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Politics & Government - 7 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

my cousins pilot friend said mpossible for a human to fiy a plane of that size, at that speed at that angle into the WTC, that it is impossible for a human to guide that plane into those buildings...his conclusion was that those planes were guided by computer to those buildings....I am not a pilot or a physics major (I personally believe the hijackers themselves flew the planes)....but is there any pilot or physics man that can clarify what this guy meant?

2006-12-07 20:33:35 · 10 answers · asked by Darkness 5 in Politics

2006-12-07 20:20:34 · 13 answers · asked by tyrone b 6 in Military

can anyone please tell me how to view the police video tape they have in their cars when they do their traffic stops?

2006-12-07 20:18:27 · 5 answers · asked by predacious 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-12-07 20:17:59 · 5 answers · asked by Omer 1 in Politics


i think that the death penalty should be brought back in the uk for very serious crimes only e.g serial rapists and murders and for child sex crimes. - why should the criminals have the protection of the human rights act when they thought nothing about their victims human rights!!

i think that the prisons in the uk should be less like hotels and focus more on punishment. if it were up to me i would strip every single prison cell of gyms, playstations etc. the moment they actually break the law is the moment their human rights end.

2006-12-07 20:16:34 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I work at a mall & on Tuesday I took my break at 5pm, I walked to my car there were people standing around my car & the car next to mine..there was a police officer there & he asked me how long the damage had been on the front right passenger side of my car I replied that it had been there for months.The damage to my car had occurred in June of this year. The car I hit had no damage & mine just had a scratch & a crack in the spot I mentioned above so we never contacted authorities, after I told the officer he said that the car parked next to me at work on this particular day had been hit, he asked if I had done it, I said no! Nothing else was said that day. Then, Today, I was at work & an officer came in & said he had video of my car hitting the car. I asked to see the tape & he didnt have it! He said he'd give me the weekend to tell the truth or charges will be made, I said I dont need the weekend to think, I didnt do it! He told me I'm lying! What do I do? I DID NOT HIT THIS CAR!

2006-12-07 20:12:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-12-07 20:12:50 · 10 answers · asked by tyrone b 6 in Military

I dont need, actually, emancipation information. What I need is emancipation alternatives. I know that in Cali all you needed to have was an informal agreement between parents and child. Or there were other alternatives but they all were almost as easy as that. With an informal agreement you could move in with a family friend or relative. Is it that simple here? (in Florida)

Please give me sources. I dont need hear-say, I need legalities.

2006-12-07 20:12:23 · 0 answers · asked by zerohour 2 in Law & Ethics

When I lived in Asia back in the 70's and 80's, I had a lot of time spent with Japanese friends. WWII being one of my favorite subjects, I tried to converse with people my own age about it. They seemed to know almost nothing at all. Their schoolbooks seemed to only have a half page that mentioned Pearl Harbor and the Japanese victory then fast forwarded to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Japanese "retirement" from the war. No mention of the atrocities, the alliance with Hitler the madman or the fact that they had really been fighting the war since 1894, stirring up trouble in China. When they defeated the Russians in 1905, attacking before they declaired war (Hmmm), they annexed Korea shortly thereafter. They just kept gnawing away at China & building up island bastions until we began to notice in 33. They drummed up reasons for an out-and-out war by 37 and were absolutely merciless about it until we finally stopped them cold in 1945. Yet a modern Japanese seems to know nothing. Why?

2006-12-07 20:05:18 · 10 answers · asked by Don S 2 in Military

I am a white man with a tattoo on my shoulder blade of the El Salvadorian flag. So when I start my bit in a few months, I was wondering.... who's gonna shank me first? Will it be the Mexicans, because they'll think I'm stomping their flag? Or the polar bears because they'll think I'm a trader? Or maybe the blacks because I won't have protection from the whites or the mexicans?

Never done more a night in the drunk tank until now.

2006-12-07 19:58:13 · 11 answers · asked by Red Winged Bandit 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-12-07 19:56:24 · 7 answers · asked by NATHAN A 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

please answer. thank you!

2006-12-07 19:53:44 · 5 answers · asked by castroville 1 in Politics

Please note.. to those who are PC... I am against
A) any form of prejudice
B) Removal of the right to individual thought and freedom of speech
So... My Question

Is Political Correctness and those involved in ensuring that we all become PC, a subliminal invasion of our democracy as suggested by Karl Marx, therefore removing freedom of thought, speech and ultimately democracy, and no longer a method of protecting those groups of people in society who cannot or do not have the ability or facility to defend their positions?

2006-12-07 19:44:58 · 13 answers · asked by Boring Old Fart 3 in Other - Politics & Government

By official statistics, in the 1948 war (for independence) 6500 were killed. There were a number of later wars and I would like to know the official amount of army victims in them,. on the Israeli side.

2006-12-07 19:44:40 · 6 answers · asked by sue 1 in Military

how can I have the canadian immigrant application form?
how is the arrangement of cross country from UAE to Canada?
what are the documents needed for the immigrant application?

2006-12-07 19:36:28 · 2 answers · asked by ghian 1 in Immigration

Yep. heard the bad news on the tv the other day...How someone left poor domesticated bunnys on the side of the road,and without the swift aid of John P. Dogooder they would have perished,unable to fend for themselves...
The thing that really got me was they discussed how if the offender was caught he would have been .....fined / imprisioned /beaten with a rubber hose ...Whatever ...should this person be fined??? should the rabbits have to repay their former owner room and board.???? Just curious???

2006-12-07 19:33:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-12-07 19:33:17 · 31 answers · asked by Red5 5 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-12-07 19:30:09 · 3 answers · asked by jaza bala 1 in Embassies & Consulates

is it true that although u'r an illegal immigrant in america, and you've stayed there for five years without being caught, and then u'r entitled a green card?

2006-12-07 19:26:34 · 7 answers · asked by get_xed 1 in Immigration

A friend of mine says that your employer is not allowed to look at e-mails and stuff that belongs to you, they are aloud to scan through it;meaning; just browes to see if there is any info being leeked conserning the company, but not actually reply and read all of them. my question is is my friend rite and what is the law conserning this?

2006-12-07 19:26:33 · 4 answers · asked by shamanam 2 in Law & Ethics

Evidence law question. What is the difference bewteen statement against interest under 804, and adoptive admission under 801?

2006-12-07 19:24:15 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

want to break there window but i dont need a lawsuit
so what should i do?

2006-12-07 19:21:59 · 15 answers · asked by GonZo 2 in Law & Ethics

I am confused as to the Air Force potential. I want to be an engineer and apparently in the Air Force you need to be an officer. In the navy you just become an engineer according to your ASVAB. Is this true that you can't be an Engineer in the Air Force without a 4-year?

2006-12-07 19:20:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Seems like Cannabis is less hazardous to your health.

2006-12-07 19:16:10 · 17 answers · asked by Supercali 1 in Law & Ethics

what would happen to a policeofficer if they admited they have a drug problem to someone over them> would they be given the same chance to get treatment like some jobs allow or be fired?

2006-12-07 19:15:12 · 14 answers · asked by kisss_therain 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

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