When are the americans going to understand that YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT!
Like Guantanamo Bay and their 'unlawful combatants' spiel doesn't work to well with the Geneva Convention, so telling Iran, North Korea etc.,
"we've got Nuclear weapons - but you can't have them" is no different than one child saying to another in a playground ''it's my toy - you're not playing with it" - and then the teacher having to say ''Johnny don't be mean - share the toys with Billy, there's a good boy'', followed by ''Oh! Miss" from an agrieved Johnny.
It doesn't work!
If, however, the americans want to do away with their nuclear weapons, then no one else is JUSTIFIED in having them - but they're not going to are they? So everyone else is going to want one!
This is playground mentality - it's not rocket science - it's just straight forward simple logic and human behaviour!
Does anyone else wish that nice man with the big shiny robot would ACTUALLY LAND in Washington park?
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