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Politics & Government - 29 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I work in a shop. There's this old guy who comes in regularly, so naturally we always get chatting.
He tells me he speaks to women on the phone and they send him pictures of themsleves. He's shown me and it's obvious that they are from chat-lines and stuff but he seems oblivious to it - he seems convinced that they are interested in him.

But this is the weird bit: I asked him today whether there were any women he liked, and he told me he had been speaking to this girl for the last few weeks. He said they were getting quite friendly.
So naturally I asked him old old she was.
His Reply: "Oh, eight, maybe nine,"


He seems really naive with the chatline thing, so could it be the same with this girl?
He certainly doesn't seem the type to be preying on small girls, and surely if he was, he wouldn't tell me so easily in casual conversation, but now I feel uneasy about what he said.

What do you think?

2006-10-29 08:58:24 · 47 answers · asked by This is my username 3 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-29 08:57:04 · 15 answers · asked by lancelot682005 5 in Elections

When it comes to the environment, who would you choose and why, Charlie Crist or Jim Davis as governor?

2006-10-29 08:56:46 · 2 answers · asked by Bizzy 3 in Elections

In a normal business contract, party A will do 1,2,3 and party B will do 4,5,6. Each agrees to do their part otherwise the contract is voidable or accionable. (I presume). In an enlistment contract or agreement, Party A (person enlisting) agrees to join, and Party B (the Military) agrees to something.

If party B(the government) offers nothing in the contract in exchange, is this a valid contract?

Additionally, If party B (the government) misrepresents the content or the intent of the contract is it still valid?

2006-10-29 08:55:20 · 7 answers · asked by MoonSam 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-29 08:55:18 · 5 answers · asked by Bizzy 3 in Politics

When I was in Iraq, we had some Navy personel that had never fired a rifle in their life, and the Marines of other Navy people had to show them how to use them. I believe that all branches need to qualify all personel on the M-16A2 and the M-9. The Marines and Army are required to qualify on the basic infantry/ riflemen weapons, such as the M-16, SAW, M-60, M-203 grenade launcher, laws rocket (forgive me if they no longer use the LAWS rocket), claymore mine, and a few others I have forgotten about. The other branches should be required to qualify o the m-16 and M-9 and familiarized with the same weapons that the above mentioned are used by the Marines and Army on a regular basis. What do you think?

2006-10-29 08:55:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

You better belive it is so my friends.cause it is,and the bastard terrorists ,they are in fear of that .so my simple question is do you agree or not,and if so ?

2006-10-29 08:54:07 · 10 answers · asked by CIVILIAN 4 in Politics

Don't pick on our low saocial class or on our Indigenous Communities.... Mexico is a Nation and if you support the Republican idea to built a Zionist Nation on Palestine... U better star understanding that Nations are MultiCiltural and Multi-Ethnic.
And Nations can't be Anglo-Monolingual....

Como se dice Patria en Ingles?

2006-10-29 08:54:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

the propaganda that was spewed out by MJF is intended to legalize cloning so that they could clone kids, kill them, and havest cells from dead children.

2006-10-29 08:53:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-10-29 08:51:28 · 2 answers · asked by feedazombie 1 in Government

Noticed way more mexicans in the raleigh nc area than ever before. Are they taking over?

2006-10-29 08:49:37 · 14 answers · asked by super stud 4 in Military

Do you think there is difference between terrorists act and what isreal does.if there is difference then what,if possible define terrorism in your own way.

2006-10-29 08:48:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

do you think he would be re-elected?

2006-10-29 08:45:40 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I need this info ASAP

2006-10-29 08:45:29 · 8 answers · asked by CoolNess!! 1 in Immigration

---"morally opposed" to staying to repair the damage caused by the war?

2006-10-29 08:43:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I recently saw a question asked, and it has pushed me to critque a few of our current laws. After researching, sexual innuendos are considered sexual harrassment, among other small things.

Heres a list of several "Sexual Harrassment" actions you can perform, that I think dont qualify as Sexual Harrassment;

Sexual jokes in the classroom or workplace,

(Some) Physical gestures such as stroking your hair or arm, massaging your shoulders, kissing you or rubbing, touching or brushing against your body,

Verbal harassment such as the use of names like "broad," "*****," "bimbo" when referring to a specific woman or to women in general.

Some of those I would not place under Sexual harrassment. Only because the extent to which punishment comes from being accused of sexual harrassment can be quite severe for minor misconceptions. Because the definiton of Sexual Harrassment means; Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual ...

2006-10-29 08:43:24 · 8 answers · asked by B-Rock 2 in Law & Ethics

It's a good story. But does anyone believe it?

2006-10-29 08:41:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-29 08:40:30 · 4 answers · asked by MUTANT 2 in Law & Ethics

Someone enlighten me on that one

2006-10-29 08:40:30 · 7 answers · asked by Andres 6 in Politics

Below is an excerpt from a letter from my son to the Recruiting Command in my city. In it, he explains something very wrong has happened. He was led to believe he would go take a test and after the test he would be offered a position and then he would decide if he wanted to join. At the test they had him take the oath and sign the Enlistment Document as he simultaneously was told by the Recruiter "sign, it's no big deal, it's only a preliminary paper to see what job you qualify for". He was written letters and made it clear he does not want to volunteer for the USMC.

