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Mental Health - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

It went from: anorexia-overeating-shoplifting-cutting. How do I stop this once and for all? I'm a teen and really don't want a shrink, and can't take anti-depressants because of my age. I want to stop by myself so my parents don't find out, can you help?

2007-03-03 11:08:08 · 7 answers · asked by NOT USING Y!A ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!! 5

2007-03-03 11:06:30 · 24 answers · asked by Appel 2

I am currently suffering from depression on meds and waitiiing for a councilling appointment. My problems go back years. my father used to sit me in front of the kitchen clock for hours when I was six and rap my nuckles every time I got the time wrong. when I was nine I spent the entire summer holidays at the dining room table unable to learn my times tables. If I laughed during dinner I was put in the pantry to eat, or the corner of the kitchen I remember even having to go and eat outside in the garden.If I disobeyed the rules I was beaten with the slipper and left in my bedroom. my mum became ill when I was 14 I was the only girl so I had too help look after my little brothers that wasnt a problem to me. I married at 21 and had 3 children all beautiful little angelsbut my husband didnt want to be a dad with responsibilities he just wanted anather mother. he became violent in drink and even tried ti

2007-03-03 11:03:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex ended things 1 mth ago having been together 8 mths on the basis that "her feelings had changed". She has a history of depression & also suffers from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/SAD.

In the mth prior to the split I notice her being very down. This had happened on 2 previous occasions. The 1st time, I asked if she was ok & she said she was unsure about us & then told me to ignore what she said as she had been "a bit down & it makes her irrational"

The 2nd time I notice her being very insular & I asked if she was ok. She again said she was unsure about us. We both got upset & she said she hated it when she was horrible to me and wanted to give me a chance to get out as she felt she "held me back". I told her I had never thought that.

I pressed her & she admitted she was depressed & went to her dr who gave her prozac & referred her for counselling. 1 wk later she said us was the cause & she wasn't depressed & didn't need counselling.

Is this depression??

2007-03-03 11:02:51 · 17 answers · asked by bepositive1976 1

i started smoking crack a few weeks ago and i think i might have become addicted, i tried the CAP(crack addiction program) 2 times now and they arent helping at all, i just need a few methods from a few of you crack heads, i think that my problem has gotten in the way of me and my family, i once hit my wife when she confronted me about my program, can someone give me a few tips on quitting?

2007-03-03 10:56:51 · 11 answers · asked by cartman 1

the song, your ex lover is dead, by the stars, was featured in one episode of Degrassi the next Generation. I know it was, but I dont remember which one. Please help?

2007-03-03 10:54:33 · 5 answers · asked by ak32992 3

i have stayed at home for the past 4 years to bring up my son..my partner works away for 4 days of the week and i did not want to put my son in child care to go to work....the problem is just lately when i catch up with friends they make me feel so inadequate as some have 3 children and work and are so busy but clearly getting on with life it makes me feel like a failure....up until now i have not minded being at home but now i feel bored and useless...my son attends a kindergaten for 2 hours in the afternoon....it will be another year till he goes to school and i can look for abit of part time work....i just feel every day is the same as the last and wonder how i will get through this next year...i am taking medication for depression and it does help..but because i have been so long not working i am now wondering if i will be able to cope when i do go back to work....has this happened to anyone else and what helped you.....thers only so much housework a person can do....

2007-03-03 10:53:35 · 10 answers · asked by loulou 1

Hi there, i'm a 23 year old female and i was recently gang raped just outside my university campus. It was dark and i didn't know anyone that did it but thank god they used condoms which was a hig relief. I'm not in a relationship and i haven't been sexually active for about 8 monthes before the rape and it's been 8 weeks since the rape and i just found out i was pregnant which really scares me because i don't know who the father is and i don't know if i should have the baby or have an abortion even though i'm well off enough to care for it and i'll be out of school in 2 monthes. Can someone give me advice?

