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Mental Health - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

For the past couple of days i have not been feeling myself. Yesterday i was really depressed and today i feel no emotions. If you were to ask me how i am i would tell you i don't know because i feel nothing. I have notice that in the past month my depression has been getting slightly worse but it was just every so often and i could still be happy. but now i just feel like things will not get any better and llife just sucks. Also with in the last couple of days i have thought about suicide, not actually doing it but just what it would be like to actually do it. I have also thought about harming myself in different ways, again not actually going to do it but just thinking about what it would feel like. I have been very stressed from my college classes and all the homework, could this be the reason why i feel so depressed??

2007-03-03 03:16:30 · 20 answers · asked by Jalana 4

and it's starting to freak me out....for real. What can I do? :P

2007-03-03 03:15:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey im on lexapro for the past 3 weeks and as a general rule i never drink, or never had, but feeling spontanious last night i tried 2 alcoholic drinks , they didnt have any effect last nite i just felt really sleppy, but now im scared or the damage i have done cos i feel really doopy/zombieish today, if anyone has any advice please help. im on the lexapro fo anxiety/depression and it makes me feel a bit doopy/loopy/zombie anyway .im just a few months away from turning 18. if anyone else has drank while on lexapro could you share your experience.

2007-03-03 03:07:23 · 6 answers · asked by mable1 1

My ex broke up with me 1 mth ago after 8 mths together.

After 5 mths out of the blue she said she was unsure abobut us. I asked why, I said that we had loads in common & the spark was there, she agreed, but said she wasn't sure. Within 2 hrs she apologised & said she had been down & it made her irrational

Everything was good again for 2 mths then again said she wasn't sure. We both got upset & she said she was really sorry and hated when she was horrible to me. She said that she felt that she held me back (because she has chronic fatigue & is often ill). I said that was never the case and never will be. I suspected she may be depressed as she had that in the past

6 weeks ago she said she "wanted to end things as her feelings had changed over a short period". She admitted she was suffering from depression (her dr agreed)then took it back 1 wk later saying us was the cause of her being down & she wasn't depressed & didn't need help

What do I do?? I would like to be with her

2007-03-03 03:06:55 · 7 answers · asked by bepositive1976 1

Because I can only answer so many questions, I have to come up with stuff to ask, so this kind of sucks, but anyway here is my question - my next one will be much worse. Okay, so my sister asked where else I was going to travel before I died and when. So I told her.

My goal is to travel to Amsterdam. It is here that I will definitely do heroin, among other drugs. So that is one of my major goals in life: travel to Amsterdam and use heroin.

It is very likely that I will succeed too. So far I had goals of getting 2 college degrees, saving 12,000 dollars in cash, and having a credit score of at least 740. Guess what? Yep, I achieved them all. Is it good for me to be so goal oriented and to have such a goal as I do now?

2007-03-03 03:03:43 · 11 answers · asked by jennainhiding 4

For the past couple of days i have not been feeling myself. Yesterday i was really depressed and today i feel no emotions. If you were to ask me how i am i would tell you i don't know because i feel nothing. I have notice that in the past month my depression has been getting slightly worse but it was just every so often and i could still be happy. but now i just feel like things will not get any better and llife just sucks. Also with in the last couple of days i have thought about suicide, not actually doing it but just what it would be like to actually do it. I have also thought about harming myself in different ways, again not actually going to do it but just thinking about what it would feel like. I have been very stressed from my college classes and all the homework, could this be the reason why i feel so depressed??

2007-03-03 02:57:25 · 6 answers · asked by Jalana 4

My parents divorced when I was 7. I'm picked on constanly at school. I'm not the prettiest girl, but I have things working for me. I've been playing flute for almost five years now and am currently first chair. My grades are A's and B's. Still I feel as something is missing in my life. I have friends, family, and dreams. Why do I feel this way? How do I cleanse my spirt? PLEASE HELP!!

2007-03-03 02:47:40 · 11 answers · asked by Argent 4

Lately, we have been talking about a very sensitive subject that is difficult for me to talk about. I've been wanting to avoid going to her sessions. I've been apathetic towards most people around me, bitchy, rude, angry. Is that normal? I keep getting headaches and feel sad in this environment. What's going on? I'm 19.

