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Politics & Government - 16 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

a player in todays problems or the instigator of them ie:extremism/terrorism/race conflicts/social ettiquette/secular uprisings/immigration/wars/money

2006-10-16 08:39:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Things like "children in need", "comic relief" or the adverts asking for £3 pound a month etc.

If everyone in the UK donated £1 per month (including children and OAP's), we would raise a guarenteed £60 million per month for charity, surely that would be better, im sure everyone could afford to donate £12 a year, what do you think?

2006-10-16 08:38:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

I am pulled over for running a red light and the police find that I am drunk driving if I get the running a red light ticket dismissed will the police have to drop the Drunk Driving charge.

2006-10-16 08:38:55 · 14 answers · asked by knight 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Margeret Thatcher endorsed Mitt Romney today. Romney is going to run for President. Does her endorsement have any affect on your opinion of him?

My own opinion is that although I am independent minded and in the end will decide on my own who to support; since she endoresed him I will take a closer look at him.

Too bad there is no magic wand that would return her health and turn her into a natural born US citizen, I would vote for her.

2006-10-16 08:37:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections


Do you think we (America) will be in a Nuclear War/Holocaust within the next year, 10 years, 20 years, etc?

2006-10-16 08:36:15 · 6 answers · asked by Sloth for President 2012 3 in Other - Politics & Government

when are the white indigenous people of britain going to stand up and say to all the non -indigenous others that,this is the way we do things here and if you dont want to live by our laws and traditions without bringing your subversivness here and trying to ram it down our throats,THEN DONT COME TO OUR COUNTRY ,WE DONT WANT YOU AND WE CERTAINLY DONT NEED ANYTHING FROM YOU ?????

2006-10-16 08:35:49 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

There has been data discovered that points to America (Roosevelt) instigating an attack by Japan and allowed it to happen for the purpose of gaining entry into the second world war. If this is true, is it possible that 9/11 is the "new Pearl Harbor?"

If yes, explain why.

If no, explain why.

2006-10-16 08:35:48 · 9 answers · asked by 11:11 3 in Other - Politics & Government

(This question is for everyone regardless of if you support illegals or not).
If you lived at the border states and a family of illegals (either Mexican or otherwise) came knocking at your door in the middle of the night asking for help...........(help as in a place to sleep, food, some warm clothing, rest and a little money so that they can continue their journey again further into the USA in a day or so)............what would you do ?.

2006-10-16 08:33:10 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

The Constitution of the United States has, within itself, the mechanism for changing it.
So why all of the use of judical power t circumvent and twist it?
The democrats admitted, n he Reagan era, that they were forced to use te judiciary to effect legal changes that they could not, legally get pushed through the Constitutionally established methods
Should not these people be brought up on charges and prosecute for their actons?

2006-10-16 08:32:35 · 11 answers · asked by athorgarak 4 in Government

In other words, what should be curtailed and censored by law enforcement?

A terrorist handbook?
An explosives manual?
An anthrax recipe?

2006-10-16 08:31:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

why vote democrat? if you want:
higher taxes?
amnesty for illegals?
more support for pedophiles through nambla?
surrender to all enemies?
less funding for the military(the defense of our nation)?
increased welfare for lazy people?
continued use of the IRS?
support for the affirmative action? (reverse racist)
more "political correctness" (reverse racist)?
bigger government (I consider bush a democrat)?
more censorship?
punishment of rich who worked for their money?
dumbing down of government schools?
increased use of sharia law?
rich people leaving America due to high taxes (I already left)?
hypocrisy? (studds, kennedy family, both clintons, mel reynolds, pelosi, j, carter, etc.)
traitors? (jimmy carter)
more single mothers? (pelosi)
more feminism?
more ACLU atrocities?
more UN?
UN taxation of Americans?
America having less voice in the already useless UN?

2006-10-16 08:30:06 · 19 answers · asked by legal citizen 1 in Politics

ok lets have a serious debate on this.i think they should be banned because they are worn by muslims and some of these people AND NOT ALL are trying to destroy our world.what happens if a man dresses in the full robes and has a bomb with him?if you can see the face then you know if they are m/f.Also do not forget that the veil is a sign of oppression for women in muslim countries in this country thay are not opressed so why do they feel the need to wear them.

2006-10-16 08:29:45 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

I think this guy is a riot, he lives in Mexico and laughs at the natives, that is what I do here in the US, I make fun of the White folks and their lack of mathematical skill! What do you think of Chui?

2006-10-16 08:27:40 · 10 answers · asked by Mendi8a 5 in Immigration

How on earth can the claim of freedom of the press be stated when only the rich, who OWN and CONTROL the press outlets decide what gets published and broadcast?

Would it not be true freedom of the press for everyone who CHOOSES to own some sort of news agency be made to publish ALL sides of the story?
Would that not be a truely free press instead of the current propaganda machine we now endure?

I know the claim that 'freedom' could not exist if there were rules against one-sided stories, but freedom of the press should include the free access to said press, should it not?
A controlled press, be it by a government or a corporation or an individual (each with their own agenda), is, by definition, not-

2006-10-16 08:26:41 · 13 answers · asked by athorgarak 4 in Government

My now ex-boyfrend hit me in the head with a glass on friday night causing bodily injury. I called 911 and recieved assistance from the local police department and paramedics. I found out the state is charging him with felony assult because it turns out I am the third girlfriend he has done this to. What do I need to d, what will happen to him, and I just found ou t I am pregnant with his child so what do I need to do as far as custody and things of that nature. Please leave me any information to help with this matter. Thank you all and take care.

