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Mental Health - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

I woke this morning late feeling conjested and just lousy .Got up got going and have felt pretty descent most of the day .. I have anxiety and depression and have been working on the computer most of the night and all of a sudden I feel there is something wrong about the way I feel ,not just sure what.I don't think im sick or anything,it just something doesn't feel right.My heart seems fine my body ok..just a weird feeling.. Is is anxiety or just one of those weird feelings everybody gets.. at some point.. or should I be concerned that something is not right with me ,maybe sick...yesterday got a chill for no reason and weak legs maybe panic attack im assuming its just all anxiety .. Could anyone tell me if all of a sudden they have ever just felt this way out of the blue and if its anxiety..?No smart remarks please .Just want honest answers..

2007-01-07 17:59:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i feel like a total loser and i regret even trying it. i have a drug test in a week on the 15th. what do i do. im beating myself up over this. im so dumb. i didnt even like it, but i wanted to try it, i was curious. curiousity killed the cat. damn.

2007-01-07 17:59:23 · 6 answers · asked by katiewilliams5 1

Young woman, no diploma, no job. Where should she go to get housing?

2007-01-07 17:49:34 · 7 answers · asked by desertflower 5

I'm 17 with no life. I stopped going to school 2 years ago after my mom died. I have no dreams or ambitions. All I do every day is sit at home on the computer staring at a screen. I can't go anywhere that has alot of people because I start panicing. I push love away. I lay awake for hours before falling asleep every night. My g/f just died in Nov. I have no one to talk to. I do the same fu**ing sh!t every single day. I have no will-power to help myself or force myself to change. I'm not a fat guy, like some would think, I'm just a guy. I don't know how to word it. I'm just stuck. I know about Meds and Doctors & what does what, but I don't want any of that, I want to fix it without meds. Gaaaah, every day is dreadful. Wtf can I do?

2007-01-07 17:37:59 · 16 answers · asked by Wolfman 2

i think im starting to do some things i stopped doing after i moved. my sleeping patterns are wore than before. my eating habits change by the day. i have been more aggressive and depressed than normal, one day i even thought of killing myself just to end my pointless life. im so pathetic, every day i sit and think of the past and imagining how much worse it could of been, and when the future draws near i think of the worse thing that could happen. i just want to put an end to all this, i cant sleep, i cant have fun anymore. now all i do is stay home and surf the web or play video games all day. the past is becoming the present again. i was unhappy in middle school and when i started the 9th grade it got better. im in the 10th grade now and i seem to be in 7th grade all over again, im unhappy, angry, and i feel just so pitiful.

2007-01-07 17:36:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm eighteen years old and I have a problem. I never feel happy or excited, and nothing seems to make me laugh anymore. I'm constantly tired and I hate doing anything even things I think I should love. I'm always irratible and I can never seem to concentrate. I have panic attacks(Iatrophobia and Mottephobia) and I'm very anxious though usually my body feels tired and relaxed. I hate leaving the house and even if I have a good time when I'm out and nothing goes wrong I have to relive every minute of that day till I drive myself crazy. I hate being like this but I'm scared to ask for help because I don't think anyone will believe me. I've tried very hard for the past nine years to just pretend everything is okay. I'm also affraid that if I do see a therapist that they'll want to put me on drugs. Lots of people in my family are bipolar or have depression disorders and have been put on medication and it has made them worse.

If anyone could give me any advice or suggestions.

Thank You.

2007-01-07 17:34:46 · 17 answers · asked by SeriousDisco 2

I'm a second year special ed teacher, but am finding the demands of the job to be overwhelming. I love working with and teaching the kids, but unfortunately there are a million other aspects of the job that make it difficult to focus on this responsibility. I am in a district with very high expectations and feel increasing pressure to meet these expectations. I thought it would get easier as the year went on, but I am feeling more and more stressed. I am sick all the time (migraines, nausea, vomitting, etc.) and am beginning to have frequent anxiety attacks. For example, I have yet to get to sleep tonight (it's almost 12:30) because I am fearful of going back to school tomorrow after winter break. When I am there, I feel like nothing but a failure. Nothing has ever been so difficult for me. Am I just being lazy? Should I begin looking for a new job, or stick this one out? Help!

