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Women's Health - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

Im a virgin and alot of the time i hear things about sex that accutally scare me and make me resistent to it like bleeding , things ripping , serial pain and other issues , is there any good side to it because all i hear is females telling me how painful it is when you start.....

2007-03-19 02:10:47 · 6 answers · asked by Stelle S 1

i eat all types of vegetables but i still dont find any result,

2007-03-19 02:09:04 · 4 answers · asked by lucky 1

in what stage during ovary cancer should the patient's ovaries be taken out? after they're taken out, is there still any risk of death?

thanks :)

2007-03-19 02:04:03 · 1 answers · asked by good day :) 2

i havent had my period in four months and i am not pregnant and i dont know what could be wrong with me

2007-03-19 01:52:20 · 12 answers · asked by diana 2

Ok so I lost my virginity about a month ago and I've had sex five times since...but on the fifth time he went deeper than usual, about 5 minutes after we finished, I started cramping REALLY bad....so bad that I almost threw up. It still kind of hurt the next day, but not as severe. Has this happened to anyone, and what could have caused it?

2007-03-19 01:37:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have this friend that had sex for the first time...which is a girl...n yesterday she told me that her private part was pain...she had sex quite long ago already...so wads making her pain now???

2007-03-19 01:32:59 · 6 answers · asked by candylove 1

i had a smear test done 5 months ago it was my first one. i bled slightly and doctor said not to worry but the test came back not clear .she wants me to go for another in 1 months time.she said not to worry, but easier said than done.should i stop worrying

2007-03-19 01:31:51 · 23 answers · asked by miss c 1

i wigh 115 pounds and next to my friends thats fat, so how do i lose some of it

2007-03-19 01:30:08 · 8 answers · asked by Heather 1

I've been on BCPs for about a year and a half. I've never had a problem with an irregular period or spotting before. I started my new pack of pills on the first Sunday in March (I had sex during my placebo week once with a condom and once with withdrawl). I had sex during the first week of those pills where on Tuesday I ended up being two hours late taking my pill. Also the time change moved my taking my pills to one hour earlier and since the time change I have consistently taken my pills between 12 and 12:30 everyday. My boyfriend and I have had sex a few times this weekend and Sunday night I noticed and weird brown dot on my underwear. By the time I saw it was dried and crusty (not like regular menstrual bleeding). Is this spotting? and could I be pregnant? I'm on my last active week of pills so I should be getting my period next week. Do I need to be worried?

2007-03-19 01:23:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 01:19:51 · 18 answers · asked by prettygirl 1

I have noticed that down there gets all red and its not ichy but irretated and red , as though i have been cut in the skin , i havnt had any sexual contact at all and when i go to the bathroom and wipe , it hurts even more..... any ideas to whats wrong ?!?!? thanks....

2007-03-19 01:14:51 · 11 answers · asked by Stelle S 1

that they're PMS"ing" when they're on their period, even though PMS means PREmenstrual syndrome?
it just annoyed me, sorry... anyone out there do that?

2007-03-19 01:09:35 · 4 answers · asked by anonymous 2

When i first started the pill, i was a 36c now im nearly a 42c. Ive been on it for nearly two years, but the changes didnt start until last oct. im not Pg. I also noticed it was around my period, but the swelling doesnt go away. Am i just crazy? im really tired of buying new bras. they arent cheap these days....

2007-03-19 01:06:37 · 6 answers · asked by Frappomocho 2

I have been on the Depo shot for three years, and I'm hearing lots of bad things about it now so I want to switch to something else. I can't remember to take a pill every day so that is not the method for me. (with two kids, school, job its too hectic around here) My nurse suggested the mirena IUD.

Is this safe? Has it worked for you? Anyone have personal experience?

I have the pamphlet and a dvd about it. But I want to hear some personal views on how it worked for you.

Thanks ahead for all answers.

2007-03-19 00:58:41 · 3 answers · asked by nic h 3

i've got a 28day cycle and usaly just bleed for 5 days but this cycle i was bleeding for 7days is that normal cause for all my life it was just 5 days. and me and my husband is trying to get pregnant my dc has put me on fertomid 50mg its the second time using this. when will it work? i've got a son thats 2 now and lost a baby at 1 month so to get pregant means alot to me.

2007-03-19 00:56:31 · 0 answers · asked by stephanie f 1

My friend had a termination in Sept '06, and had the contraceptive injection afterwards. She was experiencing intermittent bleeding, it would stop and start at random times. She didnt go back to have her second contraceptive injection, so it ran out in December. It said on the leaflet that the injection can make you bleed for sometime afterwards, but we are talking about nearly 4 months, and my friend is still bleeding, pretty much none stop more recently for the last fortnight, but not as heavy as previously. Any advice on why this could be happening?

