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Politics & Government - 22 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I saw the shots of him with Blair at the last G8 summit with a mouth full of food flapping his jaws and cursing like my cousin in-law. A garbageman.


2007-01-22 16:30:36 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

"For those that think the 'terrorists' should just accept American imperialism, think about this: It is at the core of human nature to get fed up with a bully, to get fed up with someone always telling you what to do"
The gist of BeachBums dialog is that the west has been mean to the middle east and that it's inherent in there human nature to fight back. is this really the mentality of liberals today. That Us and the West are a bunch of bully's and we should keep our noses out of their affairs. how can one champion Globalization and progress and talk down sticking our noses in foreign affairs.

2007-01-22 16:29:52 · 11 answers · asked by GloryDays49ers 3 in Other - Politics & Government

He has to hold off on the next step, and my have to hold off on graduation. Well my question is how can i find out (besides waiting for a letter) as to how he is doing? If he has been hospitalized? Where can I find out more information (if important)?

2007-01-22 16:28:07 · 15 answers · asked by MV 2 in Military

Is there a party that will restore sovereignty to the people and not the government?

2007-01-22 16:27:57 · 13 answers · asked by Brandon 3 in Politics

Is it profitable work in Northern Colorado?

2007-01-22 16:26:13 · 2 answers · asked by Arwen73 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

For law and society class, I have to come up with reasons as to why I agree with the publishing or why I don't. And, who is repsonible for the violence that erupted in Syria; Beirut; Nigeria; Pakistan and Afghanistan. And, if the other Euorpen newspapers should of had the right to include the cartoons in there articles.


2007-01-22 16:25:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

State of Arizona/Defendant is unarmed and surrenders and shooting continues after a fatal wound, resulting in further fatal shots.

2007-01-22 16:25:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-01-22 16:23:31 · 3 answers · asked by travelin man 1 in Military

2007-01-22 16:23:18 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I have taken reasonable precautions, but high school kids would rather take the dangerous way than the long way. How can I limit my exposure to legal action?

2007-01-22 16:21:07 · 12 answers · asked by Dan V 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-22 16:20:53 · 15 answers · asked by user name 5 in Politics

This man claims that he could take out our whole army, saying what not send 50 or 100,000 men. That and that his "dogs are pining for the dead bodies of the American soldiers". WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!? This man what’s to keep fighting and with the way things are going I am getting really scared - not so much for us but for our soldiers that are there as well as the ones that have to go. I don't understand why this man wants to fight so badly. Does anyone understand his point of view? Please I want to understand what’s going on. Why does peace fell so much more distance now? Please comments concerns anything someone enlighten me.

2007-01-22 16:20:04 · 5 answers · asked by infiniteson 3 in Military

The goverment tells us if we destroy the poppy fields it will create a new group of terrorists, but without money, how dangerous could they be?
I bet telling the "Talibon" we were going to spray their crop if all sucicide bombings didn't stop within one week would do more than sending in a mere 20,000 soliders? What do you think?

2007-01-22 16:18:51 · 8 answers · asked by notmine4268 2 in Military

I already have an all night party planned out to celebrate Dubya's farewell. The party will be better with impersonators of him lol

2007-01-22 16:18:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I am about to join OCS, and was wondering what branches are considered the top notch branch?
here are the choices
* IN Infantry
* AR Armor
* FA Field Artillery
* AD Air Defense Artillery
* AV Aviation
* EN Corps of Engineers
* SC Signal Corps
* MP Military Police
* MI Military Intelligence
* AG Adjutant General's Corps
* FI Finance Corps
* MS Medical Service Corps
* CM Chemical Corps
* TC Transportation Corps
* OD Ordnance Corps
* QM Quartermaster Corps

2007-01-22 16:16:41 · 8 answers · asked by Dallas Cowboy 1 in Military

Should our government of the United States or any of its officials or representatives act, communicate, perform or provide services or materials in any language other than English?


2007-01-22 16:15:24 · 9 answers · asked by 9/12er 3 in Law & Ethics

Don't you guys think so too? We must be safe so letting our government who is looking out for us take away some of our liberties especially the ones we don't really need to make us safe is a good idea don't you think so too?

2007-01-22 16:13:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This individual has little or NO experience in politics, he was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia, educated in Muslim schools, has admittedly used Cocaine, he is touted as the Far Left Wing ACLU Adoring Hyper-Liberal Democrats 'Rock-Star', whatever that is supposed to mean? He's the best Liberal Left's hope for 2008?

Like Hillary, both have no answers on any specific questions i.e., on Iran or Iraq, and his only claim to fame is, the cover of People magazine.

The Far Left Wing Smear Web sites tout him as the saviour of America ...!!!

George Soros infamous closet Communist, is throwing his billions behind this individual and like "Air America" the far Left Wing radio disaster hosted by shameless leftists like Al Franken and Michael Moore are backing him as well ... what a gift for all 2008 Republican hopefuls!

Yep, that's the Liberal Democrats darling...Obama 'Hussein' Baraca... ugh...only in America.

What say you?

2007-01-22 16:11:46 · 14 answers · asked by baltic072 3 in Elections

If heard that ICE is planning mass deportations of illegals. Is it better we remove the immigrants, diseased and un checked for criminal records before they can attack the innocent Americans.
See www.americanpatrol.com for supporting documents.

2007-01-22 16:11:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration


2007-01-22 16:10:23 · 4 answers · asked by SoldierSide 1 in Law & Ethics

It seems the USN nuclear arsenal is limited to its Ohio class subs

2007-01-22 16:09:27 · 9 answers · asked by Mardy 4 in Military

I have the opportunity to emigrate to a country other than the one I was born in.
I'm not sure that it's what I want right now, but am worried that if I don't do it now, I might miss my chance.
So, my question is this... with all the coming and going of immigration policies (and health, terrorism & over-population threats), are international borders likely to close over time, or open up over time...?

2007-01-22 16:09:08 · 8 answers · asked by me 2 in Immigration

I have a friend who assaulted a person....his trial is in Feb 2007...there are witness and he claims it was a set-up for him to fall into....it is his first charge....will he go to jail or have probation??? What are the fines usually??? Serious charges ...Yes.... Probation and anger management course ...I hope not....needs more treatment than that ....How does a judge see all this ???

2007-01-22 16:08:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

an itemized 50% of all expenses related to the child? I see questions all the time regarding people receiving child support "accounting" for the money, but how about the payor stepping up and paying an itemized statement.....50% of all housing, food, clothing, education, extracurricular, haircuts, health care, insurance, trips to the movies, trips out with friends, birthday party presents....50% straight down the middle? Would that seem "more fair" to you?

2007-01-22 16:03:42 · 7 answers · asked by Susie D 6 in Law & Ethics

I have read what criteria constitutes an employee versus a contractor. I am 90 percent sure I fall under the catagory of an employee. I worked as a residential trim carpenter "quit last monght", not sure if that makes a difference or not. My "boss" is sending me a 1099. Under the 1099, I am pretty sure I end up paying more taxes right off the top. Is there anything I can do to disputre this 1099? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You... Dan

2007-01-22 16:02:42 · 5 answers · asked by bukemdano18 1 in Law & Ethics

I have been searching the web, and can't seem to find a list of the actual bonuses by mos that is current. Can anyone help me out?

2007-01-22 16:02:11 · 2 answers · asked by John B 4 in Military

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