2007-03-03 10:33:57 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am seeing the therapist at the moment for bulimia, and he had mentioned putting me on prozac, but i am worried it will make me put on more weight.....how do i feel better, wothout putting on weight, and are anti depressiants the best way to go?

2007-03-03 10:25:21 · 15 answers · asked by ? 6

I have a very frequent deja vu-like thing. I dont think its normal because sometimes i have these "visions" during the day. Please help me! I don't know what to do, and I don't want to tell anybody because they wouldn't believe me.

2007-03-03 10:20:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am under a lot of stress moneywise which makes the need for alcohol to sleep seem all the more worrying

2007-03-03 10:20:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bi-polar or Depression???
My doctor has given me a refferal to go talk to somebody to get to the bottom of my anxiety but she thinks I possibly could be bipolar or depressed! Reading my symptoms what would be your opinion!
My symptons include: mood swings, issolating myself away from my friends ( dont go out ), tight chested alot of the time depending on where i am .. even at work after 5 yrs , Start crying for no reasons, agitated so easily, appitite changes (eating nothing to eating alot) and lastly sleeping habits ( sleeping lots to not sleeping at all )
Please no stupid responses!!
Thxs in advance

2007-03-03 10:14:00 · 10 answers · asked by Kimberly 1

Ok so ive been depressed for a year but since December its gotten to the point that im feeling suicidal. I'm soo depressed its not even funny, i feel weird, i dont feel normal at all. i feel like theirs so much wrong with me, im soo scared of dieing, i think im dieing all the time of cancer or some disease and i dont know why.i think the only thing that would cure me is if the doc's ran tests on me to make sure im completley healthy, but i know if i ask them to do so, they'll think im crazy an just tell me im fine and put me on anti-depressants, and send me home. Christmas eve was the worst for me and it shouldnt have this is how bad my depression is, i went to my dad's for christmas this year and the family were having q christmas party at my aunts, i havent seen most of my family from my dad's side in like 7-8 years and some of them more, anyways, i was excited to go there and what not but as soon as i got to my aunts, depression hit me right in the face, it was horrible.

2007-03-03 10:05:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i posted a question here a few weeks ago, about whether i had an eating disorder, and took the advice to see a doctor...just wanted to say thanx for all the answers, i am now seeing a therapist, and am feeling a bit better about things,,and he said i had bulimia.

2007-03-03 09:52:56 · 9 answers · asked by ? 6

Next to other girls and boys in my grade, I feel insecure. I weigh 142 lbs. 5' 4" and 12 years old (a lot of the kids in my grade are really small). My hair is short and I don't like it because I can't do anything with it. All of my clothes are really boring and old, but I can't get new ones because I can't afford any. I'm not exactly the most coordinated, I'm always tripping over things and knocking stuff over. Sometime's I get teased too, not anything serious but enough to make me feel bad. Right now I'm trying to lose weight but can't seem to get any off. What can I do to feel better about myself? Real advice only, please.

2007-03-03 09:51:02 · 5 answers · asked by stephygirl4ever 3

Hoping someone can just give me some words of encouragement. I am struggling to deal with a guy i sit next to at work who i thought was interested but it hasn't worked out. He still plays mind games w/me and i ignore him. Plus another girl at work is harassing me and making my life miserable cause she is jealous of my work performance. I've had a relapse of bulimia which hasn't been a problem 4 me 4 8 yrs. Plus my stepdad is dying of brain cancer. i don't want to go out and meet people for fear i'll be used and played again. and i am so depressed. i am under a dr's care, taking medicine, etc., but hoping to get a word or two of encouragement from anyone out there whose been through this stuff.... thank you.

2007-03-03 09:47:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My doctor has given me a refferal to go talk to somebody to get to the bottom of my anxiety but she thinks I possibly could be bipolar or depressed! Reading my symptoms what would be your opinion!
My symptons include: mood swings, issolating myself away from my friends ( dont go out ), tight chested alot of the time, Start crying for no reasons, agitated so easily, appitite changes (eating nothing to eating alot) and lastly sleeping habits ( sleeping lots to not sleeping at all )

Please no stupid responses just help me!! Thxs in advance :)

2007-03-03 09:35:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sicknes is the biggest industry in the USA and people are suffering more than ever. Using drugs is sending a message to younger people. They do not know the difference between prescription and illegal drugs. Mom and Dad are using drugs! Why shouldn't I.

