I have been accused by an officer who accused me of pretending to be his "late" nephew, which i was aquitted of and proofed innocent. He has now accused me of stealing and then when he realized he couldnt get me on it, he went balls out basically and interrogated EVERYONE possible, and basically HUMILIATED ME with my girlfriends parents, the school district and my peers. Someone brought up to me, that i could try for harrassment against him, or even sue....i dont believe in all that until i see proof, like from a REAL official website ....REMEMBER i live in Pennsylvania, and it has to be in that state obviously! I also heard that Police with personal bias are restricted from certain things with that person they have it with?
Does anyone know anything about what i asked/ Or can you help me find a website to help me...thank you so much, i appreciate all help, and ASAP....cuz i go to court very soon
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Law Enforcement & Police