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Politics & Government - 23 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

We all know that most Arabs don't accept Israel's right to exist, but what about that other oppressed people in the MidEast? Haven't the Kurds their right to self-determination?

2007-01-23 04:02:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He has Cindy eating out of his hand.

2007-01-23 04:00:37 · 8 answers · asked by Keith Olberdousche 1 in Other - Politics & Government

The mere fact that this administration takes them to third party countries is an admission of the fallacy of their act.

2007-01-23 03:59:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The head of British Catholics wrote to Tony Blair recently to ask for an excemption for Catholic adoption agencies so there wont have to give children to Gay couples but it seems it was refused. So Christians have been forced to to accept the States Secular liberal morality is this really democratic?

2007-01-23 03:58:28 · 11 answers · asked by jack lewis 6 in Government

2007-01-23 03:58:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-01-23 03:58:07 · 9 answers · asked by Buffman316 1 in Politics

What if millions and millions of gringos both white and black just started moving into neighborhoods in Mexico and started to FORCE you(the mexiacn) to have to accept us and work with us and listen to us complain about your country and its peoples. what if we(gringos) just took over entire mex neighborhoods and put up ALL our shop signs in English and forced you to deal with it. What if we started to displace millions of your native residents. What if we had gringo gangs that shot you mexicans just for going into out new gringo neighborhood? WHat if we set up illegal drug dealing gangs in your cities? what if we started killing Mex citizens to protewct our drug terriry in mex? What if you went back to Mexico and gringoes were threatening you in your own country and hood where you grew up? I think you would be as angry as Americans are now at you. and would your vile gov and corrupt police tolerate gringo crime on such a large scale? I dont think so

2007-01-23 03:57:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

and why?

2007-01-23 03:57:22 · 23 answers · asked by Fantasy686 4 in Politics

2007-01-23 03:56:55 · 22 answers · asked by vicki w 1 in Military

I was just wondering my Lawyers dropped my Slip and Fall case what could i do to keep going whats my right . When i first hired her she was nice and said i had a good case and when she got me as her client she was always busy for me and said she has alot of big cases for almost 1 years and an half she never talked to me alot and she always had her assistant do all the work. Well i slipped and fell at a grocery stores 1 year and half ago. I fell right around where u pass thru the cashier ile. after i fell i i hit my head really hard and fell on my lower back and tail bone and got hurt. I got up on my own and the manager wrote me accident that said my name the date and he wrote down how they didnt have a wet sign presented at the time of my fall . He said that they have it on video and the next i called they erased it and siad they dont have it anymore. so now my lawyers said take the 1,500 offer or she is not going more with my case i have a bill over 5,000 can i make and offer with

2007-01-23 03:53:51 · 4 answers · asked by boxer4life 1 in Law & Ethics

: Many inmates file a variety of appeals while they are incarcerated. A good number rely on jailhouse lawyers for help. Suggest two reasons why jailhouse lawyers write writs for other inmates.

2007-01-23 03:53:35 · 2 answers · asked by whalelovers2000 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

It was happen recently in Japan. Tired of the graft issues and political corruption some people tend to believe in comedian with no background of politican.

2007-01-23 03:52:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

They won't fight for their own countries, why would they fight for America?

As of Jan. 22, 2007

56 Troops killed this month so far.

3,056 of our Troops have now been killed in Iraq,
22,951 of our Troops have been wounded.
10,218 of those Troops so seriously wounded they can't return to duty and out of those they’re 3,000 double amputees.

Jobs illegal aliens won't do:


Why because they’re ignorant! 70% of all illegal aliens have less than a 6th grade education.

Even the anchor babies are no good to help fight the war, 50% of all immigrant high school student will drop out according to statistics. According to CNN there are currently 70 illegal aliens in the Iraq war. In 2005 the New York Times reported, 29 illegal aliens had died in the war.

These illegal alien patriots stole someone else’s Identification and Social Security numbers to joined the Army. Identity theft is a CRIME!

While America’s men and women are in Iraq and other countries dying and getting wounded and risking there lives for their country.

