We can't annex Mexico into the union, most Mexicans don't want to be Americans, true, they just want the benefits that Americans have, a military take over in the near future due to the civil war in Mexico, or possible civil war in America over immigration, one way or another Mexico-US-Canada will become one nation by 2020.
Someone did those jobs before they came, most of those jobs existed before the 1970s' when this problem began, those jobs were done mainly by poor blacks and whites, state-welfare era politics ensured that the poor no longer had to work, many illegal’s came to do the jobs that Americans did do, now those jobs have been networked away from teenagers and the poor, who would do those jobs today if they could.
According to recent trends the real number is approx. 18.5 million. I don’t approve of amnesty for all of them, amnesty for those who have been here longer then 20 years (1986) should be given citizenship, but there should be a cap at 5 million people only.
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