2007-01-07 17:28:38 · 6 answers · asked by phalangie07 1

Typically, every antidepressant I have taken, except for a few, has caused me to feel very weak, my body shakes uncontrollably, feel lightheaded and I yawn constantly. I do have more energy yet I am also tired but cannot sleep. I was in another doctor's office, and my blood pressure checked dangerously low several times while on various antidepressants. My doctor said I had a hypersensitivity to SSRI's, which basically means they cause me to have low blood pressure. So now I suffer from depression all the time, for years I have. I have to take small amounts of any antidepressant and can never go up on the dose. Anyone have this problem and if so, is there another type of medicine to take that won't cause this? I really just want to know if anyone else has this same problem.

2007-01-07 17:14:23 · 7 answers · asked by christinedaae 3

My friend is 27 and his sister 25. He is otherwise very fine but, very much emotionally attached to his sis. Calls every day over the ph. for hrs. etc. At home he hugs, kisses u know abnormal to a bro-sis at this age. (with no sexual inclination) Becomes restless if he can’t talk to her on any day. (His sis dosen’t like all these, but he can’t stop it.) Always feels like he is loosing her love. Insists her to share even her very personal matters etc. But I know, he loves her too much. I heard it is psychological problem – something called idipus or edipus or idepus (I don’t know the spelling) Can anybody suggest correct spelling n meaning? Please

2007-01-07 17:12:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

looking for a reason to live

2007-01-07 17:07:55 · 17 answers · asked by Angie, Raised by Wolves 3

Hello! My name is Julie and I'm doing a project about Anorexia. I'll be very thankfull if someone will answer my cuestion!
Thank you all!

2007-01-07 17:01:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you be classified as "suicidal" if you really had no intentions of ever purposly hurting yourself, you just had repeated thoughts of "wishing that you weren't here anymore"? Suicide to me is not really an option of a way out. I wouldn't ever truly cosider it. I know that I am depressed, and Im already aware that I need professional help. Any other answers out there to make me feel better about feeling like junk, and possibly any answers to feeling like I would rather just not be....would be greatly appreciated.

2007-01-07 16:35:02 · 8 answers · asked by ninjagirlz 3

Mental illness is obviously nothing new, but is cutting yourself something new? I had never heard of this until a few years ago, when I ended up with a co-worker who insisted that his own self-mutilation was a good way to cope with stress.

2007-01-07 16:31:21 · 13 answers · asked by michinoku2001 7

I am always worried about what others think about me .....to the point that it interferes with my life a lot......I avoid being around people at all costs.....I dont have hardly any self confidence except in my weight and on that I about have an eating disorder....how can i learn that what other people think does not matter?

2007-01-07 16:26:53 · 15 answers · asked by Chelsea R 1

Please give me exact details. How do they act, think, treat you.?

2007-01-07 16:24:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

ive been going thru an especially bad bout of depression and last night i kept thinking about cutting myself, but i didnt b/c i dont like blood...then today i took a safety pin and ran it over my arms so that it left red scratches.....is this cutting? or do you have to break the skin for it to be considered cutting?

2007-01-07 16:18:54 · 13 answers · asked by Mary J 1

My mother is the big problem because she's too religious and way too illogical. My father is the polar opposite. I'm bisexual, but I get yelled at by one and ignored by the other. My imeddiate family doesn't really eccept me, but they love me (I think). I've been manic depressive for some time now and just need some words to help me think....I've asked a similar question before so I doubt anyone can give me anything new. I'm twenty-three bytheway.

2007-01-07 16:00:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my sister has been obssesed with ehr weight. she eighs only 115 lbs. but she still says that she is fat. she is not skinny skinny (like nicole richie for example) and just now she started crying and siad "im sick" thats it. and she left and said that she is embarassed to talk about it. how should i approach her? what should i do? who should i call? my mom was there when all this happened..please help me somebody..im lost...

