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Politics & Government - 22 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

we give a chance to anybody

2006-10-22 08:55:44 · 17 answers · asked by jean marc l 6 in Military

Here's the deal: I got my first speeding ticket ever and I am debating whether or not to go to court. My reason to go is that I did not speed (50 in 35)- at least not as excessively as the officer siad I was going (40). He never told me he "clocked" me or had me on radar. My gas tank was below E for the past two days. I was PASSED by 3 cars. He didn't care. I could give a lot more details, but I want to know if it will be worth it for me to go.
1) If I pay the ticket, will it go on my record? I want a fact here, not an opinion.
2) Does the officer usually show up? Is it true if he doesn't I don't have to pay?
3) If the officer shows up, will he show a tape or something, since he didn't mention showing me on radar? How does he prove I was speeding?
4) How can I prove I wasn't speeding if I have just one other ticket on my record, for which I was guilty and therefore paid? Will they know that?
*The first to answer all my questions honestly/factually will get the 10 points.

2006-10-22 08:55:31 · 7 answers · asked by Adje J 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

Just thought I would ask.

2006-10-22 08:54:25 · 20 answers · asked by Stands Alone 2 in Immigration

2006-10-22 08:53:13 · 9 answers · asked by Daniellito 3 in Immigration

I need some help with a research project on pro's and con's of embryonic stem cell research. I have all the political sites needed, now I want opionion type pro's and con's. Anything that you might have to offer would be appreciated, Websites, forums, etc.. or your personal thoughts. Thanks to all in advance!

2006-10-22 08:52:27 · 5 answers · asked by Feeling Froggy 3 in Law & Ethics

I asked this question yesterday but it was at like 3AM so I want more opinions so I'm asking in the daytime...

What do you think the military will be like in the future?
Drafting of special children for the military?
Unmanned Pilots?
Etc. Etc. Etc.?

What year do you estimate this might happen?

2006-10-22 08:51:18 · 7 answers · asked by Shadowfox 4 in Military

Yeah whites and blacks use welfare too, but guess what....THEY ALSO PAY TAXES HERE!! So if anyone had the right to get welfare, its the Americans because they pay for it. Why bother comparing? You dont see Americans going into Mexico illegally and living off of them and breaking laws. You cant compare Americans to illegals. We pay the taxes so WE can get the welfare when we fall sometimes. Not cause we dont want to work. Is that fair to even compare us to them when THEY are the ones breaking the law?

2006-10-22 08:50:06 · 20 answers · asked by peachturnover 2 in Immigration

in whether or not someone is a living being?

perhaps it is the ability to do math, if you can not do basic mathematics, your still a "parasite on your mother" so you can be aborted at any time.

Mayhap complex algebra.

what do you think will be the next step in denigrating human life?

2006-10-22 08:50:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

What would the best date be and what organizations would support us being against illegal immigration?

2006-10-22 08:48:17 · 10 answers · asked by knight35966 4 in Immigration

This was said by Craig Washington:

"I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag."

I think that really sums it up for me. Anyone else agree with this?

2006-10-22 08:47:11 · 12 answers · asked by bennyjoe81 3 in Politics

a general election..or a primary election? & why?

2006-10-22 08:45:54 · 3 answers · asked by CC 3 in Elections

Nuclear testing in the South Pacific....................Blowing up environmentalists........I'm surprised they're not the GOP's best friends!!

2006-10-22 08:44:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-10-22 08:44:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Center for Immigration Studies : October 16 , 2006 -- by Steven Camarota

Public Wants Illegals to Go Home, Enforcement, No Immigration Increase
A new poll, using neutral language, finds intense voter concern over immigration in 14 tight congressional races. The surveys were conducted by the polling company inc. for the Center for Immigration Studies.

In addition to a national survey, detailed polling on immigration was conducted in four contested Senate races: Missouri, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Montana; and in 10 contested House races: Arizona 5th, Connecticut 4th, Indiana 8th, Kentucky 4th, Pennsylvania 6th, Texas 17th, Louisiana 3rd, Georgia 8th, Colorado 7th, and Ohio 6th.

