My husband is diagnosed bi-polar. For the last 3 years, lithium alone was enough to keep him stablized, however about a year ago he was under extreme stress at work and the doctor put him on prozac. She also gave him a huge prescription of xanax to help him relax. Needless to say, the prozac caused a full blown manic episode that landed him in the hospital for a week. We were then told that ssri's are never to be given to type 2 bi-polars because they function at a high level and the lithium is trying to bring that down, while ssri's are attempting to bring them back up. The conflict of the two often leads to manic episodes. Now, my question is that my husband is taking lithum, xanax (periodically), and two different bloodpressure/ cholesterol prescriptions. He is so sedated he has zero personality, and can hardly remain awake during even his favorite past times. He is also starting to go through depression once again on top of all the rest of this. What bipolar meds would you suggest?
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