I've suffered depression for over a decade. It was seasonal when living up north; but is now steady year round; but not as severe living in the South. I've tried every SSRI, Wellbutrin, Adderall, you name it and none pull me completely out without making me miserable in another area such as poor sex drive, weight gain, emotional blunting, etc. Provigil was the ONLY medicine that made me feel completely normal; it was a godsend; but after two weeks it began to stop working almost completely even after dose increase. This question is aimed at chemists or persons very familiar with actions of meds on the brain. The provigil allowed me to wake up almost instantly (rather than sleeping 14 hours a day), I had a sex drive, I thought clearly, no side effects, a pure miracle but short lived. Definitely not a placebo affect, it was far too distinct. What action does Provigil have on the brain, and is there any other drug, legal or not, that would be similar? My life is worthless.
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