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Politics & Government - 19 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What do you believe to be the core issues of your party?
What is you definition of Conservative/Liberal?
Not looking to bash either side, I would just like to see how each side views themselves.

2007-02-19 04:54:28 · 6 answers · asked by ropemancometh 5 in Politics


Can a crime of sexual abuse be prosecuted without physical evidence?

2007-02-19 04:53:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Iran by giving the terrorists weapons or neo-lib democrats who aid and succor our enemies by waging a psy-op battle within our own country through policies and media?

2007-02-19 04:50:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-19 04:50:32 · 3 answers · asked by SusieQ 1 in Government

Check out the story here

2007-02-19 04:50:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-02-19 04:49:56 · 11 answers · asked by derek l 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-02-19 04:49:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Okay i just moved into an upstairs apartment in NJ. The two people who live bellow me have done nothing to me but harrasse me over and over again. The first day of moving in they claimed i was making to much noise and called the cops. The cops explained there was nothing they could do because it was one o'clock in the afternoon and of course i would be making noise moving stuff up a flight of stairs. Now since then they have called the cops on me about twice a week saying that my son is making to much noise. Now i wont lie i have two year old son that runs around and makes noise and plays with his big tonka trucks. Is it really my fault that he can hear him that well. I mean hes two doesnt really understand that concept between right and wrong not to metion that hes got add. So the guy who lives done stairs hits his walls really hard and yells out bad words all day long and plays his music really loud. What should i do PLEASE HELP

2007-02-19 04:48:25 · 4 answers · asked by singingakitten@yahoo.com 1 in Law & Ethics

Last week I was offered a job out of town I had to take. I am currently living in an apartment building and I am no longer in a lease with the property owners, I am simply on a month to month payment plan.
Here is my problem, I spoke with the owners and told them I was going to vacate by the end of the month. They told me that I have to give them a 60 day notice and whether or not I occupy the building I am responsible for paying rent for those 60 days.
I reviewed the rental agreement and it said this: Occupancy shall be on a month to month tenancy after expiration of the lease. This periodic month to month tenancy can be terminated only on the last day of the month by a written notice at least 60 days before the termination date.
I read this back to the landlord and said there was nothing stating I would have to pay for those 60 days. She told me that's what they meant. So, can you IMPLY what you mean in a contract, or do you have to put exactly what you mean?

2007-02-19 04:48:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I was in London this weekend and saw a bodyguard with a female client walking through the City. As the pair passed me the bodyguard's lapel fanned open wide enough for me to see he was wearing a pistol in an underarm holster.

If this bodyguard is non-military, is it legal for him to be carrying a sidearm?

Any info on the relevant laws gratefully received- is it likely the bodyguard was working 'freelance'? Thanks

2007-02-19 04:47:46 · 17 answers · asked by DaveyMcB 3 in Law Enforcement & Police


I have a friend in viet nam he say that he want to buy some electronic stuff from US. he order online but it can't ship to viet nam so he want me to get it and ship it to him. He will pay me fine after he receipt it or he will buy something that equal value the product that he buy to me. he say that he will buy it from newegg.com which is very good site that i usually buy.
Is it safe if i decide to do it?
what if he used fake or stolen credit ?

2007-02-19 04:47:33 · 8 answers · asked by plz 2 in Law & Ethics

why is it just the US,BRITAIN and Australia sending troops to Iraq?
Iraq is why the UN was formed to help people that can't help them selfs so where are they?

2007-02-19 04:46:04 · 11 answers · asked by ryan s 5 in Military

Is the whole pro life position only a tool to win elections?Asking this seeing the higest infant mortality rate in the undustrialised world and the unwillingness of the right wing to invest in better health care and education?How can you cry about abortions but let baies who are born alive die because you're too cheap to give proper funding?Is this Christian?

2007-02-19 04:45:21 · 14 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7 in Politics

I think that with a Dem in the White House and Democrat control of both houses of Congress, that the terrorists do not dare launch a massive attack such as 9/11. Should they do so then BOTH parties will agree that action must be taken.

The terrorist tactic of divide and conquor will have failed then. They will have to wait until the Republicans hold all the cards once more before they dare attack again.

This is just a thought that occurred to me, not necessarily a statement of fact. But it is something worth pondering. What do you think. I welcome answers here or in my e-mail.