2007-03-03 02:28:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our cat (female) has a habbit. At 5am everyday she wakes up up by jumping on the bed and stroking my head with her paw. She does that until I wake up. Then as soon as I open my eyes she cuddles in my arms and wants me to pet her. IF I get up to go to the bathroom, she runs to her food bowl and waits there as if she want me feed her. (she has dry food in her bowl all the time, but we give her a can of wet food in the morning and in the evening) .
I haven't slept past 5am in weeks! Any idea would be greatly appreciated,

2007-03-03 02:20:02 · 9 answers · asked by Ladybug NH 2

I am very worried about a friend of mine. We are both pregnant and have been supportive of each other all the way. My friend, who I will call "Michelle" is a recovering alcoholic who has not had a drink since she got pregnant. She was doing very well, but had terrible insomnia for several months. Finally in late January she decided to try taking Ambien again, even though she had had a problem with it in the past and stopped using it. She was sure she could use it just to sleep and would never do anything to harm her baby. I know that she is taking it again just for the effects, she has even admitted this to me, but I don't know how much she's taking. I do know that when she ran out she had bad feelings of breathlessness, etc. She now has two prescriptions going at once and is scared but doesn't dare try to get help because since she is pregnant she is afraid of what the consequences might be. Can she just stop this gradually by herself and will her baby be okay?

2007-03-03 01:52:35 · 7 answers · asked by cynshyn 2

Ok I have a very good friend who has a girlfriend but lately me and him have relised that we really like eachother as well.

Anyway i was texting him and he said that he really doesnt know what to do and his heads all over the place etc.

Then on tuesday night he got drunk while he was out with me and his girlfriend (we are all good friends) then i left him home in quite a state and later that night he text me saying these words "its all my fault" and then foned me saying he had cut himself.

i drove to his house and there was blood everywere and i foned an ambulance. anyway now that its all over with i cant help myself thinking that he done this because of what we feel for eachother because we both know its wrong and really hate the situation!!!? do u think it sounds like he did this because of me?

2007-03-03 01:45:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

First off, I am 13. Okay, so sometimes when I do my homework, I have sudden urges to do jumping jacks, right? SO my mom says, "X, I think you have ADD*." And so I say, "Can you take me to the doctor to check?" and she says, "You don't have ADD." and it goes on and on and it is driving me crazy, so can you tell me what to do?
*Attention-deficit disorder.

2007-03-03 01:30:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am only 16 and I feel like im falling into major depression.
I havnt been able to sleep all week and I feel like ive developed a huge phobia of not sleeping. The thing is I have no worries at all, im doing well at college, i have great friends and a boyfriend I love.
Sorry to go on but I couldnt sleep before but I put that down to the fact I had a photo shoot the following Sunday and I was panicing if i did not sleep, i would look a wreck!
Last week I couldnt sleep on Monday night but the night after I fell asleep, i was delighted because not sleeping seems to reallly upset me.! Badly.
Before I could sleep for 8hours no problem, bed at 10 up at 6. now. no chance. bed at 10 sleep at 4am if im lucky!
There's only a problem now, because I have made one.
I constantly think about not sleeping, 24-7 it never leaves my mind, i go out with friends or family and I find myself with this horrible feeing and I want to be sick. I have thrown up because of it, i also cant eat. help.!

2007-03-03 01:02:51 · 7 answers · asked by abccharliez 1

I am only 16 and I feel like im falling into major depression.
I havnt been able to sleep all week and I feel like ive developed a huge phobia of not sleeping. The thing is I have no worries at all, im doing well at college, i have great friends and a boyfriend I love.
Sorry to go on but I couldnt sleep before but I put that down to the fact I had a photo shoot the following Sunday and I was panicing if i did not sleep, i would look a wreck!
Last week I couldnt sleep on Monday night but the night after I fell asleep, i was delighted because not sleeping seems to reallly upset me.! Badly.
Before I could sleep for 8hours no problem, bed at 10 up at 6. now. no chance. bed at 10 sleep at 4am if im lucky!
There's only a problem now, because I have made one.
I constantly think about not sleeping, 24-7 it never leaves my mind, i go out with friends or family and I find myself with this horrible feeing and I want to be sick. I have thrown up because of it, i also cant eat. help.!

2007-03-03 01:01:50 · 8 answers · asked by abccharliez 1

been getting jittery is that normal will it pass in time

2007-03-03 00:45:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a 17 year old male

2007-03-03 00:44:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

For starters I was diagnosed with major depression about 20yrs ago so this isn't something new for me. I fell off a ladder at work in May and broke both my heels. I had major surgery in June and I've been home ever since. The doc says I'll never be returning to construction, which I've been doing for about 18yrs. But that doesn't really bother me that much. I am going to get some training for another job. That's actually kind of exciting. What does bother me is this depression. I have a wife and 3 kids(4,12, & 15) and I don't enjoy ANYTHING anymore. And I'm so bored that I don't want to do anything. I know that sounds kind of silly, but that's how it is. I do go to counseling and I am on meds. There's actually a few talents that I have also. I play guitar and paint some pretty nice oil paintings. I just can't even bring myself to do these things anymore. I've lost interest in everything. Please help.
P.S. Please don't give me the positive affermation advice. I've tried. Thanks

2007-03-02 23:53:39 · 10 answers · asked by TDLTDL1609 2

if you answer with ignorant anser you will be reported for abuse...

