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Politics & Government - 16 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I was pulled over earlier today for having my passenger side window tinted, the tint is actually rather old and it's starting to peel at the very top however you can still see very clearly through it.

2007-01-16 09:48:35 · 5 answers · asked by Cheshire Smile 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

why this praise for rice? she repeats everything bush says like a parrot,she toes the line in everything but strangly people say oh she is so brilliant so sharp. i dont understund this peculiar attitude.
everybody around bush is a fool,rumsfeld,cheney, etc but this rice is a genius? its not possible.

2007-01-16 09:47:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Iraq is well known for having natural Budweiser fields supplying 90% of the worlds Budweiser. If Iraq were just some desert state that was full of Miller instead then we would never have forced a regime change.

2007-01-16 09:46:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.) said he once used marijuana and cocaine.

Obama wrote about his past drug use in his memoir, "Dreams of My Father," published after he finished law school.

Now, he's thinking of running for President in 2008.

Obama will now be filing papers to create an exploratory committee to investigate a possible presidential bid. He wants to become President, to become one of the most powerful men in the United States and, perhaps, the world.

Look at the "Help Wanted" section of any major newspaper in the United States and you'll see that a majority of potential employers state that a drug test and/or backround check will be required prior to being considered for employment.

In other words, if you've been using illegal drugs and/or have a criminal past that shows you once did and/or you admit, during the interview, that you once used illegal drugs, they do not want you and they will not hire you (unless the manager happens to be a family friend/member).

2007-01-16 09:43:58 · 21 answers · asked by Big D 2 in Law & Ethics

We setup our Military bases in Germany, Guarded the Borders........I have said all along that my plan would have been to concentrate on the borders of Iraq....get a better Idea of what is coming in, and going out of the country.....even though there may be gaps, but its something that should have been done from the start. You cannot fight a war in the heart of the city while Terrorist are coming in the backdoor with devices

2007-01-16 09:43:17 · 14 answers · asked by AD 3 in Politics

what America would be without immigrants?

2007-01-16 09:42:56 · 22 answers · asked by kuzya 1 in Immigration

2007-01-16 09:42:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i broke up with my ex of 5yrs because he cheated on me. It's been 8 months, but he's still calling me. I'm in IL, and he's in NJ. can i get a court order? I've telling my ex and his family to stop calling me.

2007-01-16 09:41:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Ive dont everything else so i just want to know what is going to happen

2007-01-16 09:41:38 · 9 answers · asked by charod06 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

out of stupidity perhaps but really do we have the capacity? we are stuck in iraq and afghanistan we cannot manage iran this should be common sense.we can go in and take over but the economic cost will be so high it will come collapsing on us.then we will be forced to pull out and the regime we leave shall be 100 times more vicious than the one we found.why not explore diplomacy?

2007-01-16 09:40:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i am a serving soldier with two young children and dont want to get out but i cant see no other alternative as my children come first what should i do?

2007-01-16 09:40:34 · 14 answers · asked by huny3021@btinternet.com 1 in Military

There is this car outside my apartment...and like every 20 minutes the alarm is going off! It's so loud because I'm on the second floor and my window is facing that way....and this has been going on since noon! Can I call the police and complain?

2007-01-16 09:40:25 · 12 answers · asked by xoxo_sexy_biatch_xoxo 5 in Other - Politics & Government

how do you feel,maybe you donot tell your feelings outloud but what do you think by heart

2007-01-16 09:40:18 · 10 answers · asked by zubeyde 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

The only logic to the war is access to 15% of world oil reserves. How will access be jeopardized by events to come?

2007-01-16 09:40:08 · 4 answers · asked by ReefT2 1 in Military

It has been widely reported that Newt Gingrich is considering a run for President in 2008. Do you think he would run? How would he effect race? Would he have a chance to win?

2007-01-16 09:38:56 · 1 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Elections

Why do people always compare soldiers with prisoners when giving out about the poor conditions in the army ?

My brother in the army does this all the time because I've been in jail but jail/prison is a permanent place where this is not the case with the army. People chose to join the army knowing what to expect but people in jail aren't there by choice.

2007-01-16 09:38:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-01-16 09:38:35 · 6 answers · asked by Tiffa 2 in Military

IS FEMA in Denver ? Are the Citizens of Denver Rioting ? Are the citizens of Denver rioting over their $2,000. debit cards ? Is the Mayor of Denver and the Governer of Colorado pointing blame anyone ? Should they move the residents of Denver to another city and spread its citiznes through out the country ?

So why did the "good" residents of New Orleans bascially go nuts and blame everyone else, while the residents of Denver are just dealing with it

2007-01-16 09:34:42 · 32 answers · asked by Baghdad Pete ! 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Is there anybody out there who no longer feels that England is as good as it was? Customer service is rubbish, yobs are ruining everybodies lives and prices are soaring.
Does anyone else agree that this country has gone downhill?

2007-01-16 09:31:23 · 22 answers · asked by MrsMatsuyama 3 in Government

2007-01-16 09:30:46 · 11 answers · asked by Kenneth G 1 in Military

We have known for years that the Ilamist/fascist have "cells" of people infiltrated into our country. Imagine what great harm they could do to "The Great Satan" by implanting one of their own in a position to become Numero Uno and Commander In Chief of "The Great Satan's Military"

He has a terrorist name......Barack Hussein Osama!!! He was born a terrorist. He looks like a terrorist. And he hides his REAL NAME.

Dems/libs can you all at least admit he is hiding his name? What else is he hiding?

2007-01-16 09:30:23 · 25 answers · asked by Ted 2 in Politics

I had high hopes for him. Now I think there's nobody he won't get on his knees for, for votes.

2007-01-16 09:30:23 · 17 answers · asked by God 6 in Politics

Should we just pull our troops out and bring them home? Force the non military trained Iraqis to take care of the terrorists in their country? Do you actually think if we pull out of Iraq it'll be rainbows with sunshine? Especially when they have the right to vote. If you have the right to vote, the terrorists try and kill you... That should be obvious...

It's just like Saddam getting 99% of the votes during election time. Those terrorists are going to kill until they get 99% of the votes for whomever they choose.

2007-01-16 09:30:13 · 13 answers · asked by NONAME 2 in Politics

In prison (UK) I had to wear a uniform but it was jeans with a T Shirt type thing. Why do they use jumpsuits for jail uniforms in America?

2007-01-16 09:30:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

It started to snow abunch and my friends and I were haveing a ball.

I decided to have them jump into the back of my truck and drive around. Well after stopping by the skate park and a store. I came up to a stop next to a school and got pulled over.

There were 3 in the back of the bed and I was driveing with no one else in the cab. After the cop did the cop thing where he sits in his car for a while while looking at all our licences. He came back with a ticket for $427. He said that the caless

This is what i understand about oregon law:
811.135 Careless driving; penalty. (1) A person commits the offense of careless driving if the person drives any vehicle upon a highway or other premises described in this section in a manner that endangers or would be likely to endanger any person or property.

Not too sure about what to do, should I plea not guility and and do the whole court oredeal.
Or no contest and tell them my story.
This is my first ticket and i have no idea what to do.

2007-01-16 09:29:14 · 13 answers · asked by Super Fly 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-16 09:28:26 · 16 answers · asked by kitkat 1 in Immigration

on the news 2 young boys were kidnapped and one was held for 4 years before finally found . the kidnapper was arrested? what could be the reason whu the boys didnt run when he had a chance?

2007-01-16 09:27:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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