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Other - Health - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

i dont know why thsi happens....
I wear glasses right,
and whenever i do ablution-(wash myself)
and water reaches into my eyes
i can see clearly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
until when i dry my face with a towel
everything blurs up again

2007-11-30 23:23:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello, I hope you have the time to give me some suggestions/comments when it comes to my lab results. I was tested earlier this morning. I won't be back to the doctor's office until next week. For now, I hope you can give your suggestions that I can follow for the following days.

Sugar: Negative
Albumin: Trace
Pus: 0-2/HPF

BLOOD CHEM (expressed in mmol/l)
Glucose: 4.53 (normal: 3.89-5.84)
Creatinine: 77.37 (normal: M:57-92)
Cholesterol: 4.53 (normal:3.9-6.18)
Triglycerides: 1.16 (normal: 0.45-1.86)
HDL: .90 (M: 1.04-1.3)
LDL: 3.10 (0-4.0)

Guys, I'm worried about the traces of albumin in urine (yeah, I do love to eat meat) and my HDL (it's low. what do you mean by that?). What can you I do to make me normalize the results next time? Like I said, my next appointment is still next week. I'm still 17. years old. Thank you all!

2007-11-30 22:39:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-30 22:05:02 · 5 answers · asked by jackass781 1

i started taking antidepressants like 18 days ago and since yesterday i have been feeling a pulse like beat in my left foot!! PLEASE tell me someone knows what this is

2007-11-30 19:44:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

When i learn something, i forget them a week after,is this normal?

2007-11-30 18:31:16 · 2 answers · asked by tommy_li05 1

so... i have been sick for a while..and recently went to the doctor, and she said it is a mixture between a bacterial/sinus infection and anxiety...

so she gave me medicine for each.... arithromyacin and lexapro..

since i have started taking them, i have been feeling worse, nauseous, headachey...dizzy...etc

so tonight, i was performing in a recital, and before i sang, i felt my heart beating really heavily and felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. (I dont get nervous when performing...) after singing the first line, i fainted.

im calling my doctor first thing in the morning, but im still feeling dizzy and ive got this constant stabbing-ish pain in my head...near the temples and back where the skull like meets the neck...

what do you think...

2007-11-30 17:45:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

It happens every once in a while, but i have looked it up on some of the medical sites that i picked off from Yahoo Search. & things didn't look so good. But on one of the sites, the page read that people live with it after a while for the rest of their lives. It can be due to many causes. But i have no idea. It can also be tied in with being emotional. But i am emotional when it comes to my bf, (only good things, not bad). It's like when you think of someone your heart feels like you are trying to grasp for air for one second or less, and then the fluttering is gone. I don't know, but could someone tell me please. Really bothering me just thinking about it. I know it's not my bf either. I think it has to do with something deeper, like health wise but not sure fully.

2007-11-30 17:43:35 · 11 answers · asked by fryeindustries2002 3

Here's the thing, I've already had like 3 pots of coffee today, but I really need to stay up all night. At this point caffeine will just make me tired. HELP!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-30 16:43:32 · 6 answers · asked by dfjgnrjg 2

2007-11-30 15:21:51 · 7 answers · asked by Nyiesha E 1

Hi....i searched for this question first and two questions from the past had been posted but they both had opposite answers. lol one said it keeps you awake and one said it makes you drowsy. So maybe its different for each person.

All I know is I need serious cough medicine AND sleep. NOW. And Delsym was recommended to me. Please give me a quick answer if you can....I really WANT it to make me drowsy so I can sleep easier.

2007-11-30 15:14:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's been this way sicce I was a kid, and I'm now 21- my throat and eyes get extremely dry especially when I wake up in the morning. even if I just took a 15 minute nap, I would wake up with a sore throat. it's a strange problem but anyone have suggestions for me? ps I also drink quite a bit of water before bed

2007-11-30 13:10:03 · 8 answers · asked by phil h 2

We just moved into a new apartment complex. As I was unpacking my girlfriend decided to go to the clubhouse and check out the steam room we had heard about. I have never actually been in one before so I was not in the mood to try now, i was already sweaty.
She came back about 20mins later and told me that it was a coed common steam room, kind of small (could only fit 4-5 people) and when she walked in there was a naked guy sitting on a towel with a hand towel on his head. She said the didnt know what to do, stay or go? keep her bikini on or take it off? She said she ended up staying and keeping her bikini on. The other guy never said anything or even acknowleged her. He just switched from sitting to laying down on his back then left.

