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Mental Health - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

You know, I have heard all my life about dentists being at such risk for commiting suicide, but I also keep hearing that it's a myth. I've just done a few searches for "dentist suicide," "dentist suicide rate," and "dentist suicide statistics," and I'm just not finding anything relevant.

Can someone actually cite a study - even ONE study - or provide me with a link that supports the popular claim that dentists have a high risk of suicide?


2006-08-22 16:52:39 · 10 answers · asked by Picture Taker 7

I grew up in a male dominated family with a domineering father and a highly submissive mother. I have communication problems. Though I know that I am talking to people who are not judging me, I tend to be too careful and say things for which I repent later. In other words, I want to be natural. I have been quite succesful in other aspects of life but this one.

2006-08-22 16:47:57 · 8 answers · asked by suman 1

A person was diagnosed w/Post Tramatic Stress, Possibly because that person was a prostitute. Is that possible???

2006-08-22 16:34:19 · 7 answers · asked by Little Girl 2

At a young age I was always picked on. Now that I am older and did my time in the Marines. I am back home and 10 times more aggresve to other peopl. I attacked someone who use to pick on me and put him in the emergency room for manny stiches. But I don't feel bad about it. Should I go get help?

2006-08-22 16:15:12 · 12 answers · asked by crazwild80 1

I had a friend about 6 years ago commit suicide! Still til this day I have dreams that I find her in her room hangin! In my dream I am running to her house to save her when I get there it is too late! Is there a way to stop dreaming this! I wake up crying everytime, I dream of it at least once every 2 weeks, I dotn know what to do anymore! That's how she really died, by hangin herself. I was devastated when it happend, but I dont want to dream about it anymore! any ideas on how to stop them or is it even possible to stop them? any advice?

2006-08-22 16:06:39 · 19 answers · asked by woohooo 4

2006-08-22 16:06:11 · 13 answers · asked by echolily 3

How can I stop raging?

2006-08-22 16:02:08 · 15 answers · asked by SimonSays 4

My brother has been in therapy for about 7 years. He's just been diagnosed with Asperger's. This changes EVERYTHING! Seems all the services are for kids. Does anyone know of any Psychiatrists or Psychologists or even Social Workers in the Chicago Area that work with adults with AS?

2006-08-22 15:58:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you an "emotional eater"? By that, I mean are you a person who tends to eat too much food when you're stressed, upset, depressed, mad or whatever?

This question seems to polarize people whenever it comes up. It seems there's no in-between. Either you really DO feel like eating when you're stressed, or you really DON'T feel like eating when you're stressed.

Personally, I'm in the latter group. If I'm upset or emotional (whether angry, scared, depressed, etc.) it pretty much takes away my appetite. :( I'll eat, because you have to eat or you'll get sick, but I don't really take pleasure or comfort in the food. I've tried to imagine what it's like to be an emotional eater, but I just can't. It turns my stomach.

Anyhoo, I'm just curious how everyone else feels about this. There's no right or wrong answer. :) "Best answer" will go to the most thoughtful/interesting response; it doesn't matter if you're the same as I am, or different.

2006-08-22 15:57:42 · 22 answers · asked by scary shari 5

just wonder how many other women are out there that never truely living the past and move on but are always drawn bacl to those memories that were so good at the time but you need to move on? anyone

2006-08-22 15:52:05 · 6 answers · asked by LOLO 3

today i freaked out,ive been stressing about school and get really pissed off at my mom ...i started yelling,shaking and stratching the hell out of my arm till it bleed.i could control myself .what kind of attack happened to me? what should i do?

2006-08-22 15:48:24 · 6 answers · asked by apple pie 1

a friend once told me that we will die --in a way of our most feared way of dying. Do you think that is true? (for example: in a fire or in an autombile accident. -; or Tornado; I worry about All of those and lots more. --- oh yeah and Drowning, too.

2006-08-22 15:41:52 · 7 answers · asked by Brown Eyed Susan 2

too muuuuuch streeeeeessssd Don;t want to kill myself but starting to wonder why I don't care if I live.

2006-08-22 15:34:30 · 10 answers · asked by suzi m 3

Is this normal? or am i just imagining it?

2006-08-22 15:33:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

is my mom a little bipolar?. not totally, but a little? she always starts getting sooo mad, and angry, and yells alot when my dads refuses to go to the grocery store, because he`s too tired. she buys things too much. she buys me things, but knows i wont use it. i dont think she`s depressed, but sometimes she is like really mad, and when she`s mad, she takes it all out on me. but sometimes shes really happy, buying me alot of things.

