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Politics & Government - 22 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-01-22 18:09:19 · 35 answers · asked by nadim baig 1 in Civic Participation

2007-01-22 18:06:26 · 11 answers · asked by ION-CONSTITUTION 2 in Government

Ignoring the status quo, do you believe if motor vehicles were around when the founding fathers wrote the Constitution that Americans would need a license to drive a motor vehicle?

Did Americans need a license to drive a horse and buggy in 1787? Was the government allowed to search that buggy because a traffic violation gave them probable cause?

Should the 4th amendment be interpreted to include your car when it says, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."?

2007-01-22 18:05:21 · 16 answers · asked by Marcus 3 in Law & Ethics

Example, say I applied my VISA with a picture, featuring me with a full crown. Once I reach the US, I crop off ALL my hair, or at least get a buzz cut, resulting me looking different from my VISA pic. Will I have trouble getting out of the country then?

2007-01-22 18:04:06 · 4 answers · asked by spegason 1 in Immigration

2007-01-22 18:03:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This is something I didn't think of when deciding to get it translated. I really don't want any names to appear on the book but my own for legal reasons I geuss. PROS & CONS

2007-01-22 17:58:52 · 4 answers · asked by Jayu 3 in Law & Ethics

My ex (unmarried) and I recently split up and the very next day, he moved in with a new girlfriend (& her Mom). He now has his own place, and I am currently working on partial custody with him, but I am a bit bitter towards this new girlfriend he has, as she is 10 years younger than he is, and I consider her a "homewrecker". She has called me every name in the book and has put down my parenting (based on what my ex has told her) without even knowing how I live and raise my son. If I want my son's father to have partial custody--can I add a speculation that she NOT be around during that time period my son is staying? I'm worried about being bad-mouthed in front of my son, and frankly, don't think the relationship is that serious yet. They've only been together 2 months. I have a feeling my answer will be..."get an attorney" but I was wondering if anybody else has gone through this and has any suggestions. My son's father and I are civil to each other until we bring her into a convo.

2007-01-22 17:58:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Why is abortion legal yet it is illegal for me to drive without my seatbelt on? Should it not be up to me as an individual to chose to wear my seatbelt or not?

2007-01-22 17:57:33 · 14 answers · asked by wondermom 6 in Law & Ethics

I get drug tested at work so I can do my job and pay my taxes etc... Some of what I make goes to pay welfare. Hence I cannot take their (the companies) money without a clean drug free bill of health. I have worked in a county jail for years and see many welfare folks coming in there on drug related charges. What about drug testing welfare recipients on a random basis. What would the consequences be if they came up positive for drugs? I am all for supporting the kids god bless them, but could we curtail some of the adult drug and alchohol abuse with some sort of accountability on their part before they are qualified to recieve our support?

2007-01-22 17:55:48 · 20 answers · asked by guitarringer 1 in Law & Ethics

Wouldn't it be more fair to have criminal fines be a percentage of the violaters income or find some other way to punish people (community service, probation, jail time, etc.) that is more equitable? Most fines are a standardized amount set by statute. Obviously, if you break the law enough times you become a habitual violater and you will serve jail time, which is the same for rich and poor, but the first few offenses for the wealthy are essentially free while the poor begin "punishment" their first offense. Aren't people to be afforded equal protection under the law regardless of class, economic or otherwise? Aren't fines just a way for the government to supplement their budget?

2007-01-22 17:54:51 · 5 answers · asked by Fishy5499 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Convince me of what you already believe...

2007-01-22 17:49:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

There is still so many questions that have not been answered by the government regarding 9/11. It is in my opinion from viewing these 4 videos from this web site: http://diggmirror.blogspot.com/
is of utmost importance before deciding who we want in office next time.

When this was presented last night, I hesitated to watch because they were on a 'blog' and my first impression was it was all garbage that was formulated to discourage people from voting cons.. However, after viewing each of the videos and seeing and listening, I now believe that the people who have taken the time to investigate, especially the scientists, I have no doubt in my mind this was an inside job.