She wanted to know if that is normal?
And how other women might have reacted given the same situation?

2007-11-30 12:45:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do some people have like deep lines on their necks?...or like extra balls of fat with lines?....and its not because they are fat cos they arent they are skinny...is there a reason for this? why would people have lines on there necks ....its not like we sit with our necks...so how do these lines form????

2007-11-30 12:09:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Obviously easting spicy foods will make the cold worse for the time being, but can it speed up the process since you would be flushing out the germs??? Thats what my dad claims and I really want to get rid of my cold since my bday is in a couple of days

2007-11-30 11:43:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ive heard this rumor for years and was wondering if there is any fact bases on this

2007-11-30 11:43:10 · 8 answers · asked by johnnyBgood 4

thats very hiugh

2007-11-30 11:38:00 · 3 answers · asked by Jamie R 1

I was just thinking when they do surgery it seems to me that it would smell somewhat like puke or feces because of everything stored in your stomach. Is it true?

2007-11-30 09:57:49 · 3 answers · asked by Lindsey B 1

I went to the doctors a month and a half ago...I'm only 16 but I have a major hemeroid problem. I have for a long time. But it was getting worse and I couldnt take it anymore so i begged my mom to take me to the doctor. He said not to use preperation H anymore because my body is emuned to it and he gave me a prescription. He also said I had a fish or fisher (i dont remember) in my buttand might need surgery if it doesnt go away. Anyway, my problem is, my prescription worked for a little but it doesnt help at all anymore. My hemeriods hurt and itch and its ruining my life. I have a boyfriend and I'm sure he hates it when I skworm when we cuddle. and in class its so twempting to itch but i cant. i NEED help..this is soooo not kool and I cant live like this...please help me!!!

2007-11-30 09:51:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean like lets say you play at 3:30 and u don take a shower till lik night when your gona go 2 sleep is that bad???if so why???

2007-11-30 08:31:46 · 5 answers · asked by jenifer 1

Has anyone ever tryed using it? I know it comes in pills and just the oil. Some people said it helps their joints. That is what I mainly want it for. My joints have been getting really bad and hurting lately. Does anyone also know the benefits of using it?

2007-11-30 07:28:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so can anything be done for it?

2007-11-30 07:27:01 · 1 answers · asked by slim papa 2

i have always wondered this can anybody tell me why???

2007-11-30 07:05:44 · 12 answers · asked by lisa 1

I hear rumors that there is

2007-11-30 06:49:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I get Migrains all the time!! When I am at work its the worst!!! I get them so bad I am physicaly sick, cant even keep down water, so i cant take asprin!! I am miserable right now. Any quick fixes?? Help please!

2007-11-30 06:42:02 · 10 answers · asked by Sincerely Yours 3

Symptoms: Sneezing condtant Runny nose sore throat

2007-11-30 06:01:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love to sing, I used to sing all the time, but now when I sing with all my might, I get the flu a day or two later.

2007-11-30 05:50:40 · 5 answers · asked by Larry The Don ® 3

My buddy needs some help wiht getting THC out of his system...does anyone know any tips ?

2007-11-30 05:40:37 · 19 answers · asked by Kayla H 2

I REALLY need a shower I didn't take one yesterday so I smell really bad with greasy hair and for some reason my water is only spitting out little bits of water. Could it be frozen pipes or something? I dont know what to do i have work in 2 hours!

2007-11-30 04:42:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


I just checked out an oran donor site because I thought if I die, im not going to need my organs and it will save another persons life. So I got to the part where you fill in the details of your name and what you want to donate, which I said any organs or tissue that someone may need, but then all of a sudden I got really scared and backed out.. Now I feel so selfish because I really want to do it. I know this sounds silly but I can't get the thought of it hurting out of my head. Dumb I know as I'll be dead and wont feel it...

I definatly want to do it but I just can't get these thoughts out of my head and Im also scared when I get the card I will be too scared to carry it around..

If I just say to my parents "When I die, I want to donate my organs" will this be the same as having a card because surely they can choose when im dead..

Im 17 by the way... x So please can I have some advice..

Thank you
Jade xx

2007-11-30 04:08:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

There’s a small chance I might be anemic will the people working at the blood bank be able to test for this r will they just tell me to go to the doctor to find out and then come back if I’m not?

2007-11-30 03:46:25 · 5 answers · asked by StylishRiot ☮ 5