When I travel, I tell people I am from Buffalo. No one knows where it is. So, I have to tell them it is in New York. Then they automaticly think New York City, 380 miles away. In reallity, there is little in common between these cities.
WNY taxes go to Albany, and from there, go to benifit NYC. Our economy has been in the toilet for over 30 years (Remember the economic prosperity of the 90's? We never had it!) Our citys' have had a negative growth rate for decades, and our bills to Albany have increased. I pay $8,500 a year in property tax on my 650sf. My home is only worth $35,000. We cannot vote out our leaders, we have state appointed "controll boards" in place in all major local and county governments.
The only way to get our own voice in our government is to either Succede, or hold a coup.
No taxation without representation! except WNY.
What do you think?
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