I cannot stress enough how serious I am. I never wanted to believe, even with suspicions, that the gov. could ever concoct anything like this.

View the videos when you have time. They are long, but you're going to get one H...of an education. Even at my age, I'll now focus on getting to the truth.

2007-01-22 17:49:02 · 9 answers · asked by chole_24 5 in Government

Im not American and am curious if Hillary has a good chance of being the democrat candidate and actually winning the presidency

2007-01-22 17:44:35 · 15 answers · asked by amelie 1 in Elections

In a troubling development that may signify a new vulnerability for U.S. troops, the Black Hawk helicopter that crashed northeast of Baghdad Saturday appears to have been brought down by a shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile, a senior military official tells ABC News.

Russian-made surface-to-air missiles are plentiful in Iraq but have only rarely succeeded in taking down American aircraft. U.S. helicopters are equipped with countermeasures designed to protect them from such missiles. But in this case it didn't work.

2007-01-22 17:43:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Once again law makers are making new laws that infringe on the LEGAL citizens rights. I agree that the states need individual laws and federal laws but lets keep it within reason. One ridiculous law that requires ADULTS to wear seatbelts is ludacrous and should be up to the adult individual not the government. I also find that a new law being proposed in California stating that if a parent spanks a child under 3 will be arrested, a new law in Michigan that says if you cheat on wife/husband, you go to jail, and here my friends is the kicker, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona is proposing a ban on minutemen or individuals from using weapons to stop criminal activity even on their own land. Well, the government has stepped up it's gradual dominance of the population by the infringement of the rights of the people.The government is starting to impose gun restrictions. People wake up before it is too late!! I ask you will you stay silent or will you start standing up for your rights????????

2007-01-22 17:39:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i am a US Citizen and he is a European citizen

2007-01-22 17:34:49 · 13 answers · asked by crazy in love 1 in Immigration

I've heard that if you buy property, (one owner), in Florida as an out of state resident, then get divorced, the property isn't considered mutual property... the divorcee can't touch it. Is that true? My father is getting divorced in MD and is wanting to know if the Florida house can be taken by the court for his soon to be ex-wife.

2007-01-22 17:34:05 · 2 answers · asked by spyke_82 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-22 17:33:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Looking for free info...specifically Illinois

2007-01-22 17:33:19 · 8 answers · asked by spc101 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I saw this on the news last night and curious to know what other opinions are on this topic. Thanks!

2007-01-22 17:28:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Who is going to support illegal aliens or third class persons who can't take care of themselves, let alone their family?

I've seen quotes from members of La Raza saying that they'll be glad when we're gone, and that America and Americans are dying..

We made this country to be what it is today - when we're all gone, who's going to take care of it? Who's going to prevent it from turning into a third world garbage disposal?

2007-01-22 17:26:53 · 14 answers · asked by ♥ Scorpio X 3 in Immigration

How will this new law affect part time workers.

2007-01-22 17:25:51 · 2 answers · asked by BARBARA B 1 in Law & Ethics

A friend of mine reminded me of the war that Clinton had started in Iraq, while he was in office. So, does that mean that the war in Iraq really has nothing to do with Bush? Didn't Clinton realize that this war effort wasn't going to work? Why are we even meddling in other nations affairs? What do you think?

2007-01-22 17:24:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Also...do you think the Bush family is illuminati?

2007-01-22 17:21:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

it must be obvious by now that whats going on is ethnic cleansing
and the only way the killing will stop is by helping all non Shia to get out
it was allowed to happen by US andthe UKand it should be up to them to sort out

2007-01-22 17:20:43 · 19 answers · asked by keny 6 in Military

I would be more interested in a Women President because that would also mean the First Man Bill Clinton

2007-01-22 17:19:53 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

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