2007-03-03 09:22:39 · 6 answers · asked by Robert S 1

I have so many negative thoughts lately. it's getting outta control

2007-03-03 09:22:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why some people shop until they drop and what makes us buy useless stuff. I have heard that it is somehow related to self-esteem or self-image and people buy ‘identities’ but I couldn’t understand it quite well. Ultimately, my question is how can I restrain myself from buying useless stuff such as sparkle water, branded clothes and other overly priced products?

2007-03-03 09:02:51 · 3 answers · asked by Di Snow 3

Ok it seems to be that I have mood swings all the time. I get angry at the littlest things. What is wrong with me?

2007-03-03 09:01:34 · 11 answers · asked by kalli 1

First let me say that I have no desire to lose more weight, look like a supermodel, or be able to count my ribs. I do not want to gain weight either as I feel I'm at my ideal 5'10" @ 130lbs. I do have some weird behaviors with food but I would not say that it is an eating disorder as I am not trying to lose weight. I basically eat one meal a day (lunch) and then snack on raw vegetables (I'm vegetarian) other times. I am very healthy and workout as much as I can.

I LOVE candy and crave it, but never let myself eat it...in a sense. Lately I've been buying like 10 bags of candy at a time and when I'm alone chewing it up and spitting it in the trash (so I'm not actually eating it). I know most people would think this is weird (and maybe a little gross) but I justify it by saying that if I actually did eat the candy I would be overweight by now and very unhealthy. I do not tell anyone I do this as it is kind of embarrassing behavior but I don't feel bad about it.

Opinions? Thanks :)

2007-03-03 08:52:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have not told anyone about what I have been feeling lately.
When I went to the grocery store, I felt that everyone was staring at me. Then I felt a fear to go to the cash register, because it was going to take too long. I felt that I would look stupid standing there.
When I went to pay and use my card, my hands were sweaty and shaking. I felt that my face was going to melt from extreme heat. My worst fear was that someone would take notice.

This started about a week ago. I did take some exenadrine xrp, and this has been happening to me ever since. I also feel that I cant talk to people at work any more because they will notice my legs and hands shaking.

2007-03-03 08:50:11 · 10 answers · asked by ruben c 1

ive been cutting for 3 years now and ive tried to stop but i feel as if i cant i just want to stop for my gf she does too and i really want to help her out by showing that i can do it so that she can stop too bc i love her with all of my heart

2007-03-03 08:48:39 · 22 answers · asked by Mi Pe 1

i had an advill this morning and i got back in bed to see if i could sleep but i can't. i got up and i heard voices in my head all talking at the same time but it was gibberish and i always think weird stuff. what's wrong with me?

2007-03-03 08:39:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep having the same dream over and over....
I am being shot to death. and actually dying!! Its a different person each time. But Ive had it many times in the past 2 weeks. What is going on? does someone want to kill me? Is this how I am going to die? does anyone know?

2007-03-03 08:34:31 · 8 answers · asked by Christina W 4

I've been fairly anxious lately and find myself in a mental fog or something...its hard to describe. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any tips for overcoming this state, such as meditation, etc.? Would this be associated with my anxiety or depression?

2007-03-03 08:29:15 · 5 answers · asked by roebm 2

About a few weeks ago i was cutting my wrists and my mom and dad found out and i told them that i would quit. I want to, but i dont know what to do. If you had this problem before please tell me how you stoped wanting to.

2007-03-03 08:07:51 · 16 answers · asked by Julianne B 2

2007-03-03 08:01:13 · 6 answers · asked by !!! 3

2007-03-03 07:59:16 · 3 answers · asked by julie z 2

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