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Other - Health - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

I've ALWAYS wanted to donate blood since i can remember but im only 14 and not sure if i can do it- my mum is against it so if i need consent at this age i wont be able to get it done- shes so selfish lool. Also, i want to give bone marrow (spelling) but i've heard its very painful- anyone know any details about this?My friends dad survived luekimia (again spelling) because of a bone marrow donar and i know how much it ment to her, so i want to do the same for someone else.
p.s: im terrified of needles but i promised myself i'd donate blood so i'm gonna have to get over it. lol

2007-05-31 23:26:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just don't feel comfortable wearing panties, but when i go to the gym, or when it's real cold in the winter (rarely where i live at) and i wear jeans, i do wear it of course.

is it good or bad for this area to be exposed?

2007-05-31 22:23:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to do a speech in 3 days....and although im not nervous at actually doing the speech, im nervous about my stuttering.
I really wanna try and reduce my stuttering because its really embarassing when people notice it.
Are there any mouth exercises or any other things i can do that can at least help?

2007-05-31 22:22:08 · 2 answers · asked by heart_sunglasses 4

Is there a company used by insurance companies that keeps all medical information on file - in other words, if one pays for treatment through insurance, might there be a depository somewhere that has your medical records and information relating to such treatment on file? I heard that there's such a depository of information in Virginia or Maryland.

2007-05-31 22:02:04 · 4 answers · asked by sweetpea 2

to observe the guidelines so that the visit will be beneficial to the patient.

2007-05-31 21:47:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had tried many ayurvedic remedies and homeo but futile.give me solution as i am getting very stressed .i am loosing my good looks as i am getting weaker day by day.give me sincere solutins to my problem please.

2007-05-31 18:41:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whenever I sneeze, my nipples immediately get hard. It's rather embarassing because I end up headlighting the room unless I'm wearing a wool sweater. And I have just made a loud noise to attract additional attention. Is this common? Genetic? Weird or normal?

2007-05-31 17:07:35 · 7 answers · asked by Rachel 1

So on Sunday I had a a very sudden dizzy spell come on as well as a real queezy feeling. The dizziness and light headed feeling lasted approximately an hour and then when it was over, I was very tired. Today the same thing happened only it was acompanied by pretty significant sweating. I am a 27 year old male and in reasonably good health. I plan on seeing the doctor but was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences or know of anything that could be hepful.

2007-05-31 17:07:27 · 12 answers · asked by Wanderer 2

I have a rash that started on my arm, I just figured I cut them, then noticed later small red bumps all over my chest and stomach as well. They don't itch, but are bumpy and just barely getting better. I have had this for a week. Will go to the doctor soon if it doesn't get any better.

This ever happen to anyone?

2007-05-31 16:44:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-31 14:23:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

she has had it for about 2 weeks and we tried calimine lotion and things but nothing seems to work. she keeps scratching at it and it is all over her, what can we do to get rid of it fast and somewhat painless?

2007-05-31 13:51:18 · 4 answers · asked by truely_forever7232006 1

I know that it sounds like a dumb question, but when I was 18 I thought I was getting old, so now I'm 23 and was wondering from the older people if 23 is old. Do you look back at 23?

2007-05-31 12:21:25 · 30 answers · asked by The Man 1


2007-05-31 12:16:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

All I do is sit around at my house and play on the computer. I do not like to do this really, but it seems all the people I know are stupid and I don't want to hang out with them. Please help.

2007-05-31 11:59:31 · 10 answers · asked by horatio 2

2007-05-31 11:27:47 · 6 answers · asked by bobby f 1

i ate hot cheetos.. for like the past week.. and ive tried EVERYTHING to get the red off my fingers.. and it wont come off.. any suggestions?

2007-05-31 10:38:10 · 12 answers · asked by ally 1

I'm sorry if it's in the "bad" areas but I don't know where it is.

2007-05-31 09:47:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can I get cervical cancer from sex toys?

2007-05-31 09:43:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

How Do You help one of your best friends who is struggling with bulimia for the second time in 2 years?

I believe the reason would be that her boyfriend that she is madly in love with broke up with her just recently.

my other best friend says that this is just a cry for attention.

Either way, bulimia can kill her and telling her that won't work because thats the reason she stopped in eighth grade.

Please help. I hate seeing her this way. It's not like she has to lose weight anyway...she only 100 pounds.

2007-05-31 09:29:01 · 7 answers · asked by Laura 2

2007-05-31 08:18:18 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

high amounts of probiotics in the digestive tract can ward off stomach upset. if you have a low amount of these good bacteria in you it can cause problems. yogurt can raise these good bacteria, which kind of yogurt is best at raising these good bacteria and how much do you have to eat a day and for how long? what other foods raise probiotics in your digestive tract?

2007-05-31 07:21:35 · 2 answers · asked by tommartella1 1

I was just wondering if anyone knows WHERE the actual written prescriptions go after you turn them in at a pharmacy? Does the doctor get them back? Does the pharmacy keep them on file? Or do they just get thrown away?? I was just curious to know exactly WHERE they end up after they have been filled and picked up? Thanks for any help you can give! :)

2007-05-31 06:54:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I get really bad migraines. Severe pain, spots in my vision, loss of feeling in extremeties, vomiting, etc. I find it hard to talk, and I usually crawl to the bathroom. Yet I see other people who are walking around, working, etc. and they say, "Yeah, I have a migraine." I cannot be prescribed certain types of birth control, because I am told I have "migraines with neurological affects."

Are there different types, because when I get one, there is no functioning at all. Yet, when I see someone who is walking around and talking, and claims to have one, I am yet to believe that they are actually having a migraine. So are there different kinds?

2007-05-31 05:31:43 · 2 answers · asked by Des-n-Jes 4

Have high metabolism but longer hair

2007-05-31 04:27:44 · 8 answers · asked by Joe 1

i'm asking this on behalf of my sister who is 14 years old this year. she is 5'' (152 cm) and 94 pounds (42 kg). she said she has been at the same height for one year which means she has not been growng. but when she went to this height prediction site, they said that she'd be 5''2 (157 cm) when she's 18 years old. my mom is 5'' and my dad is 5''9. so do u think she'll still be able to grow or its just that its not her time to shoot up yet? or she has stopped growing. (she got her period when she was 12 years old). thanks!

p.s.: she drinks 1 cup of milk everynight =)

2007-05-31 03:33:02 · 2 answers · asked by angler 1

My daughter had her ears pierced and took them out they have closed. I want to repierce but I am scared because she has a ball inside of the lobe where the ear was pierced. This was a reg. piercing. What is the ball and can I repierce her ear?

2007-05-31 03:28:37 · 5 answers · asked by mama g 2

what r they ? how do u get em ? how do u get rid of em ?

2007-05-31 03:26:28 · 8 answers · asked by Shimi.27 1

In February I discovered a lump in my breast - which turned out to be a bengin tumor. I went and got it checked out and they told me it wasn't big enough to worry about right now and to come back in 6 months. Well I've been watching it, and it was gotten 2-3 time bigger since then and it has begun hurting and I can't sleep on that side anymore. I went back to the doctor yesterday and she forwarded me to a doctor for the surgical diseases of the breast to discuss the option of getting it out (I go on Tuesday). Anyone ever had this happen to them? I just want some insight on what to look forward to when meeting with her. How would it be taken out? Would the lump be tested to be positive there was no cancer in it? Serious replies will be much appreciated. Thanks!

2007-05-31 03:23:17 · 4 answers · asked by SummerMarie<3 2

At least they do me....

2007-05-31 03:13:06 · 5 answers · asked by kittykatts 4