2007-02-19 04:44:32 · 19 answers · asked by John H 6 in Politics

I mean that under the "patriot act" we have lost more personal constitutional freedoms than at any time in the history of the US, We now have a bigger government than ever and we have less spending money than ever. We have a president who thinks evolution is not proven and has a secret war plan that he hasn't shared with his own congress as of yet! The worst part is that they lost an election to a party with no issues except complaints and no solutions. How did we come to this sad state? the Republicans were the party of Abe Lincoln, Now they are the party of Bush/Cheney and rice-a-rooni.
Before you start with the anti-liberal BS, I am not a Democrat and I am quite conservative. I am a Libertarian and I think that both parties are out of their minds and out if control

2007-02-19 04:43:59 · 8 answers · asked by cuban friend 5 in Politics

The body is ruling the mind, the mind says no, but the repuglcian body takes over. What do I do?

2007-02-19 04:43:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

All inhabitants must have the same rights and duties. Or not?

2007-02-19 04:43:04 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

and everyone else poor?

Which one is the result of socialism and which one is the result of capitalism?

2007-02-19 04:40:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

threats from within, while the other is afraid of threats from outside? If so, which is which? I'm confused. They both use fear as their as a justification for their agendas. Who is who, in so many way there is really no option between them.

2007-02-19 04:40:12 · 13 answers · asked by Sky Salad Clipper 3 in Politics

I am currently an American citizen. If I become a citizen of another country (no dual citizenship) in my 40's, what happens to all the money I put in social security? Can I get it back as a lump sum? Do I lose it?

2007-02-19 04:39:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Check this out.A book written by the 2 guys who headed up the commission report reporting the problems they are having and why lies are being perpetrated.

2007-02-19 04:39:07 · 10 answers · asked by Paul I 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Does a probation officer help the offender find employment? Or what? Or do they just check up on the offender from time to time to time? What if the offender is a first time offender and is a model citizen? He would be a low priority and would not have to be monitored closely like some felons. This offender only has a misdemeanor.

2007-02-19 04:38:26 · 3 answers · asked by ic 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

illegals? aren't the whites illegals because this land belongs to the native americans and the whites stole their land

2007-02-19 04:38:06 · 12 answers · asked by precious 1 in Immigration

Has anyone recieved an e-mail from a "PAUL PETERSERN " from Ghana.......asking to make you the beneficiery for 10.5 million dollars?????

Here is part of the letter that they want me to send to their bank in Ghana:

Please kindly be informed that my late cousin Mr.David
Clemetson operated a company in Accra Ghana, by the
name of chrome oil Services Ltd. in Ghana, West
Africa. Since his death, I have been unable to come
forward to claim this fund due to family problems and
personal issues.

Please upon acknowledge of this application, I would
be please to provide more information that may be

Hence I would like to send in all his necessary
documents if required in other to prove my status
claim. I respectfully request your expedience in
treating this matter with utmost urgency, hence I
will need the funds to continue running the families
business in our country, since we are no longer
conducting business in Accra Ghana.

I will await your response

2007-02-19 04:38:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

My obnoxious family in Illinois recently had a death in the family. My cousins (supposedly) have requested my sister and I (we're on the west coast) NOT be notified of the death. A friend of mine suggested there may be money (Yup, the family was "loaded") involved and perhaps they're trying to exclude us from any inheritance.

Sorry to be so lengthly but, does this even sound like a realistic scenario? Or is my friend just yanking my chain?

2007-02-19 04:37:03 · 2 answers · asked by Kalifornia Citizen 2 in Law & Ethics

pardon me for entering a UK discussion board but i am fed up with brits coming into our boards and asking questions like "don't americans realize how much the world hates them" or "do americans know there's a world outside the US" so i'm here to answer these questions.

YES we know we are hated by the world, how can we not? the media reminds us of it every 8 seconds.

YES we know there's a world outside the US. with all the billions we've spent on foreign aid and the thousands of our young soldier's lives we've sacrificed to help other countries, how can we not?


2007-02-19 04:37:00 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Bush uses the democratic peace theory for Iraq - but it sounds like liberal idealism to me (do some homework on Immanuel Kant and other classical liberalists before you "conservatives" open your trap).

2007-02-19 04:35:44 · 8 answers · asked by Richard O 2 in Politics

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