2006-08-22 15:18:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

He does this every night and it's really troubling me.

2006-08-22 15:09:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Living in Fundamentalist Christian U.S.A. I feel like I'm being forced to stay alive. Why cant I go to the Doctor and get a prescription of potassium cyanide and/or nembutol so I can die peacefully and painlessly? Why must the state force me to live and suffer? I'm 21, virgin for life, too small and ugly a guy to ever get a gf (asked 23 girls out so far with complete confidence - all turned me down), and I have nothing and life has always been one big fight. Is there anyplace I can go to on the East Coast for Euthanasia? Please help a suffering man.

2006-08-22 15:00:44 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to know if anyone else hears this when it's really quiet.Like at night when it's really still and quiet and i am trying to go to sleep,sometimes I can hear this buzzing noise! It drives me nuts when I think about it.I usually don't notice it.But if u just lay still then u hear it.It's like a constant buzz and it's like the sound of quietness i guess.Then if i move my bottom jaw back,i can hear it really loud.Is this normal?Please don't give any non-serious answers.This really makes me wonder.Thanks :}

2006-08-22 14:54:08 · 21 answers · asked by sexygal8321 4

I had a dream where I was in a grave yeard and all of my friends died and their tombs went in a circle around me. What dose uit meen?

2006-08-22 14:52:01 · 10 answers · asked by Supercowboyman 2

If you have an anxiety attack and you have a prescription for an anti-anxiety medication (as needed), is it best to try to tough it out without the medication, or is it best to take medication?

2006-08-22 14:46:22 · 22 answers · asked by professional student 4


I am a 13-year-old girl with an advanced degree in web design and no serious health problems, but I have been compulsively and secretly eating crayons for months. I don't mean chewing on a crayon here and there, I mean eating a 64 count box, and doing it several times a week. I can't stop, and I don't know why I'm doing this. I am too embarrassed to tell my parents, because I know they'll think I am crazy. The box says the crayons are non-toxic. And this is a really stupid question, but are they fattening? Why am I doing this? Am I crazy? Please help.

2006-08-22 14:35:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i seem to be attaacted to women of all ages. i think this is bad. i have seen 40 year old women that are hot, 20 year olds that i have seen as very besutiful and ...i have seen itttl girls i have almost goeen hard from. i dont like seeing a gairl and start to get hard and then realize she is 14! like always when i realize her age or if i get distracted (depsnds on the age of the girl if shes 20 i am not going limp unless some thing more interesting come along) i get no sexual thoughts. nut i think i must say that last weekend i was at the friver and some friends were with us and ther daughter was changing and all i though was that the kid is going to get cold other than that i had no interest in the 7 year old. but this does bother me with the 14 year olds. give me advice and dont tell me i am sick. i know that.

2006-08-22 14:29:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

At Wal Mart everybody stares at me and find a mirror and I look normal enough so I cannot figure out whay they are staring at me. I hate it. But, I can make public political speeches to hostile audiences all day long and have a blast (so long as I practice and prepare for debate).

2006-08-22 14:28:11 · 10 answers · asked by waplambadoobatawhopbamboo 5

down and in the dumps

2006-08-22 14:23:10 · 11 answers · asked by tershaiam 1

I am asking this question as part of a research project for my psychology class. I did a lot of drugs when I was younger and I was later diagnosed with Panic disorder and severe deppression, I am wondering if there is any correlation between the two things. Thank you to everyone who answers all results will be kept confidential although I would like your age, age when started using illegal drugs, and age diagnosed, and which disorder.

2006-08-22 13:46:41 · 14 answers · asked by lissaandalinasmommy@verizon.net 1

Did your life flash before your eyes? What were you thinking?

2006-08-22 13:43:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have to live with my mother at least 4 month.i m newcomer to us .i dont have work permit ,and i dont have a job ,i hadnt seen her 8 years ,and i had forgotten my very abusive chillhood because her.i temporary need her financial aid until i sell my home and i pay her money back ,she make me nerves all the time and when i dont talk to him during the time she shout on me ,she think im relax and she say why r u relax ,im not relax im just in fight with myself at that moment .i explain to her she shout more and she doesnt understand ,i found she doesnt love me at all ,not for that reason ,i found she has absoloutly no feeling about me , im mother too and i understand what should be the love ,how should i deal to my mom?

2006-08-22 13:33:47 · 5 answers · asked by Kathie 2

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