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Politics & Government - 16 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-11-16 20:05:02 · 9 answers · asked by Jade s 1 in Politics

2006-11-16 19:59:40 · 3 answers · asked by Hotdog 1 in Military

Political parties need funding. If some egotistic, wealthy person is vain enough to pay millions just so they can have a title in front of their name, why not let them. If they did`nt donate it, it would probably have to come out of the public purse. Is`nt it a big waste of police time, when there are much more important things they could be doing.

2006-11-16 19:52:39 · 9 answers · asked by David H 6 in Government

2006-11-16 19:50:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This is directed at British people with regard to the "Terror Threat"! I simply can't understand the reaction of the British people to this "threat when they lived with the reality of IRA terrorism for 30 years. During these 30 years about 50 times as many attacks took place as were committed by Muslim terrorists. Yet never did the government see fit to bring in ID cards or other curbs on freedom. I think the government are duping the British people when they should know better. The govt currently says there are 30 active threats which are being monitored. My God whne the IRA were still in existence there was more than a threat. Bombs were going off all over London and throughout the rest of England and yet the British people withstood that without losing any part of their freedom. I lived through the "war" in N.I. in its heartland in belfast and this new "Terror Threat." is simply piss in the ocean compared to N.I. where the threat was reality!

2006-11-16 19:47:37 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Have a look at the link below.


2006-11-16 19:40:44 · 8 answers · asked by Zabanya 6 in Politics


2006-11-16 19:39:13 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-11-16 19:29:19 · 3 answers · asked by nick_6485 1 in Military

3rd countries must keep well the environment in other hand the boost of investation from industrial countries (usa) have bring doom to the environment.

2006-11-16 19:23:57 · 2 answers · asked by Rockzmaniac 1 in Politics

Any predictions?

2006-11-16 19:21:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How come I cant get my ID, my purse, or anything back? I know I cant get illeagle stuff back... But what right do they have to keep my ID, credit cards, etc?

2006-11-16 19:14:52 · 6 answers · asked by runanerin 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

well excuse my ramblin people but im really bored and just want to know if you guys know the real legal way, many of you say that illegals should come here the legal way, but...what is the legal way do any of you know?

well i mean yes there are legal ways but the thing is there arent many. the most common way of coming here the "legal way" is through a turist visa, but even with that you just a tourist and you cant apply for school , work nor get a drives license and you cant get become a resident by just having a tourist visa, even staying here with a tourists visa for more than a year is a crime, then there are the other ways such as work visas but those are limited to certain people. the point is that work visas are not available to everyone who just wants to come here and work, and you cant get residency unless your parents are US citizens or residentsm, get married to an American or you are a nurse or have a degree in the field of medicine.

2006-11-16 19:07:42 · 11 answers · asked by dyablo61987 2 in Immigration

Its already 3 months since i applied for a immigrant visa and nothing yet, doesn it take longer?

2006-11-16 19:07:17 · 2 answers · asked by gemini 2 in Immigration

2006-11-16 18:57:01 · 8 answers · asked by silver fox 1 in Military

Bush has publicly Lied MANY times, Why has he not got impeached like Clinton? Doesnt the Gov Legally have to investigate why he lies about things?

Him lieing in John Kerry Debate (i dont like JK either lol)

Lieing about when he saw the sep 11 attacks

Lieing about why we went to war

Sen. Byron Dorgan, Proves Bush and Admin Lied

Bush lies about MR Rumsfeld

Judge proves Bush broke laws regarding Tapping

Bush VRS Bush (just really funny)

The list & Videos are many & go on, Anyone that follows what is going on can see the HUGE amount of discripencies not just with Bush but many Gov Officials

PS)BLESS OUR TROOPS Their lives protect us, And I love this Country

2006-11-16 18:56:50 · 14 answers · asked by Jo R 1 in Law & Ethics

what is this rental ban that might be going in effect in Escondido California going to do....whats the point of it, all you are doing is taking the shelter of somone who is working for a life.. i mean since when is it a law to be legal to rent a place here...thats just plain stupidity...and plain greed i mean i can probably understand health care and education, but..having to be legal to rent an apartment thats just taking it far..now im probably going to get bashed by alot of you ignorant anti immigrants who use racial slurs and think is okay but if somone says it to you guys you get mad and act like little SOBS (there go ahead and bash me and call me a liberal even tho i aint but w.e) so just to repeat my question, what is the point of that law ?

2006-11-16 18:49:04 · 13 answers · asked by dyablo61987 2 in Immigration

IN PRISON...you spend the majority of your time in an 8X10 cell.
AT WORK ... you spend the majority of your time in a 6X8 cubicle.

