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Other - Health - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

2006-10-21 21:23:28 · 8 answers · asked by matthew87654321 1

begans on the ankles none on feet.Goes up to where my boxer short starts.Its equal on both legs I guess to.Im young under 30 yo male..This started around a month ago,I wasnt concerned until someone made a comment about it.I thought maybe it was just from me wearing some sweat pants I had..Another weird thing latley I have had calf pain.Its been around a month or so like I said..I have a recent pic here to any ideas thanks people..

2006-10-21 21:20:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can one have a panic attack while sleeping? If so how do you know thats whats wrong?

I am a very paranoid person, and often worry there is somthing seriously wrong with me. Lately I have been waking up with a fast heart beat. It worries me very much and usually goes away once I calm down.

This has only been happening the past 3 nights.

I was recently put on Toprol but know that is supposed to slow the heart down. This started about a week after I started it though.

I had an EKG done the day I went on the Toprol and it said that everything was perfect. But becuase it's during sleeping hours it doesnt affect the EKG results right?

I know I should seek medical attention and I will if this does not go away, I was just wondering if maybe this has happened to anyone else.

2006-10-21 21:03:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a white wc, there are these dark brown stains under the water, if I use bleach they turn white, but soon turn brown again after a couple of days

2006-10-21 20:30:25 · 15 answers · asked by ArskElvis 3

The basement flooded back in late July and yes I lost all of my stuff but besides that the furnace is down there and these spiraly looking fungi are growing down there and with the furnace running and all the intake of air from the basement to the inside of the house I am worried, the lanlord is slacking and is well aware there is a wall that is crumbling down there also and everytime it rain water runs in from the outside to the inside from behind the furnace and puddles about 2 feet sometimes at the end of the basement stairs which are in the attached garage I am worried about this and dont know what this is I have small children and I am concerned. Now I also have a Gnat of some kind in my home that is not being caused from fruit they dont go away can someone help............

2006-10-21 20:17:44 · 3 answers · asked by melkjarrell 2

Ive got alot on my mind and i m sleepy as hell.its 1 in the morning and everything is getting to me.Im feeling sad ,but i cant seem to sleep cuz of those thoughts in my mind. Anybody know a good way to get my mind off of things? So i can go to sleep,finally.

2006-10-21 20:08:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

and how long deos it stay in ur system???

2006-10-21 20:04:17 · 17 answers · asked by jc m 1

i constantly thinking of suicide, but i function well as an individual, am i crazy, do i need a psychologist?

2006-10-21 19:56:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I go to the beach I get this rash all over me. It is also when i go in my friends pool so it is something to do with salt water. I don't think I am allergic to salt water because it hasn't happened before. It only started in the first week of the holidays when it was my first time in salt water for a long time. I don't go in salt water very often at all. I haven't been in salt water since. Why is salt water causing this rash??????

2006-10-21 19:42:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-21 19:37:11 · 11 answers · asked by curious 1

Drinking, gambling, drugs, the same old lessons that I can't seem to learn and now I'm 30. Too old. Must grow up or I'm going to kill myself.

2006-10-21 19:34:11 · 11 answers · asked by dudeeeeeeeesssssssss 2

:'( tear i cant take this pain anymore could i have cysts? or endm.

2006-10-21 19:33:00 · 7 answers · asked by babibear20 1

I heard somewhere about a detox thing where you only drink black coffee and water. Does anyone else know about this, and if you do can you give some details?!? ^_^

2006-10-21 19:32:02 · 5 answers · asked by totallyradchick 1

Do you think that insanity could be a natural self defense in a body as a way to cope with outside experiences that may otherwise interfere with life? Like people can drive someone inter utter insanity and madness, but do they become insane as a relief from being tormented like that? Do they lose their ability to know their insane as a way to cope?

2006-10-21 19:14:44 · 4 answers · asked by Cody B 2

its a start of a serious cold. anything i can do to make it go away faster? I'm taking Nyquil,throat spray, robitussin, and Vitamin C. (and this is Fate putting me in my place cause I wouldn't shut up about "not having called off work for SEVEN YEARS")

2006-10-21 19:12:15 · 4 answers · asked by Freakgirl 7

2006-10-21 19:09:13 · 6 answers · asked by MILTON D 1

He does not complain about the pain constantly but it appears to ;just come on' and he cries and holds his leg. He is a twin and his twin sister cries with him. This has been ongoing for about 4 days and we will take him to the pediatrician tomorrow. He has not fallen over or bumped it anywhere (to the best of our knowledge. There is no swelling or bruising.

2006-10-21 19:08:12 · 12 answers · asked by elleyscanlan 1

2006-10-21 19:04:40 · 2 answers · asked by Country Rockin Cowboy 1

Please help me, i got an important question to ask.

2006-10-21 19:01:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

like a fan, heater, music something like that? or like what makes you stay awake? like a clock ticking or something. for me i HAVE to have a fan or heater on all the time!! and it has to be like totally dark and completly silient eccept for the fan!! ok and no one say ne thing boat my crappy spelling! i know i cant spell!!

2006-10-21 18:52:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just had sex with my gf and i accidentally got precum on the outside of the condom n she just had her period is there a chance or pregnancy?

2006-10-21 18:49:57 · 10 answers · asked by super_eagle_08 1

2006-10-21 18:47:09 · 9 answers · asked by PegBundyWannabe 5

My wife found a bottle of pills and we do not know what they are.
The pills are small, white, round shape and printed on one side is "S191"
I have tried my PDR and tried to find out what it is on the net but I have had no luck !
Can anyone help ???

2006-10-21 18:30:36 · 9 answers · asked by hdpatch 4

I have some trouble forming sentences, and words get lost or mixed up when I write. Reading out loud is always difficult, but not when I'm reading in my head. Numbers are really hard. Is this nothing, or is there something to it?

2006-10-21 18:30:06 · 8 answers · asked by MsDragon 2

2006-10-21 18:26:06 · 17 answers · asked by dawn i 1

Well im 13 and i weight 160, and i got a friend the same age and he only weights 140.Ohh yeah im 5'3" and he is just like 1-2 inches shorter Yet if u compare us im way leaner. I work out somewhat and he does too. even if i weight 160 i can endure long excercises running so on. i am flexible too i can touch both hand behind my back put my foot to me face so on. but anyways i dont think im that strong i guess the only way i can relate to the people answering my question is that i can do 30 push ups in a rep.( i cant relate in benchpressing so on cause of age , etc
)so i just wanna know if im really overweight or why do i weight so much. and i can wrap my thumb and index around my wrist so doesnt that make me not big boned(i heard it somewhere but it sounds like a real statement to me)

2006-10-21 18:19:38 · 5 answers · asked by JT 1

I recently got put on an antibiotic, Clindamycin, for an infection on my leg. I've been on it for 5 days and have another 5 left. I take three 300mg capsules pills a day. I had a cross country race today and had unusually severe shortness of breath during and afterwards. Could this have been caused by the antibiotic?

2006-10-21 18:15:45 · 9 answers · asked by Ash 1

Occasionally, I have problems sleeping. Is this triggered off by food, drink, stress?

2006-10-21 18:10:25 · 13 answers · asked by mikers1117 2

my doctor wants me to go see a therapist because i may have depression but i dont want that i havent even tried any meds yet what should i do i hate the thought of a therapist

2006-10-21 17:58:54 · 13 answers · asked by babygirl 2

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