2006-10-16 08:25:59 · 19 answers · asked by starbrite 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

bash it all the time are the same type, who sponge it, use it, and is blessed with great prosperity,, but they have to compare themselves with the rockefellers and dynasties here and want only to be rich if their not then they claim discrimination?

2006-10-16 08:25:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Most depictions I see show them clean shaven, but I never thought twice of it.
Now, I'm seeing things that make me wonder if shaving is mandatory (or beards and moustaches forbidden). Is that so, is there a reason why?

I wonder because the French military has a facial hair tradition, there even used to be a time when only noblemen and soldiers could avoid the razor.

2006-10-16 08:25:36 · 12 answers · asked by Svartalf 6 in Military

Woman spared jail time for having sex with animal
by Keith Gushard
Special to The Herald

MEADVILLE — A New Airy woman has been spared possible jail time for having sexual intercourse with an animal.
Tina L. Smith, 35, of North Carolina, was accepted into Crawford County Court’s accelerated rehabilitative disposition program Friday by Judge John Spataro for the sexual intercourse with an animal charge.
The ARD program offers first-time offenders the opportunity to be rehabilitated and move through the legal system quicker. Offenders are placed on probation, ordered to pay court costs and fees, and may have other conditions placed on them. After successful completion of the program, a person’s record is expunged.
Smith was ordered to serve 12 months probation, pay a $150 administrative fee and court costs, and undergo mental health and drug and alcohol evaluations.

2006-10-16 08:24:22 · 14 answers · asked by Tina Louise Smith 1 in Immigration

I guess they can add that to the list, along with entrepreneur...

2006-10-16 08:22:45 · 11 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

Crist is going to kick Davis asss!! The reason?? Cause Crist is an "alpha" male, and even though i'm voting for Davis, Christ is the more popular one.

2006-10-16 08:22:28 · 2 answers · asked by james w 3 in Elections

I just heard that analyses seem to confirm that the famous Korean bomb test is likely a nuclear explosion. But it also seems likely that the bomb's yield was less than a kiloton.

This is about 15 times less than Little Boy... and I don't know what the yield of the Trinity test was. Is it possible for a true Nuclear device to yield so little? I assume that there would be a minimum possible yield, due to the minimum amount of fissile material that must be present to achieve critical mass and a true nuclear explosion.

If such a small device is possible, how so? Even tactical nukes develop around 20 KT, and I assume they are made as small as possible, so why should a true nuclear device develop so little?

2006-10-16 08:18:33 · 10 answers · asked by Svartalf 6 in Military

Was it because there was a compromise between the government and the teacher's union that was mutually beneficial? Or was it magic? SHould those teachers have taken a larger than agreed on pay cut, or was it justified to use their union to fight unfair labor practices?

2006-10-16 08:17:39 · 9 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

It is against the law for two or more competitors to collaborate to fix prices. The rational behind that law is that big established firms can close the free enterprise system off to new ventures and competition.

Has not the two party system of Democrat and Republican done the same thing, argueably in a more important realm?

How can an independant have a fighting chance to obtain even footing in anything larger than city council offices?

I have seen that in small town shool board elections, the big two pay HUGE amounts of money to secure these posts.

It seems to me that this system has become a shaow of what it was inende to be.

Should there be tax monies divied out to candidates from day one and ONLY those monies used to insure a fair contest between candidates?

2006-10-16 08:16:45 · 2 answers · asked by athorgarak 4 in Government

2006-10-16 08:16:36 · 15 answers · asked by S H I R A Z ! 1 in Politics

My boyfriend hit me ihe head with a glass on friday night. He was arrested and I now find out he is getting charged with felony charges because this is the third charge for hitting girlfriends. I had lived with him but moved out so I am sleeping on a friends couch, and I just found out I am pregnant. I need to know excatly what will happen to him, what I need to do, and things of that nature. Please leave me as much information as possible. Thank you.

2006-10-16 08:15:42 · 5 answers · asked by starbrite 2 in Law & Ethics

I was married 2 years ago, my husband and I have a daughter who is 1 year old, he left teh country to return to his home country, Brazil, shortly after she was born and does not keep in touch. I filed for divorce 3 months ago, my solicitor sent the papers to him in Brazil which he recived but is refusing to sign or return. He also won't give me his telephone number so my solictor cannot call him to confirm he recived teh papers, I am desperate to finalise the divorce, where do I stand and what can I do??

2006-10-16 08:15:36 · 19 answers · asked by Soso 1 in Law & Ethics

For the UK political system

2006-10-16 08:15:30 · 8 answers · asked by sowlerrmgh 1 in Politics

. I have heard from many eye witness accounts. that Northerner Red Necks are wimps. and quite.lazy.individualls. What are your thoughts pertaining to this subject.as I am researching a book on this.and need some first hand knowledgable accounts . I would never actually go north. so I will need some accurate accounts.Of red necks from both regions and the empressions you have abtained from them by observation,This book will deal some with political matters.Thank you now

2006-10-16 08:15:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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