IN PRISON...you get three meals a day.
AT WORK...you only get a break for one meal and you pay for it.

IN PRISON...you get time off for good behavior
AT WORK...you get more work for good behavior

IN PRISON...the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
AT WORK...you must carry around a security card and open all the doors for yourself.

IN PRISON...you can watch TV and play games.
AT WORK...you get fired for watching TV and playing games.

IN PRISON...you get your own toilet.
AT WORK...you have to share with some idiot who pees on the seat.

IN PRISON...they allow your family and friends to visit.
AT WORK...you can't even speak to your family.

IN PRISON...the taxpayers pay all expenses with no work required.
AT WORK...you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoner

2006-11-16 18:47:20 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I heard that we can not purchase land in Mexico , that we can only lease it. Is there any truth to this?

2006-11-16 18:46:41 · 11 answers · asked by She-ra 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Is the Commissioner of Police, Sir Ian Blair, using the "Cash for Honours" enquiry to divert attention away from the high profile "c**k ups" by his force in the last year or so, in order to stay in his job?

2006-11-16 18:43:46 · 4 answers · asked by David H 6 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-16 18:42:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I changed my phone number and she hasn't called since... but now co-workers are telling me she is peeking in the windows at work looking for me & I don't feel safe out in public. She hasn't directly threatened me, but I feel harassed. He and I are done and over with and I just want her to leave me alone. What can I do? Do I need more substantial evidence that I'm being harassed than this? Or are the witnessess at work enough? How much does it cost to get a restraining order?

2006-11-16 18:39:56 · 19 answers · asked by daitheflu99 2 in Law & Ethics


I wish I could make this short, but I need to prove my point if i'm accusing the head of Homeland Security of aiding terrorists, so please read on.

According to a June 20, 2000 article in the The Record of Bergen County, New Jersey, Chertoff successfuly defended accused terrorist financier Dr. Magdy Elamir,a man later suspected of financing the 911 attacks.

When Chertoff defended Elamir, he was already accused of terrorist financing and was a known Pakistani arms merchants who sought to arm Osama bin Laden with conventional and nuclear weapons.

As if that were'nt enough, After 9/11, as head of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Justice Department, There is evideence that Chertoff shielded Elamir from prosecution in his terrorist case.

Michael Chertoff -Defender of Terrorism?

2006-11-16 18:39:11 · 3 answers · asked by big-brother 3 in Politics

First my understanding: We are granted "freedom of speech" in the Constitution. However, I know that there should be a proper way of acting in public. There should be guidance for children when they are exposed to things that may seem inappropriate, such as nude sculptures in a museum or certain television show material. However, as adults, do we need other people to tell us what we can or cannot say in public? Sure, it looks bad when someone is speaking like a sailor, but then again, a sailor speaks like that because that's how a sailor speaks. If I wanted to use 'colorful' language on this forum, and if it offends anyone, why should it be blanked out and my original thought edited? Can't the other person choose to not read my comment and move on? I think that Americans, and it's mainly old Americans, are too uptight that they want to turn back the clock to a time when supposedly nobody cursed or exposed nudity. Can't people just grow up and accept other's thoughts?

2006-11-16 18:36:36 · 5 answers · asked by morningstar 3 in Law & Ethics


On 29 September 2003 Tom Mshidi the General Director of East African standard and Divid Makali the chief editor of Sunday Standard were arrested by the criminal investigation department officers (CID) in Nairobi according to Nairobi’s Central PPO, the two men published alarming Newspaper article implicating senior Government officials in reference to the planned execution of Dr. Crispin Odhiambo Mbai.

However on 14 October 2003 Tom Mshidi and David Makali were set free on a bond KSh. 500,000 and a surety of a similar amount.

Yet in another closely related incident the government was supposedly partially blamed wherby on 26 October 1981 Mr Adan Hassan populaly known as professor Hassan started his own carrier in Nairobi University as a lecturer in economics 8 year latter he was promoted as a professor in political science and economics for his hard working and started participating in political rally meeting with the opposition members

But unfortunately on the 27 of February 2004 professor Hassan was found dead with 3 bullet in his chest.

According to Newspaper articles published on the 19th of May 2004, it was believed that professor Hassan’s death had something to do with the his political life and the people who were involved in his death.

A statement which was made by the journalist who published that article says that they paid an amount of money so that the article can be published and he was too close to the family before his disappearance on the 22 of may 2004.

The question still remains can people who commit heinous crimes and are still working for the Government ever be brought to book?

2006-11-16 18:34:08 · 1 answers · asked by KNHRC Editor 1 in Law & Ethics


2006-11-16 18:29:59 · 3 answers · asked by umiyaa 1 in Law & Ethics

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