Illegal aliens are sitting on there couches watching ETHNIC T.V. and guzzling Coronas and Tequila.

Illegal aliens are getting their housing and medical paid for while collecting food stamps and medicare and welfare while they’re working under the table. Thanks to their fertile girl friends they increase their incomes yearly by popping out babies like a human Pez dispenser, to suck up the education money!


--------------------------------(copy and paste)---------------------------------------------------

I as an American voter and citizen, want these conditions to be included in any new immigration reform bill.

1. No Amnesty in any form for illegal aliens. Do not reward illegal behavior!

2. Immediate crack down on employers and increase penalties for hiring illegal aliens.
3. Stringently enforce the existing immigration laws.

4. Build a fence along our southern boarder.

5. Secure our ports and secure and Close our boarders!

Write Congress Now!:

or The White House:

or Senators:

2007-01-23 03:52:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

My charges in 1998 was disposed in may 2005, just wondering whats up.

2007-01-23 03:52:36 · 9 answers · asked by gerhardt_locke 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I can't wait to see what happens under Hillary.

2007-01-23 03:51:12 · 14 answers · asked by junglejoe 2 in Politics

suggest me

2007-01-23 03:50:51 · 9 answers · asked by KHAN BHAI 2 in Immigration

Hire the North Koreans to fill the vacuum in Iraq once the coalition solders leave. Allow N.Korea safe passage by boat to Iraq. It would be cheaper, faster, and will give a taste of the west to the 200K+ NK solders it will need, bringing this back to their country. Outsource the war. This will give the sense of "getting along" to the nut jobs there.

2007-01-23 03:49:31 · 19 answers · asked by Kreep 3 in Military

When is the 30 day mourning period completed?

2007-01-23 03:48:49 · 10 answers · asked by fatigue73 1 in Military

Do you think Osama would send a Muslim to climb the ranks of American politics to eventually become the President of the US. Maybe he would code name the operation: Obama?

2007-01-23 03:48:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The first time it was deceptive wording. This time, though, the auction description and picture wasn't misleading in any way, just false. The item I bid for was a dvd box set. The item pictured was of the box (stock photo). I received some burned dvds instead.

2007-01-23 03:47:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Are my sons rights the same as the other students?
My son goes to pre-school in an elementary school,takes the bus,if he gets into trouble he has to go to the principles office,just like any student in K-12 grade.They say he's to hyper and don't want him to come there,they want me to find somewhere else to take him.I know it's against the law, if he was in kindegarden,but he's only in pre-school.

2007-01-23 03:47:27 · 7 answers · asked by wscrapy 1 in Law & Ethics

The legal immigrants issue has been stated over and over again, however, we who are born within the states are being forced to defend our future benefits... Wow, It scares me to think that we are being challenge with legal birth rights.

State your position, please.

2007-01-23 03:47:02 · 6 answers · asked by annalani64 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I would. In a heartbeat. Please, poli-sci majors... I know this is against the constitution, thank you I have read the annotated version.

I still would support it.

2007-01-23 03:46:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I just recently read some information about him and his views on become President. However, I know it is highly unlikely he will get the Democratic nomination due to the other contendors status.
Any thoughts on Bill Richardson?

2007-01-23 03:45:54 · 6 answers · asked by Seven Costanza 5 in Elections

Not anytime soon. But eventually? I think that since most of our economic problems stem from the monetary issue anyway that eventually there will be another civil war in the US over money. ou economy is headed for another downfall. And when it happens I think that all heck will break loose. Does anyone else feel this way or am I loner? lol.

2007-01-23 03:44:20 · 18 answers · asked by Chemists Have Solutions* 2 in Politics

None of the Cheney family is serving in our military. Dick Cheney could have served during Viet Nam, but got five deferrments instead of going into the military. The Cheneys have nobody brave enough to enlist and die serving our country, yet they are the most vocal about how our young people should be sent to Iraq, and the correctness of the war. This seems elitist and just plain wrong. Is it?

2007-01-23 03:43:38 · 12 answers · asked by cathy e 3 in Other - Politics & Government

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