-I was a not even 16 when I met the first USMC Recruiter, long before I could drive. A guy in uniform took some time to tell me about the Corps Band. Glossy brochures, pretty uniforms and the glamour, made me curious. Subsequent calls to my cell and home through the years pushing for my commitment made me curious.

Current Situation-

Fast forward to May-June of 2006. First time at the Recruiter's office, I understood -Take the test find out if I qualify for a job then sign up. I wanted information about band and in intelligence. I was told, I could only get the information by taking the test. I accepted a day-meeting and took the mental and physical aptitude tests and since I understood this was the only way to find out with no commitment. A preliminary look one of many preliminary steps, I accepted. I understood, if I wanted, there were ways to void the agreement I was about to sign. I confidently trusted and followed the “sign here-here-here.” More so, since my Recruiter told me, as I showed him the form "no big deal, you can get out". If the job is what I want, I finish my other 2 years of college, join as an officer in the reserves and sit behind a desk and play in the band and work in intelligence.

I finished the testing and with my trusted recruiter by my side as my guide. The words “I cannot get out” never crossed my mind. Only after my father found out, from me, that I had signed, going into DEP, interrupting my college, to work in Intelligence and play in the band, did I read the content/fine print and heard the loud “you cannot get out” as it reverberated in my mind. At the same time, still in denial I listened, while my father clarified the written words, -I had joined the “regular component of the Marine Corps”, not the Reserves, with the lowest rank possible, no job assignment, and the word “None” boldly written in section “B”, meaning NO agreements to be honored.

My father called the recruiting office and confirmed: -Regular Marine Corps, 8 years/4 active starting after boot camp. No band; No intelligence; Worst of all, no job
assignment, no bonus, no more college, no officer rank or career path, and no recourse. My first thought was, -did I misunderstand? -I will be sent to Jail if I don't comply? All because I wanted to know if I qualified for a job. They had hired me before agreeing or telling me if I qualified for a job? I trusted the guys my Dad told me to always trust.

This is a great misunderstanding, or a great injustice, and as a direct result, the enlistment document of July 3rd 2006 does not reflect the cumulative intent and spirit of the verbal communications that transpired from day one. I respectfully request a fully executed release for this case (no response to the request other than they are looking at it. Soon it will be 4 months).

1,) Is a contract of this sort enforceable, if the person or persons improperly, by design or by negligence, avoided or misrepresented and improperly disclosed for the USA, the intent and the repercussions of the written words?

2,) Mention has been made of legal repercussions for not showing up to the recruiting station, (I understand jail, dishonorable discharge, looking over your shoulder the rest of your life, etc). How do we put an end to this torture, as we are held emotionally hostage by the "no answer position"?

3,) I know there are ways to get out if honor is not an issue. My son has done no wrong. He trusted someone in uniform, the same way a student trusts a teacher, and the same way a citizen trusts a Police Officer. For the life of me I cannot believe we are talking about this today. Are we alone? Could it be there are more victims out there that have resigned themselves to "taking it on the chin like a man" and go on and allow themselves to be victimized? It is commonly known that when a person gets "tricked", "Conned" "Swindled" into something improper, they are too embarrassed to contact the authorities or their family? The lawyers have said there is nothing we can do. Our military family and friends say there is nothing we can do. I don't believe it! In America the reason we go fight, is so we have the freedom to pursue legal recourse for "injustice or negligent action, that will cause undue harm on an individual." Are you one of the silent victims?

There are predators, officially sanctioned by the authorities we trust, which are paid to get close to our kids far before they are mature, and entice them to not trust their parental advise, and instead trust them as advisors. This way they control the young minds behind the parent's backs. Tell me your story. Has something happened to you? leonco@yahoo.com

2006-10-29 08:35:39 · 11 answers · asked by MoonSam 1 in Military

Who is the IRA run by? Is it the Catholics? Does Northern Ireland like being part of the U.K.?

2006-10-29 08:33:19 · 3 answers · asked by Rob G 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Why do we need government?

2006-10-29 08:29:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

If fools like headingthatway think we are splintered and have lost focus because of our bickering, think again. It is our ability to inflame one anothers passion in open debate that makes us great. Piss us off, and you won't face a nation divided. You will face one nation, one people, one voice and the strength of our courage and conviction. Now you and any other idiot who feels like threatening us, go ahead. Just be careful what you wish for.

2006-10-29 08:28:51 · 10 answers · asked by ? 4 in Politics

I'm not trying to start something, I'm just trying to understand why there is such animosity between the Liberals and Conservatives. Please answer seriously and respectfully!

2006-10-29 08:26:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

When will half the americans be poor?

2006-10-29 08:26:50 · 14 answers · asked by super stud 4 in Immigration

thanks to all for there replies,

2006-10-29 08:26:39 · 9 answers · asked by wayno1 2 in Law & Ethics

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