Sorry, this isn't a question, but a testimonial. We have a 16 year old cat who has developed some trouble with spraying the past year. (She has been spayed and never had problems until recently...) We love her more than our carpets, and I've been trying everything to make this situation more durable for us, but until this weekend, nothing seemed to make any difference.
If you have a pet odor problem, then here's something that should help: Get a blacklight (Petsmart calls it a Stink finder, but you can get a larger light for less money at Walmart) and use that to locate the areas where your cat has urinated or sprayed. Then purchase a productc alled PETZYME Cat Stain & Odor Remover (We got ours from Petsmart), and pour generously over the affected areas. (Remember, you want to allow enough product to soak the padding underneath the carpet and spread to the same underlying areas the urine did.) It took care of the odor, and didn't affect the color of our carpet. Good luck
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