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Pets - 10 January 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

I have a Painted Turtle and a Red Eared Slider. I Also have a 30G Tank, Filter, Basking area with Heating lamp and there fed plants, Crickets, Shrimp and Mealworms. Anything else I need to Know??

2007-01-10 15:27:08 · 3 answers · asked by ryandudevegas 1 in Reptiles

so today when i came from work two puppies were born, but the 3rd one was missing.... I was trying to find it and it wasn't anywhere else. she is not having any contractions at the moment. she is just normal.would the last puppy still be inside?

2007-01-10 15:26:53 · 16 answers · asked by jscysc 1 in Dogs

He started humming and whining when i was soaping his shell and then started dancing and he worried me! Please help. Any advice is welcome

2007-01-10 15:26:01 · 9 answers · asked by Abaloon 2 in Reptiles

I'm trying to give away my Bunny (super cute!) but everytime I try to look up websites it just gives me websites to buy bunnies, not sell.

2007-01-10 15:25:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2007-01-10 15:24:54 · 24 answers · asked by daizy b 1 in Dogs

growls, when she has a bone, toy, sleeping. Need information on training

2007-01-10 15:24:42 · 5 answers · asked by Lisa 1 in Dogs

it is 11 weeks old

2007-01-10 15:19:17 · 10 answers · asked by skittlestnboi 1 in Birds

I have read about toxoplasmosis and how to stay away from the litter and etc...
I was just wondering does it hurt your chances of becoming pregnant and also what to do when you are pregnant besides stay away from the litter. My kitten is indoor all the time anyways...
Is it worth keeping your kitten while pregnant?
Also what do you do when the baby gets here besides keep the kitten away from "jumping in the crib" and other things my grandmothers warn me of.
Thanks much i know this sounds silly.
Just curious of how you all handled this....

2007-01-10 15:19:13 · 13 answers · asked by princesandy2004 2 in Cats

We are thinking on buying a new bird to accompany our Afriacan Grey, But he has a bright orange eye and it leaks Puss and we dont want out African Grey to recieve it.Is it contagious??

2007-01-10 15:18:10 · 4 answers · asked by Ninja 2 in Birds

i am getting ready to buy a bichon (8 weeks) from a breeder. i went to see her and the whole time that i held her she was shaking. the breeder says she it is because she is not use to me. is this common for puppies?

2007-01-10 15:17:06 · 10 answers · asked by missy 1 in Dogs

2007-01-10 15:14:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

For the first 2 weeks my 3 m/o puppy didn't do too bad with his crate training. Whined for a minute or 2 then stopped and slept. For a few days he didn't even whine. The last 2 days, however, he has to be pushed into the crate and barks and howls for seemingly endless amounts of time. Any ideas?

2007-01-10 15:12:29 · 14 answers · asked by DuffMan409 2 in Dogs

i have a bread working german sheperd. for guarding a building site. bought from the german army. she is now only 7 months old. what is the best way to get its agression level up with aggression pointed towords the attacker. i know some tricks just wondering if people can give me new ideas. thanks.

2007-01-10 15:11:56 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

The other cat has worms and are present around the tail. Is it safe to have them use the same litter box? Or am i risking contamination of my cat? Also, should i keep them separated?

2007-01-10 15:06:23 · 8 answers · asked by zebraheadgurl182 1 in Cats

i work at a pet store and the bird flew at my face to bite me. she only likes certain women .not me ofcourse.how can i get her to like me or stop trying to attack me.

2007-01-10 15:04:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

I feed my dog pedigree chump every day for lunch and dinner(obviously i give her more than just that, she gets porridge for breakfast, dog treats, food scraps such as chicken, turkey etc now and then).

Is food like Pedigree chump good for dogs? I have a sneaking suspicion it cant be very good and is full of chemicals and other crap. I sometimes give my dog organic dog food from healthfood shops but it's not very convient as it's not always available and Pedigree has vegetables and pasta in the tin and I like my dog to have a bit of variety.

What brand of dog food do you give your dog? And does anyone have any evidence dog food on the shelves is bad?

