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Politics & Government - 25 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-11-25 18:21:01 · 8 answers · asked by sarah 1 in Government

13. police officers must convince a judge that they have a good reason before a search warrant is issued.

14. a person on trial for a crime must answer questions in court.

15. when there is no question of a person's guilt that person may be sentenced to prison without a trial.

16. a search warrant must give the address of the place to be searched.

17. during war time citizens can be forced to take soldiers into their homes.

18. if a right is not listed in the constitution then no one has that right.

19. a jury for a trial in Iowa could be chosen from people who live in Ohio.

20. a judge can order a person to attend church.

21. a person accused of a crime must be told with what he or she is being charged.

22. a person accused of a crime can force witnesses to testify in court.

23. the bill of rights were part of the original constitution.

24. the bill of rights guarantees rights and freedoms that the people did not have before the revolutionary war.

2006-11-25 18:16:31 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

To make a long story short. I was convicted of a property crime (theft) from an incident in 2004 and was released on parole in 2006. An old business partner filed a complaint with the police department alleging I stole money from her. The thing is I was a joint owner in the business and we litigated this previously in civil court and I won. I believe the only reason this happened now is that she is trying to get me in trouble to get me sent back to prison. I admit what I did wrong and am trying to just work and take care of my wife and 6 year old daughter. Even though I know this is all bogus should I be scared? I am just looking for some sort of precedence in this matter or advice. (after reviewing state law the statue of limitation is even expired on the charge). Any helps or comments would be great.

2006-11-25 18:12:21 · 4 answers · asked by bicentennialbuck 2 in Law & Ethics

A) It was an Inside Job.. US GOVT Masterminded the operation
B) US GOVT Partipated In the 9-11 attacks, But didnt mastermind em
C) There is a cover up of 9-11
D) They have told the us complete truth, No cover up.

2006-11-25 18:11:56 · 12 answers · asked by Bush is not a chistian 1 in Politics

A) It was an Inside Job.. US GOVT Masterminded the operation
B) US GOVT Partipated In the 9-11 attacks, But didnt mastermind em
C) There is a cover up of 9-11
D) They have told the us complete truth, No cover up.

2006-11-25 18:10:08 · 9 answers · asked by Bush is not a chistian 1 in Government

I wanna see some helmet cam footage of insurgents getting shot or any good fighting scenes! can i get a link?

2006-11-25 18:09:06 · 2 answers · asked by b3st_1 1 in Military

true or false

1. a district attorney may file murder charges on his or her own.

2. any person accused of a crime has the right to a jury trial.

3. in general, citizens may say whatever they feel needs to be said.

4. each state has a right t omaintain armed forces such as a national guard.

5. a person accused of a crime may require witnesses to appear in court.

6. land may be taken for public use without being purchased from the owner.

7. if the government does not like a religion group, that group can be told to stop holding religious services.

8. a judge may set traffic fines as high as he or she wants.

9. a military court must wait for a grand jury to bring a murder charge.

10. a person charged with a crime must be tried in the state in which the crime took place.

11. any citizen may ask the government to change things which the citizen considers wrong.

12. a criminal with a vicious record has the right to a defense lawyer.

2006-11-25 18:06:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

he is an ex mayor of batangas, philippines.

2006-11-25 17:59:40 · 1 answers · asked by lordvirgo31 2 in Government

I want to know the bad side of america

2006-11-25 17:58:16 · 9 answers · asked by gaurav w 1 in Law & Ethics

And he claimed that it was someone else who was sending the emails. I asked him to stop, so he kept sending business propositions through his security to me. Can I sue him?

2006-11-25 17:51:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Do I also have to be a paramedic? If I was only a fireman, what would my duty be with car accidents? Would I have to take the bodies out or do the paramedics do that?

2006-11-25 17:50:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I personally do not, but I'm looking for other opinions and facts here.

2006-11-25 17:49:23 · 23 answers · asked by layla 2 in Politics

Does America generally support the Jewish State because of a religious belief? If yes, what is it?

2006-11-25 17:47:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Italians are there too, so this affects me and a friend as well. What are your thoughts? Anything goes! Thanks.

2006-11-25 17:45:03 · 17 answers · asked by ღღღ 7 in Military

2006-11-25 17:40:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The fact remains that China is an authoritarian country with seviourly restricted freedom of speech and press. No matter how rich you become humanity flourishes only in freedom. Even if there is masiive dissent within like Tianamen square the official line would only be communist propoganda that everything if fine and we are a great civilization etc. Will China collapse as did USSR did with this strange Capitalist Socialist model?

2006-11-25 17:40:44 · 8 answers · asked by ash 2 in Politics

2006-11-25 17:40:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2006-11-25 17:38:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

And apparently, people are going to jail for twenty-five years to life on their third conviction for possession of pot?

2006-11-25 17:35:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Does anyone have the resources to help me find him?

2006-11-25 17:35:22 · 2 answers · asked by Susan B 1 in Government

2006-11-25 17:34:54 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

WASHINGTON -- President Bush tried and failed to fix Social Security's long-term finances with his own party in control of Congress. His determination to keep trying, even as Democrats take over, is fueling speculation that he is ready to meet their price for coming to the bargaining table: dropping his goal of letting workers create private retirement accounts.

While Democrats don't take over the House and Senate until January, already some in both parties are reading tea leaves for signs of administration flexibility, including in recent remarks by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten.

For Mr. Bush, private accounts are a way of reducing Social Security's future obligations, and central to his concept of an "ownership society" in which Americans rely less on government.

Democrats, along with the seniors group AARP, oppose personal accounts because they would initially require heavy government borrowing, and could leave future retirees at risk of market downturns.

2006-11-25 17:32:35 · 9 answers · asked by marnefirstinfantry 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I have read in several places that it is legal for a single, young female to drive to a public place when a cop is trying to pull her over. However, I have watched COPS, and how do I let them know that I am doing that? I don't want to be shot at or anything. I have never been pulled over, but I was just wondering. Please answer this if you really know, and can back it up. I don't want people that are just assuming. No offense, but I don't want any jokes about this. :)

2006-11-25 17:32:11 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I went to kmart and stold 3 games the total was $45 now they are charging us $444.00 they treat me unfairly it was only my first offence and now they added 400 dollars to the total and called the cops, i have to go to court now! What is the worst that will happen at court? And can i sue kmart for charging me 400 dollars? PLEASE RESPOND I NEED ADVICE???!!!!!!!!

2006-11-25 17:31:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-11-25 17:31:05 · 29 answers · asked by yourneighborhoodspideyman 1 in Government


^ i found that on postsecret. and im curious to know how other people would've reacted.
i think if I were in iraq an someone wanted to send me gifts and stuff, to be nice or just for the holidays, I wouldnt've minded. Even if i didnt know them.

would you have told her to leave you alone too?

2006-11-25 17:29:35 · 6 answers · asked by Arpan G 3 in Military

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