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Politics & Government - 4 November 2006

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any information gratefully recieved, like who invented it etc

2006-11-04 22:26:05 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I don't understand the death penalty my daughter was murdered and I don't want her killer to die but to go to prison for many many years so he can suffer as we suffer without her once they die their suffering is over while those left behind will feel the pain for life how fair is that stay in prison locked up with no freedom day to day the same old world that you hate and when death comes when you are old and your life has passed you will welcome death this is why some prisoners don't want appeals they know the death penalty is better than living their life locked up 4ever

2006-11-04 22:22:46 · 12 answers · asked by katlady927 6 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-04 22:21:07 · 7 answers · asked by kutty 1 in Government

Legal question - I am interested in the theoretical ramifications for the victim

2006-11-04 22:20:44 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

saddam used to be the president of iraq .

2006-11-04 22:18:55 · 14 answers · asked by citizen high 6 in Politics

Are all the political heads of countries like India, Srilanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh should get a warning from the death penalty announcement of Saddam, because he did not care for his countrymen.

Today, in name of democracy, these countrys' leaders are behaving like a dictator, and not caring for the countrymen, who are dieing of poverty, inflation and without medicare. These leaders may be punished like Saddam, by their own men and they may not need US force.

2006-11-04 22:09:15 · 2 answers · asked by pianist 5 in Government

and she got taken away by the dpt of homeland security over 2 months ago and i dont know what to do plz help.

2006-11-04 22:07:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-11-04 22:05:03 · 5 answers · asked by cheeh01 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Bush lied and we then invaded Iraq where many evil have died but also many innocent including 1000's of women and children are the Iraqi people really better off who will pay for the lives of those lost that just lived in the country and thought that the capture of Sadaam Hussein was the beginning of a better life for them listen to their stories many feel they are worse off as now they have to worry constantly about being bombed and their country is destroyed Hussein was a horrid evil devil butwhat did we save the Iraqi people from

2006-11-04 22:01:58 · 8 answers · asked by katlady927 6 in Law & Ethics

Should the government contribute in the cost of a trial for a person that says they are innocent and want help proving it?

2006-11-04 22:01:00 · 4 answers · asked by Tara 3 in Law & Ethics

I have felt that our "War" on terror in Iraq was an invasion since they were not a threat only a belief that they were or could become one shall we fight every country that is a potential threat to America as there are many that hate us the "War on terror" should have been against the terrorist from 911 including Osama Bin laden but where is he and the others that are out there with him plotting waiting for their next chance since they know we won't come get them

2006-11-04 21:55:04 · 3 answers · asked by katlady927 6 in Other - Politics & Government

Can you believe terrorist said this


2006-11-04 21:47:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

why would they object if they had nothing to hide?

2006-11-04 21:45:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

why was the australian clerik suspended becaouse of his remark? although the pope is still in his post. actually the pope only made more mistake than the clerik, when he commented about islam. but the australian PM urged to do something more to the clerik although he didnt go much far in the case of the pope. what is the justice the australian have?

2006-11-04 21:45:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

does Bush know and is just hiding him in case they need him the day before election or just waiting until he attacks again so they can then say vote republican democrats cannot protect you but we will, see we went to Iraq just in case they had WMD and now loook how much better off Iraq is without Sadaam Hussein There

2006-11-04 21:45:42 · 13 answers · asked by katlady927 6 in Government

2006-11-04 21:43:19 · 3 answers · asked by DavADD!! 1 in Military

Views please. Personally I think he got off lightly when I think of how so many have suffered under his tyrrany

2006-11-04 21:42:22 · 28 answers · asked by Chey 3 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-04 21:39:09 · 12 answers · asked by o0o_415_o0o 1 in Government

Man am I curious, I'll accept well thought out and consturctive supporting aruguments only.. One suggestion maybe you should read excerpts from the Bush Doctrine before answering

2006-11-04 21:38:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Is there any program to reduce ammuniton build-up? Not to waist so much naturall resources and human resources to end up causing so much suffering for each other.

2006-11-04 21:36:25 · 7 answers · asked by peacemakers3000 3 in Law & Ethics

Do you think that hanging him is a just punishment or is there a better way to execute him?

2006-11-04 21:35:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

why was saddam given those weapons? what was the trade off? how much?

2006-11-04 21:28:55 · 6 answers · asked by benjie m 2 in Politics

I finally figured it out the provisional ballots, the voter registration cards, the polling booths that went down in the middle of the election, the you can't vote without ID even though there is no law about that votes, the ooopps we accidentally left alot of polling booths in a warehouse that should have been in the lower to lower middle class precincts and in the democrat strong hold precincts(Ohio) anyway aliens swooped down and scooped it all up as they were trying to learn about the process and fairness of the american voting system so they could elect a Grand Puma Alien to lead them to bigger and better things

2006-11-04 21:27:42 · 5 answers · asked by katlady927 6 in Elections

I see people bashing us, scorning us, lashing out about us, saying we are warmongers, and ALL of the other things I can't recall. Why? Do all these people really, really hate us THAT much? They forget that the everyday American has no control over crap going on in the world. So why the hate?
The typical American citizen prolly has no problem with ANYBODY as long as you don't push our buttons or rub us the wrong way...
so why do I feel we are going into a worldwide social blackhole then? To all of you out there that feel I am somehow responsible for all the crap, oh well.
Oh, 1 more thing, if we and America is SO bad...why do you keep flocking here like birds? Why would you wanna come to a place crammed with "warmongers"?
Americans are really not that bad...not at all. Why the bad rap?

2006-11-04 21:15:34 · 20 answers · asked by Diadem 4 in Military

Does Bush already know where Osama is?
does Bush know and is just hiding him in case they need him the day before election or just waiting until he attacks again so they can then say vote republican democrats cannot protect you but we will see we went to Iraq just in case they had WMD

2006-11-04 21:12:25 · 12 answers · asked by katlady927 6 in Elections

Since most of USA Islam peoples hate America, I think it is time to see Barack Obama for what he truly is. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is a threat to the Christian values that makes America Great, as well as the national security.

2006-11-04 21:04:53 · 7 answers · asked by Molly 2 in Elections

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