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Politics & Government - 12 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

have a video cassette of my daughters baby days & half way through somebody has taped cartoons over it !!!!!
Is there anything i can do, is there companys that can rescue the footage or is it lost forever?

2007-02-12 04:40:15 · 7 answers · asked by K W 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-02-12 04:39:55 · 10 answers · asked by A BOY 3 in Military

Condolezza Rice.

Black And Female.

2007-02-12 04:39:19 · 7 answers · asked by type2negative 4 in Elections

Reds want a smaller less expensive Government Yet increase spending at every oppertunity.

Something is not right about Red thinking.

2007-02-12 04:39:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Then why is the temp in my area calls for today a high of 50F and a low of 39. The record high for that day in 1963 is 63F and the low being 27F in 1981! Last year on the same date they recorded 58F as the high and 44F low.

Heck yesterday was 54F high and 45F low. The year before, 58F high and 39F low. Record highs and lows for the that day was 65F in 1963 and 24F in 1982!

Please give us some explaination to this......... scam.

2007-02-12 04:37:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

and limiting encroaching powers of the state, trying to extend government into the womb of pregnant women and the bedrooms of same-sex couples?

2007-02-12 04:33:58 · 7 answers · asked by JS 3 in Politics

It came out yesterday,(that I heard),that Obama smokes about 10 ciggarettes a day,although he is trying to quit,and there was people on CNN who were saying that it is a flaw in his character.
Could you imagine if people said that about U.S. Grant,F.D.R.,or Theodore Roosevelt for that matter.
There would be no Social Security,and this country might have been in a depression longer if F.D.R. was never elected.
Has the political correctivness zealots gone too far by austricizing Obama because he smokes ciggarettes?
Also if Hillary is elected what will Bill do all day long ? Do you think he will light up a cigar in the White House ?
Why is it a flaw in someone's character because he smokes a ciggarette? setting aside his political views for a minute.
Would you Republicans vote for a candidate who smokes?
Or is this just another example of non-smokers discriminating against smokers and trying to turn them into leppers.

2007-02-12 04:31:18 · 31 answers · asked by Dfirefox 6 in Politics

I will be accepting a position with the VA. I have a number of years prior active duty; will I be given credit for that time toward annual leave and FERS purposes in this new position?

2007-02-12 04:30:01 · 8 answers · asked by Dr. J 3 in Military

If religion and the existence of God is utter codswallop to so many people nowadays in England, why is God mentioned in the oath that is used in court? 'I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.'
There are so many people that refuse to believe in God in England which means that that proportion that do not believe can simply lie through their teeth. Why does the court bother using this oath when it means so little to so many people?

2007-02-12 04:29:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

We know that some of the choppers that have been shot down recently were shot down in Sunni dominated areas of iraq.

Why is no one calling for the invasion of Saudi Arabia - or even speaking to the idea of tough measuers against them?

2007-02-12 04:28:14 · 13 answers · asked by nostradamus02012 7 in Military

I'm on probation for a year of minor charges and I was planning on going to europe for a week. If I do not tell my officer, which I don't even have yet, will they know I left? Do they check at customs to see if someone is on probation?

2007-02-12 04:26:45 · 7 answers · asked by Josh A 1 in Law & Ethics

I am from Kansas and I am a dumby I just noticed that my drivers license expired almost 2 years ago and a friend of mine told me that it maybe suspened. Can someone please tell me the answer?

2007-02-12 04:25:59 · 8 answers · asked by laraewalker 2 in Law & Ethics

Who has a lower I.Q.:

People who think the terrorist attacks on 9/11 were a conspiracy, and not omitted by terrorists...


People who said that the bad economy when Bush became President was his fault.

On that note, I think it is REALLY funny that many people claimed Bush was a bad President because the economy was bad, but now that it is good, they aren't praising him for making it better.

Did they just realize that the President has NOTHING to do with the economy?

2007-02-12 04:25:48 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-02-12 04:25:34 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I am wondering what percentage or fraction of american indian one has to be to qualify for government benefits. i am wondering this more for my grandmother. if anyone knows any websites or any good onformation related to the topic it would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advance.

2007-02-12 04:24:00 · 8 answers · asked by stupid people make me laugh!!! 3 in Law & Ethics

If narcissism is a mental illness, so if a narcissist kills somebody or commits some other offense, is he or she legally insane?

2007-02-12 04:22:08 · 10 answers · asked by zadanliran 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-02-12 04:21:58 · 21 answers · asked by dank_vile 1 in Politics

Who is going to be the opposition candidate?

2007-02-12 04:21:15 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Why are there so many of you on right now? Don't you have jobs? Or do you work a night shift? Me, i don't have classes for another hour

2007-02-12 04:19:52 · 18 answers · asked by Captain Planet 2 in Politics

I was taken abroad to give birth, then baby was taken away from me soon as it was born. im trying to trace it. i need some illegal advive. members of family took baby away. family doesnt wana tell me at all. ive tried british embassy in that country but they just said they cant do anything because my family says im lieing. So please someone guide me on2 next step. thank you

2007-02-12 04:17:37 · 4 answers · asked by ran0030 1 in Law & Ethics

- Ignore the possibility of Global Warming (although Bush finally admits it)

- Excited to see troops killed in a lie based venture

- Prefer an American dictatorship versus an American democracy

What do they love?

2007-02-12 04:17:21 · 10 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

I have to go to court in Bridgeview, Il, 5th municipal district.

2007-02-12 04:15:37 · 4 answers · asked by Porche P 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

WMD....the demolition of the WTC....now they are making baseless acusations against Iran. Why? Is it because Iraq's oil is not enough?

2007-02-12 04:14:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

They are running in circles like the Keystone Cops. What new evidence slipped out over the weekend???

2007-02-12 04:14:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm well aware that it was in fact Bill Clinton, not Hillary, that was actually elected; I just wanted to send out this question to the world after her blatant mainpulation of power during her "term" as first lady....


2007-02-12 04:14:11 · 24 answers · asked by Eric W 2 in Elections

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