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Pets - 24 October 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

I read a lot of answers here that say to name a dog based on personality. Personally, I find that very strange. All of my pets have always had names that are actually names- not adjectives. I name my pets based on liking the way a name sounds, how that name fits the dog (or other animal) and sometimes take personal experiences into consideration.

Here's how Sydney got her name:
When I was little, there used to be a Husky x Collie who lived a few houses away. Her name was Sydney. I've always visited neighbors' dogs if they were outside and Sydney spent most of her time in her yard. I visited her almost daily, starting from a young age. The entire time I knew her, she was very sick (don't know what she had) and it was thought she only had a few months left. However, she lived a long and happy life. She died a few years ago and I miss her a lot. I decided to name my Husky after her, in her honor.

Explanation of Louie to follow....

2007-10-24 05:21:36 · 21 answers · asked by Boss 6 in Dogs

I'm from England and studying for my GCSEs. My dream is to become a vet. I'm taking three sciences and in May I will do 1 week work experience at a veterinary practice. I don't have any pets but I am a member of the Pony Club. Anyone got any tips or advice on how I can achieve my dream?

2007-10-24 05:20:13 · 4 answers · asked by Flugel 3 in Other - Pets

today my cat got beat up by a flock of birds.. they were dive-bombing him and he was freaking out.. i mean c'mon your a ******* cat kill them birds.. but no he ran away screaming.. I am so dissapointed in him i think i will get a dog!!!

2007-10-24 05:18:05 · 4 answers · asked by MR. KNOWS LITTLE 2 in Cats

I have a bunny. I got him last Nov. 1, 2006. When I got him, the guy from the pet store said he was approximately 15weeks old but i wana know the exact date of his birthday 'coz I wana give him a birthday party. How's that?

Ohhh and I asked my bunny if he knows, he says he doesn't know the date. I can't contact the breeder because he's from new zealand and I doubt it if he still remembers my bunny. Please help?:P

2007-10-24 05:12:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

i have a 6 month old male kitten with fleas. hes an indoor cat (a friend of ours, their animal had fleas and must have jumped a ride with him ). he is the only animal we have. so last week, we gave him a bath, put frontline on him, and bombed the house. we've been trying to vacuum everything everyday. he still has them. my boyfriend brushed at least 9 off of him last night. we have set up the "light trap" (soapy water in a pan under a light) before we go to bed for them to jump into. i dont know what else to do. I want to try everything i can before having to get an exterminator. help!

2007-10-24 04:59:58 · 6 answers · asked by SpaceCowgirl385 1 in Cats

My 7 month old boston terrier pup keeps getting worms. He had them about a month and a half ago and I gave him worm medicine, and they were not apparent again til a few days ago (when I noticed them in his poop). So now I have given him the medicine again.
My question is, how does he keep getting them when he's hardly ever around other dogs? Also, how can I prevent this from happening again?

2007-10-24 04:55:32 · 7 answers · asked by southerngirl 2 in Dogs

What can i do to help him? Thanks.

2007-10-24 04:55:12 · 12 answers · asked by yahooanswers 3 in Dogs

I adapted my new kitty (4mo) from local shelter, and she came home with a small flu (i.e. sneezing, runny poop).

I took her to the vet and he gave her 2 shots (one for earmites and one for the flu) and gave me some medicine to feed her. The next thing I know kitty had stopped comsuming food.
I went back to the vet a week later, kitty weight dropped from 4.2lb to 3.17lb, and she even lost the energy to go to the litter box (i.e. started peeing/pooping are her bed) and whenever she walks her rear body falls on the floor every few steps.

She was still purring when I hug and pet her, but that stopped as well after I took her to the vet the 3rd time and had another shot for fever.

Now it's been 6 days since her 3rd visit, and she lost appetite completely (and I mean it as not eating/drinking at all, unless I feed her with syringe). The vet appointment is schedule for this Saturday, but I am not sure if she can keep up until that time...What should I do to make her eat?