2007-03-19 00:48:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has anybody had weight loss with synthroid? If you had how drastic was the weight lost Like in a week or month. I ask b-cuz I have dropped 7 pound and today is my first week. I'm soo happy. Ever since I had my triplets almost 5 yrs ago, I have been on every diet you can think of and the weight would not come off, and now to my surprise 7 pounds yippi!!!!! I do ride bike every day for 30 min and try to go to the gym 3 x a week, but I also notice I have more energy with this pill and I hardly every think about eating. Your feed back would be appreciated!!!! Thank you

2007-03-19 00:34:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok last night something wierd happened. I woke up at 4am to go to the bathroom and I had little drops of red blood. Like maybe 3, nothing when I wiped and now 3 hours later its gone. Is this implant bleeding? I read it isnt RED BLOOD just light pink..so just curious what this is. Thanks.....Im about 13dpo, possibly 10dpo depending how you read my chart..so let me know what you think....

2007-03-19 00:21:58 · 2 answers · asked by Just Me 1

Okay I am starting to see a guy that is 6'6'' and really thin. I'm expecting him to have an enormous "johnson" although I haven't seen it or felt it, he is just so tall. I've never had anything in me larger than 7 and not much girth. Too be honest i'm afraid of the pain that it may cause. Is there anything i can do to ease the pain?

2007-03-18 23:42:31 · 8 answers · asked by ap 1

Im not sure anymore...I had sex on Feb 18th without a condom and on Feb 27 I had this buring and ichy feeling it was so bad that I couldnt sleep at night...and i scratched and scratched and scratched. I dont have the burning feeling anymore just ichyness(It stoped around March 6-10)...and I do scratch in one place...plus another place...(my inside lips and between the inside lips and the outside) Now I am experiencing this white odor discharge I can sit and watch it come out by itself. But when I checked my inside lips where i scratch...there are bumps there....like forming lines where I scracthed and now this kind of sounds like herpes...the bumps do not hurt...they're not red, not blister looking, and it doesnt burn, itch, or puss indside, or water nothing! They are just there But I am still afraid it might be herpes. When I pee it doenst burn...It just ichys at my clit...So does it sound like Herpes or Yeast Infection?

Could I be sctrchin to hard to cause the bumps to appear?

2007-03-18 22:53:11 · 16 answers · asked by Chaka Chaka 1

as im having too much of fat around my thighs i really need some way out to burn the fat i have bought a cycle ( the one in the gym ) plz tell me how much time should i do cycling both in morning and afternoon to get back in shape in 1 1/2 month?

2007-03-18 22:41:36 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please only serious answers!!
It was while I was showering that I noticed it was itchy on the insertion hole of my vagina and it only itched when i touched it. After a few hours i checked, it was still itchy so I looked through a mirror to see if maybe something was wrong.. and everything seemed alright until I saw inside the insertion hole, there was some white substances. it looked thick white.
It doesn't hurt at all. No blood. No discharge. And its not swollen nor red.
It just itches a bit in the insertion hole.
what could this be? Is this an infection? And what can I do? I would like any suggestions other than hospital. thank you.

2007-03-18 22:31:35 · 11 answers · asked by lijlllkkl1 1

i have severe endo and have to have surgery to try and seperate it it is all congeled together along with my bowels and bladder and i may have to have a colon bag what do i do

2007-03-18 22:21:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

im ascking do girls like men to look at ther *** when they pass by or when ther standing infront of them and by the way o girls like to get f&&ked in they a$$ just a q im serious just want to know.

2007-03-18 22:09:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

hard to explain this one, i went onto the pill femodine and it did not suit me, i only took it for a month, i came off it after taking 21 pills. then 28 days later i have had a tiny bleed and have started taking yasmin which i was on a couple of years ago. this pill suits me but does it matter if the bleed i had was not a proper period and i started the pill? does your body naturally adjust to the cycle of the pill?i have taken two yasmin pills and my 'period' has finished, i usually bleed for 4 days. can the pill do this? help!!

2007-03-18 21:52:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

ther is this girl that always wants me to look at her booty she some times passes me by and lets me feel her booty what dose she mean by that even when she comes out of the bath room with only a bath room dress she hold on her dress so it can get tite on her butt ther stand infront of me giving me her butt so i can see what dose she mean im serious....???

2007-03-18 21:35:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


I think i have a vaginal infection.. I don't know how to tell my mother.... i have light brown discharge, right after i finished my period, and some slight burning/itching. i have never had sex or anything so i dont know what it could be.

2007-03-18 21:23:41 · 8 answers · asked by membabe 3

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