring people whose homes may be in the path of known catastrophies. So, who's to pay for the services offered people who are in need. And, when Bill Clinton and others have heart operations from eating unhealthy food, the insurance companies and HMO's pay for the cost and that cost is passed onto the other clients of the same insurance carriers.
In essence, we all pay, one way or the other, for people who do not take responsibility for their health and safety. Insurance companies need to remain in business in the most cost effective way for all of us to realize the benefits over a longer period of time.
And, those people who manufacture and sell cigarettes are the money making giants that need to be scrutinized. Billions of billions of dollars are made by tobacco giants, 'protecting and promoting jobs'...yeah, right. And, why is an addictive drug, like nicotine in cigarettes permitted to be sold on the open market? Are the tobacco companies promoting their interests by pointing thier finger at every other illegal drug and saying..."Hey, America, there goes the bad guy" which is supposed to automatically asssume they are the good guy. Ridiculous.
Your rights end at the tip of my nose...John Stuart Mill, member of British Parliament, 1860's...
2007-02-28 00:41:25
answer #4
answered by marnefirstinfantry 5
War on Drugs
Military Industrial Complex
Prison Industrial Complex
Free Trade
You go girl!!
2007-02-28 00:19:33
answer #5
answered by scottyurb 5
No, I haven't thanks for getting me clued in on the whole doomsday scenario. And here I thought smoking was bad for me... How stupid was that?
2007-02-28 00:17:23
answer #6
answered by Lt. Dan reborn 5