2007-03-02 23:47:52 · 2 answers · asked by nncywlndr 1

never be? im 29, ive just been recentley diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. and ive been through a hell of alot of pain in my life..and i feel really tainted and damaged by it..irripairely. i feel im becoming, hardened, bitter, intense, all the things ive been frightened of becoming..im turning into a serious, intense, lonely hardened person, who doesnt enjoy life or his existance anymore..my life has been serious, intense and severe for so long now, since 16, im starting to resent and feel angry to other people who are happy, and whove not been through what ive been through..i feel angry and enraged at other peoples giggles, smiles, laughs. i remember, my past vividly, bulllying throughout secondary school, victimised by gangs of youths in the street years ago, i remember well how people have made me feel about myself in my life. and to top it all off, im still suffering now, still struggling through this disorder to try and get the life i want. with no end in sight

2007-03-02 23:21:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have 2 children 1 is having a baby and due in 12 wks, still living with me, she also now is depressed, so i feel guilty that it is my fault, im findig it so hard to cope with my kids, yet i also have my partners kids at the weekend to look after, they stay fri til mon morning, every wkend, my partner works permanant nights so i have the kids al night and obviously through theday while he sleeps, i went to the doctors 2 wks ago someone has been visiting me from mental health,they want me to go into hospital for a wk, so they can help me further, i cant go i have to look after the kids,my partner has to work he cant have time off work,he is alway going about paying the bills etc, if i didnt look after his kids he would have to then he cant work so the bills dont get paid and he will have to sell the house, its his house not mine,so i will be homeless, so i have to look after his kids, there mum will not have them at wkends under any circumstances i feel im not strong enough anymore

2007-03-02 22:36:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-02 22:22:39 · 3 answers · asked by mark l 1

what do i do to destress myself. i read a lot of postive mental attitude books and am a meditator for the last ten years .i mean a seeker following osho . i also also into problem solving following the http://www.dotdadn.com's principle since i took a course of theirs.

i read a lot about health,attitude,and stress management.
and know that regular physical exercise ,meditation,good food ,sleep and positive mental attitude helps us live a better life but still inspite of doing all that . i have to be in a very embarrasing situation in my office becoz of not being able to deliver as expected due to personal problems in life specially mental and emotional which i think is beyong my control.

i work as customer service advisor for a reknowned bank of u.k


2007-03-02 22:14:11 · 4 answers · asked by sherpasimon 1

ya many people have vomitting when it is said that no exam then it's gone

2007-03-02 22:08:26 · 8 answers · asked by sai_shen001 2

2007-03-02 21:38:37 · 8 answers · asked by daryl p 1

A few years ago a Dr. gave me a 4-pack of 200 mg samples of Seroquel. He gave me these for depression. One night I took one. Within an hour I became very disoriented. My sister came over, and I remember trying to have a conversation with her. I could not even remember basic words. I kept trying to tell her that I went to "class" that day, but I could not remember what the word for class was. I felt very high and not in my right mind. I attempted its use one more time and while I slept this time, my dreams and mind were very 'messed up' and scary.

Recently, a different doctor gave me 100 mg doses to aid in sleeping. I didn't tell him about my past experiences. I've been on this dose off and on for awhile. I even took 2 and 300 mg a couple times trying to get that old high. It seemed to have no effect except to knock me out....until 2 nights ago. I took a 200 mg dose and could not believe what happened. Within 30 min., I was becoming really tired. I was trying to watch

2007-03-02 21:36:16 · 7 answers · asked by jennainhiding 4

2007-03-02 21:16:26 · 7 answers · asked by zaktotal 1

if you were to take it for years would it damage your body, mind or brain? ive taken it for about 4 years and i dont see myself stopping too soon. so i was wondering if there are any long term affects or anything like that?

2007-03-02 19:42:07 · 5 answers · asked by face:face 1

I have a terrible memory. it never use to be like this but for the past 4 months i just cant remember anything.
my friend could come up to me tell me something and then be like dont tell them though. and i would be like ok and i wouldnt even remeber what they told me.
it really sucks and im afraid it might start to interfere with my school work and stuff like that . i dont know if its just me and my friends who think i have a memory problem or if i really truely do .
what should i do?

2007-03-02 19:06:26 · 11 answers · asked by Julie O 1

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