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Politics & Government - 25 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I successfully sued to have Kentucky's unconstitutional funeral picketing ban overturned. Perhaps you heard or read about it. Anyway I started getting a whole bunch of empty hollow threats. Everyone that wrote claimed to be a Marine sniper that was at least 6'4 and at least 250 pounds.

So I wonder are all Marines snipers and are all of them that big. Most of the ones that I have seen are actually sort of pitiful looking.

2006-11-25 17:26:45 · 13 answers · asked by bartmcqueary 3 in Military

he be hangin in the hood, true dat

2006-11-25 17:17:52 · 9 answers · asked by TARD 1 in Politics

what do you say?

2006-11-25 17:14:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I guess we attacked the wrong country. We import more oil from Canada.

2006-11-25 17:11:33 · 11 answers · asked by turkey 6 in Politics

The Hamas terrorists have already violated the cease fire that went into effect, by firing at least one missile into southern Israel early Sunday

The Israeli Prime Minister's Office has responded favorably to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas offer for a cease fire. Abbas was informed by Hamas of the decision and passed the word to PM Ehud Olmert who confirmed that all the Palestinian terrorist groups led by Hamas agreed to stop firing missile attacks and using suicide bombers.

The Palestinian step is conditional on Israel halting military operations, liquidations and demolitions.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report: Hamas and its allied terrorist groups have been feeling intense heat from successful pinpointed IDF operations taking place in the last week against Qassam missile squads and commanders in the northern Gaza Strip. The terrorists are also worried by the possibility of the former chief of staff Ehud Barak taking over in defense.

Some of this is Copyright 2000-2006 DEBKAfile.

2006-11-25 17:10:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I am interested in moving to India but I want to make sure it is going to be alright before I do it. I want to know how to acheive citizenship in India as well.

2006-11-25 17:07:16 · 6 answers · asked by MIke V 1 in Immigration

I live in massachusetts, my husband is controlling and i want to lave him soon. For long reasons im in fear of losing my son and home to my husband in the divorce, his father can hire a good lawyer, i an not. If i recorded all the abuse verbla and physical on a voice recorder with out his knowledge, is it legal?

R has a great personality and can 'fool' people into thinking he is a sweet guy, no one in my family believed the storys till i played some tape.

2006-11-25 17:04:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If u could vote for anyone real or fictional for President who would it be and why do u feel they would make a good President ?

2006-11-25 17:04:17 · 16 answers · asked by Savannah P 2 in Politics

No bin Laden?
No wmd?
Terrorism increase around the world?
What do you think?

2006-11-25 17:01:23 · 14 answers · asked by WTFWJD 5 in Politics

I am the father. I have raised my daughter for the last five yrs. the mother asked to take her out to eat and I agreed and the mother failed to return her. I recieved a call from the mothers lawyer saying I need to be in court this thursday. could the mother take her away from me if she can prove she has a stable home? I have lots of past things against her but nothing current. she has nothing against me. I have been providing a stable home for her these last years. My daughter would perfer to live with her mother if possible. My daughter is 12 years old now. The mother lives 3 hrs. from me and the court date is there. I haven't been served with court papers yet though because of the holiday. What are the chances of me requesting to have my daughter returned to me where she can continue in school and transfer the custody case here where I live ( where the child's home has been up until a week ago) until a final case hearing?

2006-11-25 16:58:51 · 7 answers · asked by candace L 1 in Law & Ethics

It's in his face and eyes that he is no good. You agree?

2006-11-25 16:58:25 · 15 answers · asked by Paul S 2 in Politics

and what if it was Bush's decision instead? Oh did I mention they and John Kerry voted for the invasion of Iraq?

2006-11-25 16:54:44 · 12 answers · asked by Paul S 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Could the Los Angeles City & County Attorney's office have another criminal trial at any point in the future if someone else or even a group of people admitted that they were directly involved in the Simpson/Goldman double homicide?Would the FBI get involved if its discovered that those people no longer live in California or anywhere in the USA?I prefer answers mainly from longtime southern California residents,if possible.

2006-11-25 16:53:19 · 5 answers · asked by auntfran8 3 in Law & Ethics

I'm no celebrity, but I've served time as one of the 12 Jury Duties in the past. I was curious if celebrities did the same??

2006-11-25 16:52:34 · 2 answers · asked by Bobcat9 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I believe the United States needs to lose this War in Iraq because American's need to learn why we should not start Wars.

2006-11-25 16:50:37 · 12 answers · asked by victor charlie 1 in Military

Lalu: "Media humko joker aur pagal kahta hay, lekin hum hoon Minister number one"...ka kehte ho babuwa??"

2006-11-25 16:49:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I ate at taco bell tonight and didn't pay. Will the mexican drug lords hunt me down?

2006-11-25 16:43:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

This is dealing with urban economics....does housing effect political participation, and how...and what about people's social connection. What effect does the type of housing have on both of these......please help

2006-11-25 16:37:28 · 5 answers · asked by TEXASLadee 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Why is the symbal for the republicans an elephant?
Why is the symbal for the democrats a donkey??

2006-11-25 16:37:03 · 6 answers · asked by (: 2 in Politics

I was convicted about six months ago, but by the time I join it will be about two years from now. I have not talked to a recruiter yet just wondering if any of ya'll know. The conviction was in the state of texas, and the branch I was planning on joining was the Marine Corps. I was in the Marine Corps Reserve enlisted for six years and was activated for the war and returned with the plans to rejoin as an officer. I'm wondering if the conviction has ruined those plans. Thanks

2006-11-25 16:35:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

i would like to become an internet penpal with any soldier that is fighting for our country..where can i find a web-site that can get me one?? during this time of holidays is very difficult for them without their families, and since I only have my 2 sons and my father (i lost my mom 2 years ago) know what it feels like to not be around all your family. I would like to send x-mas cards to a troop, to brighten up their day..PLEASE HELP

2006-11-25 16:34:16 · 8 answers · asked by becca j 3 in Military

It is good Saddam is no longer in power. That aside, we went into Iraq because of lies. Would staying there as long as possible be misdirected pride? We must clean up the mess that we were tricked into, but a real man knows when something is worth standing up for and when he should remain silent. Our fine men and women of the Armed Forces should be proud that they served. What I'm trying to ask is whether we, America, might wind up in an un-winnable situation that we could avoid, but might be led by false pride into getting more of our brave soldiers wounded and killed for little reason? Do we have the men, money, and willpower to continue operations that were initiated by lies and have led us to fighting multiple social movements (insurgencies) in the freaking Middle East? What are your thoughts?

2006-11-25 16:32:28 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Whats your opinion?


2006-11-25 16:31:27 · 25 answers · asked by GMT 1 in Immigration

There are many purpose built military vehicles for different things, like I've seen one which looks like a tank but its not for combat but for bridging gaps instead for example. But is there on for knocking down the heaviest walls?

2006-11-25 16:30:27 · 6 answers · asked by Jadey 2 in Military

I am honestly thinking about joining the airforce, however I have heard some negative things about females joining the military. FIrst of all, I dont want 2 sexually harassed or not taken seriously. These are my top 2 fears. Is there anyone out there who can give me some honest advice about the airforce. I would also like 2 know how do they go about stationing people. Some people get stationed far away from home, while others are stationed very close to home. How do they go about determining this? Thanks in advance!!

2006-11-25 16:22:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-11-25 16:21:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I made a police report back in May can I still get a copy of it now? and how would I do this?

2006-11-25 16:21:30 · 7 answers · asked by J 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

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