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Politics & Government - 28 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

what are some issues in toronto?
- ex...problems with garbage and recycling..
- school board....
- roads
- parks and recreation
- libraries
- public transit
- toronto police
how would u solve the problem?

2006-10-28 10:58:05 · 5 answers · asked by lil_flirt_57<3 2 in Government

Labour MP Shahid Malik has issued a libel suit against a small locally owned newspaper and a former Tory Councillor in Dewsbury regarding complaints made about the conduct of Labour supporters during the local elections in May 2006.

Is Freedom of the Press out of place in New Labour Britain.
"forumATdewsburypress.co.uk" or

3W's plus "thepressnewspaper.co.uk" if you say NO.

2006-10-28 10:55:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

what is the score with america and convictions. i have a conviction for conspiracy 2 defraud a casino so what r americas rulings on that for visiting and living etc

2006-10-28 10:54:53 · 3 answers · asked by the faceman 2 in Law & Ethics

I bet he will.A big red robe,with a staff and crown.King George,now Begone!!!

2006-10-28 10:54:36 · 14 answers · asked by Thomas M 2 in Politics

is there anyone i can talk to at U.S.C.I.S. about my chances of getting a visa to visit my 3 year old son in STL, i have'nt seen him in 18 months as i was refused a visa in london. i'm scared to reapply for a visa, i was told if i get refused again it will be virtually impossible to get one. I don't want my son to grow up not knowing his father. His mother does'nt live with him, he is being raised by his grandparents. I have looked at the USCIS site & don't know which option would apply to my case. I don't have the money for lawyers, i'm 45yrs old so the student thing is'nt for me,i'm english so the green card lottery does'nt apply.there must be some way to be with my son! PLEASE HELP!!!

2006-10-28 10:51:48 · 5 answers · asked by chris m 1 in Immigration

I didn't get my form with my signature back before the deadline. Does anyone know if I can still vote in my old district?

2006-10-28 10:48:31 · 3 answers · asked by beach chatta 2 in Elections

is Iran's nuclear prog peacefull or US is just advertising against Iran?

2006-10-28 10:47:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Debt, immigration, energy, etc?

2006-10-28 10:44:44 · 13 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Government

I was informed by the real estate lady that if anything was wrong with the house, we could rectify it after closing. She was working both ends of the deal, so she wanted the paper signed. So it turns out that the roof leaks and she's telling me that I should have found that out before I bought the house. She will not offer help and lied about taking care of things after closing. The leak is old and has been painted over. What can I do to report her or get some satisfaction and/or money for the roof?

2006-10-28 10:43:42 · 8 answers · asked by ytrocks2000 1 in Law & Ethics

I'm bisexual. I am in a committed romantic relationship with another girl. She was my best friend for many years and now she's my significant other. I think I might eventually marry her, but I'm not planning that far ahead yet. I'm not interested in any guys. When I date guys I only use them for sex. If I decide to marry her, or another girl, shouldn't I be allowed to? Why do so many people want to make that illegal?

2006-10-28 10:42:26 · 34 answers · asked by Emily 3 in Politics

I want a completley bipartisan answer. I want to know if history can provide me with the answer on who's right about the economic plan and tax cuts. The Republicans or Democrats.

2006-10-28 10:40:50 · 2 answers · asked by jum_bo_js 1 in Politics

Isnt this the Imperial Presidency Cheney and Rumsfeld setup for Bush? He could not have done this on his own. Its not even remotely Constitutional.

2006-10-28 10:40:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Iam an American Citizen but im not against anything im just wondering why most of us Americans are against illegal immigrants cause if they dont get the amnesty they'll keep on benefiting on the tax we pay but if they get legalization they would help increase the economy of the US just imagine 12 more million people paying the tax. Please give your ideas on this matter. Thanks!

2006-10-28 10:38:28 · 19 answers · asked by sizzlinghotness 1 in Immigration

Since there are no WMDs, was this in our best interest ?
Even BUSH admits there is no connection between Iraq and September eleventh, 2001. Or did we invade Iraq to " fight them over there -instead of over here " ? I am still puzzled why this war had to happen.

2006-10-28 10:36:45 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

since they are not paying taxes and taking money out of the pockets of americans-lets face it illegals are getting paid from somewhere and anyone that uses the word thief to describe an illegal immigrant is just wrong and any of your thoughts will not be considered because its a hateful label. A thief is a thief, don't get an illegal trying to better there life confused with that. Most peoplemay not admit it but they would do the same and break the law to feed their family.

2006-10-28 10:36:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Or will it be a Liberals only kinda night?

2006-10-28 10:36:30 · 15 answers · asked by Tofu Jesus 5 in Politics

What happened to free speech? When did it die? Was it a casualty of the Bush wars in the Middle East?

2006-10-28 10:35:37 · 15 answers · asked by LA Law 4 in Government

They contiuously throw the gay rights thing in our face!!!!!!! They're the party with the most gays!!!!!!!!!!!Senator Foley e.g. Hey, most Catholic Priests are Republican to aren't they? And what do they have a reputation for doing to little boys?

2006-10-28 10:35:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I hate hearing that the politicans care about there community... but do they seriously ? why do they make everything so hard? if they care so much why dont we get to have our say about what they are doing? when is something wrong or right?
starting a war thats wrong we should have our say. making the community safer is right but when do they make everyone happy with how they feel about what they are doing. when can we have our say?
i think everyone could do good things and bad things , we all make mistakes but we all should repair the mistakes we make and ask others on what they think... so should they. do they actually care??

2006-10-28 10:35:27 · 3 answers · asked by mandy 1 in Politics

i overheard my brother talking to someone about buying stolen credit cards. What do I do?
I have no problems in turning him in to the police, but i want to know if there is something i can do or say to him that will make him change his mind.

2006-10-28 10:32:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

In all countries in the world, cigarettes are 100% legal, though some ban in public areas. On the other hand, marijuana is illegal in most countries. I find cigarette smokers more annoying than marijuana smokers, at least the latter does not bother people with their smoke. And both are harmful to health, and more people die from cigarettes. The only reason I can see is that tobacco is a billion dollar industry helping many economies, which shows that our governments actually don't give a damn about the citizens as long as there is money in it for them

2006-10-28 10:31:06 · 13 answers · asked by memyselfnmon 2 in Law & Ethics

Are they so desperate for support that they'll stand behind crazy people like Ms. Coulter?

2006-10-28 10:30:46 · 18 answers · asked by Blalalalal 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-28 10:27:58 · 5 answers · asked by C M 1 in Immigration

2006-10-28 10:22:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

a) The Republicans will hold both houses next Tuesday
b) 9/11 conspiracy theories
c) I am actually Jesus (If any of you pick this I WILL consider you retarded, no offense)

2006-10-28 10:20:42 · 20 answers · asked by Tofu Jesus 5 in Politics

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