Clinton and Carter would make a great P and VP
EDIT - Earth to neocon fanboys: The Iranians don't fear Reagan; rather, Reagan and Bush Sr. paid off the Iranians to hold the American hostages until after election 1980. If anything, it's scary to thing how that old man might seel out the interests of America to the highest bidder, given a second crack at it!
2007-01-23 04:01:00
answer #1
answered by Johnny Corndrink 3
confident a former President can run for decrease place of work. It has occurred purely as quickly as in our historical past. John Quincy Adams became reelected to the abode of Representatives after he left place of work and served there till his death.
2016-11-01 02:14:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Ronald Reagan.
Why? I don't really miss the USSR, gas lines, double digit inflation, double digit unemployment or declining absolute economic mobility. Not only did he end these problems but our entire standards on these issues have changed. Consumer price inflation peaked at about 13% back then. We now consider 3% to be high consumer price inflation. We are upset when gasoline prices go over $2.50 which inflation-adjusted is like $1.50 in the late 1970s, when because of price controls that Reagan would later remove, some areas were WITHOUT gasoline. We are frightened by the prospect of either Iran or North Korea getting the capability to fire a single nuclear weapon at our allies in either region, and we should be, but when Reagan took over we had a declared enemy capable of launching tens of thousands of nuclear missiles that could reach US cities. Relative mobility is starting to decline - my chances of making it to the top 1% are probably down, but my chances of living, ten years from now, the lifestyle that the top 1% enjoy today, have improved dramatically. With the internet and television shows about the rich and their lifestyles, we sit there eating a meal we prepared in our cherry kitchens with granite countertops, with organic food from Whole Foods,
watching programs about the super-rich on our wide-screen HDTVs and getting more and more envious that they have even more than we do, and sometimes we forget growing up watching POS black and white tvs and eating hamburger helper prepared in a kitchen with corian countertops and pressed wood cabinets, and we forget whose economic policies are a large part of the reason why that's not our situation today.
2007-01-23 04:07:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
James Madison. As an author of the Constitution, he could restore the constitutional limits of government.
Said the Father of the Constitution, denouncing Federal government charity: "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
"The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."
2007-01-23 04:12:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Ronald Reagan
2007-01-23 04:04:06
answer #5
answered by The Father of All Neocons 4
John Adams. the most under rated president ever and a victim of the first political mudslinging campaign. even though he was right. he had the toughest role to fill.
to the guy who said T Roosevelt. i agree he would be good,but he was liberal in a lot of ways.
2007-01-23 04:04:28
answer #6
answered by J Q Public 6
Harry Truman. He was the last president who actually took responsibility for his decisions. "The Buck Stops Here' was his motto.
2007-01-23 04:56:43
answer #7
answered by JESSIE James 3
President Theodore Roosevelt. He never took any crap off of anyone. Like his motto:
"Walk Softly and Carry A BIG STICK!!!!!"
2007-01-23 04:04:34
answer #8
answered by Vagabond5879 7
He was against political parties, was reluctant to be a leader as he felt it would simply be a new form of monarchy, and had ACTUAL MILITARY EXPERIENCE.
and a sweet powdered wig.
2007-01-23 04:01:39
answer #9
answered by joecool123_us 5
Lincoln he was a good President, Regan, one of my favorite Presidents,
2007-01-23 04:01:39
answer #10
answered by valgal115 6