2007-01-10 15:03:30 · 35 answers · asked by jane 2 in Dogs

I had a sick goldfish and treated with Maracyn I also had high PH levels which is now back to normal for a week now. Since getting the the PH balanced the fish (3) seemed to be themselves again. However, now I have noticed some red lines in my gold ones tail and it looks like her orange colour is peeling off on one small part of her gill. My big black moors lips have turned white, not fuzzy but just white. I want to treat for fungus but not to sure what to use. Maracyn didn't really help. Should I use Maracyn2? and what about the red strips what is that???. I don't want to over treat. Could it be after effects of bad PH levels? Thank you

2007-01-10 15:00:52 · 8 answers · asked by starlight 2 in Fish

2007-01-10 14:57:01 · 7 answers · asked by mohan n 1 in Fish

pitbull, beagle, doberman,labrador,weimaraner, rottweiler. nothing else just hose type cause i dont like german sherpards cause their ugly to me no offense. no golden retievers BEcUASE TO MUCH HAIR. im am 13 looking for a dog that is playful,intellient,loyal, loving,protecting,guarding and a family pet.

2007-01-10 14:56:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

they leave their poor dog outside day and night. they never let it inside. hee cries and barks but nothing. oh and the owner came out and slapped the dog. what a man. a 6'4 man hitting a dog. its freezzing. 35 degrees at nite. 60 in day. 100 - 120 in summer. i feel so sorry for the poor dog. cops came did norhing. animal control didnt either. can anyone help? i want to kidnap him. how mich trouble can i get into? who else can i call to help this poor animal?

2007-01-10 14:52:55 · 15 answers · asked by cocoloco 2 in Dogs

look for a large dogor meduim as a guard dog/family dog in victoria so if u know anyone that is giving any away please contact me

2007-01-10 14:51:59 · 8 answers · asked by Pudgee 1 in Dogs

Dog Helps Youngster to Safety
A 3-year-old black and white pit bull resembling Pete the Pup from the 1940s "Little Rascals" shows grabbed the back of a girl's jacket and helped her out of a burning home Thursday night. After 6-year-old Autumn Marley alerted her mother that the Nordale Road home where they were staying was on fire, the dog--also named Marley, by coincidence--grabbed the girl as she struggled to get out the back door of the burning house and helped her to safety, said the dog's owner, Jennifer Ingram. "She's always been an awesome dog, but I didn't know she was capable to doing this," Ingram said of Marley, who she raised from a pup.

AHEM... thank you this was taken from a web page NOT alterd pit Bulls are not bad and for all of u that KEEP saying that all they do is kill childeren and other animals ... ur wrong..

2007-01-10 14:50:46 · 7 answers · asked by Day Dreamer 4 in Dogs

A lot of pets are bought and then abandoned. Another thing that many people don't know is that some pet stores simply discard female dogs after they can't give birth anymore.

Moreover, mixed breeds are generally smarter and healthier than pure breeds.

2007-01-10 14:43:24 · 6 answers · asked by Eiffel Tower 3 in Other - Pets

I have a ten gallon aquarium and I was thinking that I would try to set up a salt water aquarium this time. I wondered if someone could guide me through what I need to do. I sort of wanted to start out small before I go and invest in a big aquarium. Is a ten gallon tank even feasible for a salt water aquarium? Any suggestions are appreciated.

2007-01-10 14:42:18 · 4 answers · asked by Margaret M 2 in Fish

I need to know how do I train my Pom to not bite???? It doesn't hurt now but when he gets a bit older, I know it will. I started off by saying firmly "NO" in a very loud tone (almost yelling like) as when I just say a firm "no" he'd just continue as if he didn't hear a thing. When I say it loud, he'd stop and look at me and I'd give him the stare down and he'd eventually look away and throw a tantrum trying to break himself free from me and walk away or sometimes he throws himself to the ground and covers up his eyes with his paws! Lately, he's been ignoring my firm "NO" and continues with the biting and his teeth are beginning to get sharp. He also seems as if he's challenging me as he's getting a bit rougher when I tell him "NO".

I've tried yelping and walking away however, he just follows me wagging his tail or he'll go to one of his toys and I'll take it away. He's not getting it! What do I need to do to show him that the playful biting is not always ok?? I'm out of solutions!

2007-01-10 14:41:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i just got a little white male maltese who i would like to train to permanently go on puppy pads in a litterbox. i've heard mixed reviews. has anyone SUCCESSFULLY accomplished this, long term?

2007-01-10 14:33:00 · 13 answers · asked by diamond heart 4 in Dogs

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