2007-01-07 15:55:59 · 4 answers · asked by BrbE 3

Can psychologycal problems be created or brought out by the constantly over watching and checking is it healthy?

2007-01-07 15:16:15 · 4 answers · asked by ray 2

It may be a good thing that I am a very sensitive person. But I also find that it can make me miserable as well! Because being sensitive can also cause me to get very angry with people who may not be so sensitive. Why can't I have the same compassion for a person who could care less? How can I be me without being angry? I have sought therapy in the past. It only helps for a short time. And then all it takes is for someone to do something to get me mad and then that horrible feeling returns!

2007-01-07 15:07:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was eatting some cereal last night and at the bottom of the bowel was big brown ball of squeshy muck. It was covered in viens.

When I ate my cereal, I thought the milk was a funny orange caramak colour and I saw what looked like horrible snotty bits in it.

Later, I started to feel nausia and then had tingling all over me and everything was blue.

This is something that used to happen to me alot when I was little.
This happened yesterday when I went to my Mums house.

2007-01-07 15:03:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it obvious if a person is struggling with shyness but making an effort to open up? How can you tell?

2007-01-07 14:59:02 · 6 answers · asked by Chelsea 2

I hate to see anything suffer or be mistreated. Whether it be an animal or a person. The other night I was at a bar. Now I don't drink! I was only there to see this local rock band play. Well this guy sucker punched this other guy not to far from where I was standing. It made me so so angry. I wanted to do extreme harm to the guy that threw the punch! And I was very close to doing just that before all of the bouncers showed up! I don't even know the man! But I felt very sorry for him. Also, When someone is cruel to animals it can have the same effect. I feel such sadness whenever I see these kinds of things. I love animals! And if I accidently run over an animal with my car it realy bothers me! Alot of people say that I am way too sensitive! But I can't help the way I feel! It can take along time for me to get over the sadness! I don't even kill mice! I use a special kind of trap to where I can catch them and release them far away. Is there a psychological term for this?

2007-01-07 14:52:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here I am after admitting to, and understanding my problem. I cannot say how long ago I started this HORRIBLE addiction, but I know it's been a few years. I have a gambling problem. I fight it urge EVERY single day. Being diagnosed with "PATHOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL GAMBLING", I found out I have most ALL of the symptoms. I've accumulated a MOUND of debt (thousands by now), and have kept it from my husband (of 3 years ). I finally came out with it yesterday, and his reaction was nothing I expected....but now he is severly depressed, and I can say the same for myself. I am seeking professional help, but I am faced with this debt. I found a debt reduction plan I think I will go with, but what I want to know, is there any legal way to file bankruptsy to rid "gambling debt"? I have a doctor's diagnosis to proove my diagnosis.

2007-01-07 14:49:32 · 5 answers · asked by LARGE MARGE 5

2007-01-07 14:47:01 · 11 answers · asked by Mrs. J 3

First I'll say that I was diagnosed w/depression last summer and am being treated with meds/therapy.I just think this is something different.I get kind of envious of people easily.I wish I could be more like people,basically be the way they are but in my own way (I'd like to be like them but I wouldn't want to actually *be* them) I find myself jealous of my younger sis because she's taller,prettier, guys pay more attention to her,she has nice hair,she's more outgoing and even if she's nervous,she still does what she needs to do. I think I'm the opposite of that. I'll look at random people,"pretty" girls mainly (especially with bfs) and I feel like they're better than me because they have what I don't.Another thing,my favorite actress is Gillian Anderson.I love her acting, and not just from the TV show.I follow her career like a fan would,but I find myself just wishing I was more like her. Pretty and outspoken and just better than me. I'm jealous of her daughter sometimes because I wish

2007-01-07 14:34:47 · 10 answers · asked by meaty♥u 1

2007-01-07 14:33:56 · 7 answers · asked by mickey12 1

I cry a lot. It's usually a reason, and I often cry about answering questions in school, video games, asking questions, Not being able to give something to who I like, before bed, thinking I shouldn't like who I like... I've been insulted by this in school since kindergarten. How can I stop crying as much.

2007-01-07 14:09:13 · 7 answers · asked by Riika Sakura 2

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