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Home & Garden - 28 February 2007

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Cleaning & Laundry · Decorating & Remodeling · Do It Yourself (DIY) · Garden & Landscape · Maintenance & Repairs · Other - Home & Garden

Our current kitchen tile grout is coming out little by little (it wasn't sealed). It's down to about half thickness. Can I just prep it and add new grout or do I need to remove all the existing grout? And if I don't need to remov it, how should I prep it? Should it be a bit moist to adhere better to the new grout?

2007-02-28 03:31:21 · 4 answers · asked by Ginger G 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

We have melting snow dripping into our attic from the vent fans. The water is starting to puddle around the electrical wiring and wood chip insulation. Should I be concerned that a fire may start or that mold can grow and spread if my landlord does nothing.

2007-02-28 03:24:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

My daughter accidentally spilled it on her hands and I need suggestions on how to get it off

2007-02-28 03:22:48 · 9 answers · asked by Jordan B 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

My two year old daughter colored with brown crayon all over a canvas box/toy container that we use for toy storage. Is there any hope of getting it off and how?

2007-02-28 03:18:23 · 3 answers · asked by snowbunnygirl1980 2 in Cleaning & Laundry

well i want a tool that can cut locks without much sound like for stealing or breaking inside shops.can u suggest me some tools please it important....

2007-02-28 03:17:12 · 4 answers · asked by anuska_astute 1 in Do It Yourself (DIY)

its really annoying when i wash up the water is all plugged up.help me out someone please...............

2007-02-28 03:17:04 · 8 answers · asked by Jorge V 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

The scratches are narrow and are not deep, but they are still vivible.

2007-02-28 03:15:49 · 3 answers · asked by Michael n 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

We have an older farmhouse, basement is faced off with cement. Snakes still get in the basement and occasionally into the first floor. Very annoying, especially for my wife.
We are surrounded by farmland and orchard, and have used SnakeStopper in the past with a fair degree of success, but our goal is to eliminate them especially from the house. Any help would be appreciated.

2007-02-28 03:10:07 · 10 answers · asked by Jed 7 in Other - Home & Garden

Please give me a web site to I cal look up this information

2007-02-28 03:09:32 · 1 answers · asked by Allison 1 in Garden & Landscape

Our porch is pretty messy as in the concret. So I was wondering there is anything we can use to get it looking clean...

2007-02-28 03:08:08 · 5 answers · asked by Toni V 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

My sister just moved into a new house, and the door does not have a peephole. I feel that this is very unsafe for her and her children. There is no windows near the door to look out of either. I would like to install one for her but I do not know if you can install one into a metal door the same way you would a wooden door. If anyone has any advice for me I would greatly appriciate it.

2007-02-28 03:07:53 · 5 answers · asked by Angela KC 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I am decorating an area in my house with University of Georgia stuff. I have a mirror to go behind the bar, clock, etc. I am looking for ceramic tile that would have the University of Georgia emblem or some similar thing to use for the back splash at the bar. Does anyone know where I can find this?

2007-02-28 02:55:12 · 2 answers · asked by ravred300 2 in Decorating & Remodeling

I bought a house about a year and a half ago and it came with electrical smoke detectors (with NO battery backup), they only chirp when it gets below used to be 63 degrees, now they are chirping at anything under 68 and occasionally at 68 degrees, what does this mean, and how do I stop it from chirping???

2007-02-28 02:54:23 · 5 answers · asked by drk_blu_eyes 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I am in the process of buying a home. I have already realized one of my biggest problems will be combating ants in my new home. They are called pavement ants. I do not have the money to invest in professional pest control, therefore what is some DIY solutions to getting rid of ants for as long as possible?

I know that I can buy those little ant traps, but there has to be something out there that is more useful.

2007-02-28 02:52:57 · 57 answers · asked by MJ 3 in Other - Home & Garden

2007-02-28 02:52:46 · 2 answers · asked by natural00gurl 1 in Other - Home & Garden

do any people do the washing up by hand with gloves on

2007-02-28 02:51:33 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cleaning & Laundry

Second round of snow storm coming here in Minnesota, just wondering if there was anything I could put on our driveway before the storm comes to make shoveling easier in the morning...

Does salt work if you put it down BEFORE the storm? other handy ideas?

2007-02-28 02:46:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Garden & Landscape

I am a very tall guy, and I recently bought some Tall t shirts and after shrinking they are not the length I want them. If I wash them, then air dry, will they regain the length from purchase?

2007-02-28 02:38:33 · 8 answers · asked by J M 2 in Cleaning & Laundry

I love Phalaenopsis Orchis so my husband got me one for vday. well i need to know how to care for it, how often it will bloom, when i cut it down and how far. what kind of light it needs , how much water & repoting? please help!! I love this plant & just want to keep it alive

2007-02-28 02:28:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Garden & Landscape

it's only 15 months old but it won't work. when you start it, it seems to work for about 20 seconds then the lights start flashing on and off and it stops working. i've tried switching it off completely and restarting it but know good. any ideas/ repairman said these washers only last 18 months!!!??!! and my warranty ended 6 months ago!!

2007-02-28 02:26:44 · 5 answers · asked by me plus 4 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-02-28 02:16:29 · 4 answers · asked by frankmooney50 1 in Garden & Landscape

I have a down featherbed and my youngest daughter had an overnight accident on it. I just paid $48 to have it dry cleaned less than one week ago, so I hate like heck to pay it again so soon. I found the manufacturer's tag on it, but there are no cleaning instructions at all. If I do wash it, I plan on taking it to the laundry mat and using the super large washer/dryer, but I just need to know if it can be washed first. Thanks!

2007-02-28 02:09:13 · 7 answers · asked by Doogie 4 in Cleaning & Laundry

2007-02-28 02:05:40 · 18 answers · asked by mrs.new_major_07 2 in Decorating & Remodeling


usually just throw 'em away. since they are just glass and metal, can they be recycled or what?

2007-02-28 02:03:22 · 2 answers · asked by sisofphil 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

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