well in response to a reason question i would think that I must have and would also admit that it is my mistake for thinking inteligent responces were going to be recieved I'm not ignorant however my spelling and grammar could use a lot of help but I say what I mean and I mean what I say the question was who is anyone to judge another for the way they chose to live or believe if not hurting others by what they believe or how they live and if they do wouldn't it be justice if the perpitrators were the ones held accountable insted of all thier nieghbors look I do not pretend to be knowledgable about life, its still a voyage for me at 35 ,but i have served this country with pride and honor and have always done what i believed to be right and just for me and my family and those who know me i hope they see me as a stand up guy a little loopy but stand up kind of guy .now the question remains ,why are our leaders imposing our military will on a country that does not want us their? (yes Iraq
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