The complete results are online at www.cis.org. Among the findings:

* Immigration is a big issue throughout the country. Of likely voters nationally, 53 percent said immigration was either their most important issue or one of their top three issues, while just 8 percent said it was not at all important. With the exception of CT-4th, in races surveyed only about 10 percent of voters said it was not important at all.

* When told numbers, voters want less immigration. When told the actual number of immigrants here (legal and illegal) and the number coming (legal and illegal), and asked to put aside the question of legal status, 68 percent of voters nationally thought immigration was too high, 21 percent about right, and just 2 percent thought it was too low. In every congressional race surveyed, the share who said overall immigration was too low was in the single digits.

* Voters less likely to vote for immigration-increasing candidates. Experts agree that the bill passed by the Senate earlier this year would at least double future legal immigration, yet 70 percent of voters said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who wanted to double legal immigration. Overwhelming majorities in every battleground race feel the same way.

* Voters reject both extremes -- legalization or mass deportations. Some previous polls have shown support for legalizing illegal immigrants. But those polls have given the public only a choice between large-scale deportations or ''earned legalization,'' and not the third choice of across-the-board enforcement, causing illegals to go home. This third option, which is the basis of the bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, is voters' top choice.

* House immigration plan by far the favorite. Enforcement approaches with no increase in legal immigration were the most popular policy option -- 44 percent wanted enforcement that causes illegals to go home, the House approach, and another 20 percent wanted large-scale deportations. Just 31 percent supported legalization of illegal immigrants.

* Intensity greater among enforcement supporters. Nationally, 32 percent of voters said they would be much more likely to vote for a candidate who would enforce the law and cause illegals to go home, compared to just 15 percent who said they would be much more likely to vote for a candidate who supports legalization. This same pattern holds in battleground House contests.

* Voters skeptical of need for unskilled immigrant labor. More than 70 percent of voters nationally agreed that there were ''plenty of Americans to do low-wage jobs that require relatively little education, employers just need to pay higher wages and treat workers better to attract Americans,'' compared to 21 percent who said we need immigrants because there were not enough Americans to do all such jobs. The results were very similar in all the contested states and districts surveyed.

* Voters think lack of enforcement is reason for illegal immigration. Three out of four voters in the nation agreed that the reason we have illegal immigration is that past enforcement efforts have been ''grossly inadequate.'' Voters strongly reject the argument that illegal immigration is caused by overly restrictive legal immigration policies. Strong majorities in every battleground contest surveyed felt this way.

* Numbers make a difference. One key finding is that when told the scale of immigration (legal and illegal), voters overwhelmingly thought it was too high. Also, when told how much the Senate bill would increase legal immigration, voters tended to reject it. This would seem to undermine the argument that voters are only concerned about illegality and not the level of immigration. The levels of immigration used in the questions are those widely agreed upon by experts based on government data.

2006-10-22 08:41:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

10 year bar from the country,could some one tell me how and in what order to do this, what wavier document will i need, do i file here or in mexico, so much misleading info from the immigration service i don't know what to do, i filed all my documents back in june06 and have my RECEIPT Notice in july 06, could it be 6months or a year before i hear anything more , this is very difficult and depressing, my wife has many scorpin bites and it makes her sick with fever each week, and i must do my best to help her get back home with me where she is safe , please help me some one, thanks and have a good day

2006-10-22 08:41:08 · 2 answers · asked by JALISCO 2 in Immigration

please answer the following in a non rude way. I am just getting some statistics.

Are you for or against legal immigration?
Are you for or against illegal immigration?
If you are against illegal immigration, what if we could filter out people trading drugs and terrorists...then would you be for it?
Have you ever applied for a job and they turned you down because the pisition was already filled by an immigrant?
Are your ancestors immigrants? (this answer will be yes unless you are 100% Native American)
Do you have any friends that are from different countries that live in the USA?
Have you ever been outside of the USA? If so, where?
Would you be willing to pick grapes for $3.00/hr for 10 hrs/day?
Would you be willing to be a janitor?
If you knew you would not be able to eat for 1 week, would you walk 100 miles to get food?