2007-10-24 04:51:23 · 15 answers · asked by rennie 1 in Cats

Ok its starting to get cold outside and I have a beautiful pitbull girl at home I know I can't leave her outside all day so I want to start waking up early and feed her walk her and make sure she craps. the thing is is it bad for her to stay in her cage for eight hours? She sleeps in her cage all night already. I need advise from people who know how to take care of a dog in the cold weather.

2007-10-24 04:50:34 · 13 answers · asked by super bad 1 in Dogs

Every morning when I feed my fish in my koi pond I notice several wasps floating in the water. The fish seem to ignore them completely and don't even make an attempt to eat them. The fish are about 1inch to 1 1/2 inches. So I'm pretty much stuck fishing the wasps out. What's going on here?

2007-10-24 04:47:31 · 3 answers · asked by christigmc 5 in Fish

mine are
1 tibetan terreir!
2 yorkie
3 lhasa apso
4 poodles
5 maltese

2007-10-24 04:31:38 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I saw a man who had tied a dog and was dragging it on the road - in India. He was with a big bunch of people mostly men. They were dragging the dog and beating it with sticks and it was yelping, screaming in a fit. I don't know what was the exact reason except someone told me it had rabies or it was some sort of cult worship and hence they were doing this. I could not do anything. There were so many men, I was alone and the dog was in a dying stage. It was horrendous.

The second was a lone pup on the road. I brought it home and fed it for a week before I organized the blue cross to come get her and keep her. I could not keep afford to keep this pup since we already have one and my dad will not agree. Thankfully they came and took the pup to the shelter and saved her life.

I have even avoided people or spoken to them very harshly on the road for their cruel treatment of cows. They beat them very hard and make them walk for miles and miles with heavy cargo, no water and less food.

2007-10-24 04:22:15 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My sister in law took her dog out Sunday night . She said the dog looked slightly out of breath on their return home but this is nothing unusual. When she awoke the next morning she found the dog dead in its basket. It had blood coming from its nose and mouth.
She is deeply upset but can not afford the two hundred pound to have a pm done as the dog is only four.
It was slightly over weight but in my opinion as dog owner it was a picrure of health.
Any ideas what it could have died from....

2007-10-24 04:05:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

my cat mille all she is interresting in is food i am feeding her about 2 tins of whiska's aday and she still would eat more, just wormed her about 3 weeks ago along with the rest of the gang? thanks folks

2007-10-24 04:01:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

We all know how many people are misinformed out there about dog reproduction. It's scary the types of questions that get asked, and most of the time we just tell these people to get their dogs spayed and neutered.

But, do you think this is sort of like telling all teenagers to practice abstinence? And not giving them the facts about sex, pregnancy and parenting?

Because, maybe it would help these people breed more responsibly if they knew what they were getting into. You know how they show the video of the woman giving birth and it scares a lot of kids into waiting to have sex? Maybe we need to show videos of dogs having stillborn puppies, and all the other horrific things that can happen?

2007-10-24 03:50:26 · 30 answers · asked by Carrie O'Labrador 4 in Dogs

And I have threw up 3 times last night.I think I have caught a virus from school.But that's not it my kitten as been watching me and has been not leaving my side, and most of the time she won'ts to play. Do you think she can sense that I am sick.

2007-10-24 03:45:41 · 9 answers · asked by Night Turn 2 in Cats

I've had this male cat for years that's at least 8 years old. He was neutered and never mated.

Lately he's been climbing on top of me as I go to sleep at night and twitching about, shaking his hips.... If I disturb him he acts quite offended and runs away... as if these were the signs of a female cat in heat.

I'm really confused; has anyone else had this problem?

2007-10-24 03:38:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

domestic short-hair mix. Just want some rough idea what kitty should weigh, ta

2007-10-24 03:32:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I have no experience with cats, but the mom has become very affectionate with me over the last 4 months. She is very skiddish, but trusts me with kittens. She is a wonderful mom and taking very good care of kittens. She has taken to the box I put the kittens in for her and will take them back there if I take them out. They were born 2 weeks ago. I could use any advise about cats and kittens. Never had a cat before but am a dog lover from way back. Please help!

