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Politics & Government - 17 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

.What roles does Civil Society play in the global governance?
Why is Europe known for its advocacy of green politics and
propagation of Ecologism?
Why foreign relations matter as in the case of Singaporean State-
Why is it hard to come-up with an internationally and widely
accepted meaning of terrorism?
How will you define and elucidate the correlation between
globalization of financial system and the Hedge funds?
On the Singaporian model, which is preferable, democracy with
impoverished or poor performing economy OR developed economy with
LESS democracy? Why?
How is Shiism different from the Sunnis?
How does the business of outsourcing work?
Why are Special Economic Zones eyed or tapped as Cash Cows of the
How relevant are Citizens and Public Diplomacy to the conduct of
relations among nations?
Cite why Hitler disliked the Jews and despised parliamentary
What do you think are the problems, challenges and prospects of the

2006-12-17 03:14:10 · 4 answers · asked by Mark G 1 in Civic Participation

I saw Braveheart and I love how Wallace rebelled against the bully English. It's funny how guys in rags could defeat the most advanced army in the world. He was just like many people, who don't like bullies. He died a hero, and did not submit, like the English did before they died.The English are scum, even today.

2006-12-17 03:12:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-12-17 03:10:34 · 6 answers · asked by cozmik_terra 2 in Law & Ethics

I mean I am not a waterboy for the man but he swore to defend the constitution of the U.S. And as far as his reasons for getting into war - only his cabinet members have the information on the reasons why we are involved. Not what you are being fed by people who want to put a slant on your knowlege. Yes the media, they are controlling what you get for info - the defense department gets their info from hard tactical facts.

Try being the President of the U.S. thesedays with all of the Liberal/Conservative bickering going on in one place and the terrorists planning to take down the U.S. in another place and all of the while you are trying to be as P/C as possible as not to offend anyone.

It seems to me that beeing President these days is like being a human microprocessor in a computer that made in hundreds of different countries.

2006-12-17 03:09:29 · 24 answers · asked by caciansf 4 in Politics

We come to answers to play, or ask questions on our lives. The most pressing issue before me is my missouri driving privledges. I get lots of hate over this question, so I'd like to know how all you perfect people do it.
I was born in illinios, but have been a missouri resident for more than 10 years. During my divorce I briefly moved back to il. I switched my DL back to il while I was there. Within 4 months of moving back to mo I got a dui in mo before I changed my il licence back to mo. Both states of course, suspended my driving privledges. After 2500$ in fines and fees to missouri and two years in the process, jumping through one hoop after another, I was reinstated in mo on oct 30, only to find illinios now had a hold on my DL. Illinios demands a 500$ reinstatement fee, 3times the amount I paid in mo, and they want me to submit papers, and counseling reviews that took me two years in mo to complete. I already sent il all the paperwork, reviews, statements, decarations,

2006-12-17 03:07:39 · 9 answers · asked by NIGHTSHADE 4 in Law & Ethics

I believe, that there is still illegal to turn away a person who is seeking medical care at an emergency room. If this is still the case, how much is the expense going to be for the the treatment of those illegal alians who are living here now? It just seems to me , that there is something wrong with this picture. Here we have retired citizens who, after having worked the majority of their lifes finally are faced with the fact that they can not afford a medication because it's too expensive either does without it or has to have the Doctor rewrite a prescription for a lessor amount of medicine so that they can pay for it. Maybe part of the problem is that the Politicians who run this country, live in a world where they are assured a Full retirement amount for serving just one term in office plus Free Medical Care. What can we do?

2006-12-17 03:04:02 · 3 answers · asked by bruce2014@sbcglobal.net 1 in Law & Ethics

"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered....." He often gets the credit for that, but where did he borrow it from? (author & work?) (No it's not homework, I have the book in front of me).

2006-12-17 03:02:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Source...search in yahoo or google lazy Repubs

2006-12-17 02:59:07 · 11 answers · asked by tomfrank t 1 in Other - Politics & Government

We need to save the world for the next generatios.We don't have a reserved planet with everything like on this planet!We need to help each other so we can live longer and safer!

2006-12-17 02:57:44 · 4 answers · asked by jas j 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-12-17 02:56:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I'm doing a 3 page report on him to replace a few zero's ive gotten in history. I need lotsa meat for the report even though its double spaced.

2006-12-17 02:51:58 · 13 answers · asked by cocolemonjello 1 in Government

did you ever think you would hear Newt giving in to the Clinton political machine?

2006-12-17 02:50:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I swear every one that I see drives up in a huge $50,000 suv, Have the niceset cell phone (which they are always on so must have a million minutes,) Name brand clothing, nails done the whole shabang. The worst part, they dont want to pay ANYTHING for their childs care, they only want what medicaid will pay for. Who cares if my child will have a better life if i pay the 50.00, is their mentality. I want to tell them "if you can buy all those nice things, get off government assistance, and pay for yourself." At least get what you child needs. Your shirt on your back could have paid for 2 of them....These are the types that are to lazy to call us and their 6 year old makes their own appointment.

2006-12-17 02:48:20 · 10 answers · asked by Princess 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-17 02:46:08 · 18 answers · asked by ? 3 in Politics

My fiancee and I were harassed and bullied by an officer last night because her son was driving without a license. If I filed a complaint with Internal Affairs, would there be a resolution that involves his no longer being able to hide behind his gun and badge to abuse the normal law-abiding, tax-paying people he's supposed to be protecting? Or is it unreasonable to not expect them to protect their own?

2006-12-17 02:45:26 · 6 answers · asked by Jim C 4 in Law Enforcement & Police


2006-12-17 02:44:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-12-17 02:43:36 · 4 answers · asked by Howard H 1 in Politics

Christain rights, the right to own guns, freedom of speech, etc so on..Any right that doesn't apply to them they want to strip us of..Why?

2006-12-17 02:43:02 · 14 answers · asked by BAARAAACK 5 in Politics

Isn't it time we said to the spoiled little rich boy brat retard...George, playtime is over...it's time for you to go back to reading about little Pet Goats.

2006-12-17 02:40:18 · 5 answers · asked by KellyRileson R 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-12-17 02:37:28 · 6 answers · asked by mrscbaumgardner 2 in Military

2006-12-17 02:36:11 · 10 answers · asked by Howard H 1 in Elections

Is it statuory rape if both people are under the age of consent?? Can the girl's parents sue the guy and his family??

2006-12-17 02:34:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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