I live in Las Vegas. About two years ago I plead guilty to one count of domestic violence after an altercation with my brother and only my brother. The situation arrose after I told him to leave because of drugs and alcohol abuse. Him fighting with his wife and general slobenness. Since the altercation he has been arrested twice on two felony counts of domestic violence, dui, and stealing a vehicle. He is into meth and drinks heavily still. I on the other hand have abided by the courts sentence and followed through with classes, community service, and my fines are up to date. I loath alcohol and drugs and haven't had a past of violence. It isn't the actual sentence that is hurting me but the stigma of having a domestic violence on my record. There were multiple jobs that I was interested in (teacher, CPS worker, police officer, and school bus driver) but because of the DV I cannot get into. What is the possiblilites of a judge reducing the crime after this is all over?
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Law & Ethics