2007-10-24 03:32:25 · 5 answers · asked by S R 1 in Cats

We are getting a kitten tomorrow and have been dealing with a roach problem in our new apartment for a couple of weeks now. All of the research I have done seems to say these products aren't harmful to pets, but I just want to make sure. I have Boric Acid spinkled along the edge of the kitchen and bathroom, roach houses scattered around in corners and Combat roach gel in "high traffic" areas for the roaches. Are any of these things harmful to cats? Has anyone used these products with pets in the home?

2007-10-24 03:31:13 · 3 answers · asked by Lauren K 1 in Cats

I have a 3 month old kitten. I have been switching around products out of peoples knowledge and experiences with them but now i'm totally lost coz in our stores there ain't much variety for cats.

Grocery stores: Purina, Whiskas, katkite (I think thats what its called right?), mjau

Pet store: Science hill, Iams, Eukanuba, Royal Canin.

Thats about it unless I missed some... I have fed it Whiskas (dry), but he had stomach problems. Also tried Purina and mjau kitten food, had no problems there. But switched to Science Hill after people saying grocery store food ain't good.

Now I read science hill ain't all that either! Is there nothing thats good for the cat?

Right now he eats Science hill (dry food) for kittens. That he gets during the day and Whiskas wet food in the evenings.

I have heard wet food is good for the cat but unfortunately there isn't much here for kittens.

Btw, I'm a vegetarian so me making his own food is not an option..

2007-10-24 03:30:23 · 10 answers · asked by Aquamarine 4 in Cats

she howels in her sleep and goes on for 2 or 3 minutes bit scary

2007-10-24 03:30:19 · 19 answers · asked by ? 4 in Dogs

me and my husband decided on getting a 9 week old female jack russell terrier...but we have no idea on what to name her! heres a link to what she does look like but its not her. best name gets 10 points! so your help is appreciated!


2007-10-24 03:21:00 · 72 answers · asked by ? 5 in Dogs

Im terrible at nameing pets. I dont like common names such as blackie or midnight for a black pet, snowball for a white, fluffy, rover....etc I like names that are short but different. examples: I once had a dog I called twin because he acted so much like me, I had a cat named Kabooky (chinese for entertaining) A dog named Simba because he reminded me of the Lion King. Now for the pressent: this little cat ( I think its a female) found me. she came on my front porch and stepped inside when I opened the door. she sits on a pillow all the time preening herself like a princess. she is mostly white but has brown on her head, ends of her feet and her tail is mostly brown. What can I call her?

2007-10-24 03:16:23 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I dunno if I'm going nuts or what but Advantage and FrontLine Plus for dogs aren't effectively keeping the fleas from jumping on my dogs. What do you use to keep the fleas from your dogs and does it wash off after a bath; how effective has it been for you?

2007-10-24 03:16:04 · 12 answers · asked by ♥Šωèé†íé♥ 6 in Dogs

Is a Havanese breed okay as a family pet (Young-ish Children, Easy Grooming, Reasonably relaxed) ??

2007-10-24 03:01:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I found out yesterday that my recently acquired red nose pit has parvo. It has been around my neighbors pit who has already been vaccinated for parvo. Can my neighbors pit still catch the parvo virus from my pup?

2007-10-24 02:51:35 · 14 answers · asked by Butta 1 in Dogs

I have a goffin cockatoo that is with me most of the day because I work out of the house. She gets PLENTY of attention, actually spending more time OUT of her cage than inside. She eats well, gets regular baths. Anyone have any idea why she still chews her feathers and shreds them? Any ideas on how I can get her to stop?

2007-10-24 02:48:40 · 5 answers · asked by christine v 1 in Birds

Our home has been infested with fleas. I didn't want to call an exterminator just yet because i hear that they just make them not reproduce. Will I have any luck with the fogger?

2007-10-24 02:48:14 · 8 answers · asked by Scorpio Chika 2 in Dogs

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