2006-10-22 08:40:20 · 8 answers · asked by hambone1985 3 in Immigration

my friend has been found guilty of gbh which he did not comit he was sentenced to 18month in prison an his barrister put an appeal in he said the appeal has been giving the go ahead on two counts of law.

2006-10-22 08:38:52 · 5 answers · asked by kaitlyn s 1 in Law & Ethics

iv heard before that if a person has asthma problems they might not be able to join the army or anything of that type. Is this true?

2006-10-22 08:37:57 · 7 answers · asked by Needinfoman7 1 in Military

plz answer if u kno!

2006-10-22 08:37:27 · 2 answers · asked by T-WZZLE 2 in Other - Politics & Government

First of all, are officers in the Marines actually issued that awesome sword?

Second of all, I know what the insignia looks like but where does it go? I've the NCO's with theirs on the upper sleeve but I haven't seen the same for commissioned officers..

2006-10-22 08:35:58 · 2 answers · asked by Amphibious Nature 3 in Military

I know that isn't an easy thing to ask because the problem is so complex. I've been doing research on it, and so for I have just found a lot of rambling and not a lot of straight facts. I'm only 14, so it's kind of hard to dig through all these news stories to find out what is really going on.

First of all, why does the average N. Korean hate the US? Also, what has the US done in the past to try and work out this problem? And what are they doing now?

Sorry if I sound completely clueless, but I am. =P


2006-10-22 08:35:17 · 4 answers · asked by omgzsaraah 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Weapons Of Mass
Destruction Found
(An Address To The Dead)
By Michael Tsarion

Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing tactics, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception - Mark Twain

The WAR ON TERRA is merely the latest move in the great game played out by the Atonist Establishment, the Royals, and Vatican Jesuit-Masonic elites who expertly employ the Dialectic ("Ordo Ab Chao") to further their very personal aspirations which date back to an old world order that you are supposed to know nothing about. So lets get clear on a few things, and stay sane in the midst of growing insanity.

The "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict is engineered from London and New York by elites who have ancient origins and who use such bogus conflicts to create an ambience of fear and paranoia and to ensure that few are aware of the real enemy of mankind. Islamic "extremists" are funded by the same hidden hands that fund the Zionists and the Fundamentalist Christian Evangelists. Israel, dear people, the real Israel, has nothing to do with Jews, just as Christ has nothing to do with modern Vatican-style Christianity. We have been "Mel Gibsoned" and "Pat Robertzoned" to death and are mentally infected by many a deadly pathogen, the worst of which is IGNORANCE. The cure is on its way.


2006-10-22 08:32:45 · 4 answers · asked by WORD UP G 1 in Other - Politics & Government

and fly their Mexican flag upside down just like they did ours with little regard to to what the American flag stands for

2006-10-22 08:30:09 · 19 answers · asked by ShoeShine 1 in Immigration

The US Government has announced that it will release $95m to North Korea as part of an agreement to replace the Stalinist country's own nuclear programme, which the US suspected was being misused.
Under the 1994 Agreed Framework an international consortium is building two proliferation-proof nuclear reactors and providing fuel oil for North Korea while the reactors are being built.

In releasing the funding, President George W Bush waived the Framework's requirement that North Korea allow inspectors to ensure it has not hidden away any weapons-grade plutonium from the original reactors.

President Bush argued that the decision was "vital to the national security interests of the United States".


2006-10-22 08:28:36 · 6 answers · asked by WORD UP G 1 in Government

why dont americans have an open mind to 9/11 and what really happend....? Im not saying that anyone knows exactly what happend, but surely they have enough sence to see things dont add up!

2006-10-22 08:26:02 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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