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Pain & Pain Management - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Pain & Pain Management

When I lift weights that are leight after a while they cause strain on my hand so i have to turn them and it happens again so I cant feel the burn in my arms because I have to stop?

2007-05-26 18:46:15 · 6 answers · asked by Erasmo F 1

My mother was diagnosed with pancreatitis about 3 months ago, along with Diabetes (because of Pancreatic failure). She is on a sliding scale for insulin and doesnt need a shot that often. She is also on Protonix (antacid med) and a blood pressure medication.
However, she still has alot of abdominal pain, What other steps can we take to alieve the pain and how long will she be in this discomfort? also, what is the usual recovery time for pancreatitis?

Thanks in advance!

2007-05-26 15:39:28 · 2 answers · asked by hita_habibti 2

We live in the U.S. My wife suffers from chronic migraines. Doctors here are very reluctant to prescribe painkillers with narcotics, which are the only thing strong enough to help her. A friend said that she goes to Canada to buy Tylenol #1 (Tylenol with codeine, which is not avail. in the U.S.) over the counter for her migraines and which her doctors will not prescribe, is available without a prescription in Canada. We are considering doing this. Is there any city in Canada that would be best for such a venture? We are thinking of Quebec. Is Tylenol #1 the strongest non-prescription painkiller available in Canada? Are there any customs issues we should be aware of? Thanks, "suffering in Boston"

2007-05-26 11:28:38 · 10 answers · asked by Born in Bost 1

Ouch my rotator cuff?

i hurt my rotator cuff the doc said. He was amazed that he did not even need to undress me to tell this. on the back side of my shoulder there is a bump and a bruise followin my shoulder. any ideas wat wrong?

2007-05-26 09:54:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i hurt my rotator cuff the doc said. He was amazed that he did not even need to undress me to tell this. on the back side of my shoulder there is a bump and a bruise followin my shoulder. any ideas wat wrong?

2007-05-26 09:21:05 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i overdosed on advil about 2 days ago and did it again yesturday. today and yesturday ive had this really bad pain right undernieth my left rib cage. any idea what that is?

2007-05-26 08:49:49 · 2 answers · asked by poppy_princess14 1

I am preparing for a run in few hours and my head huts really bad

2007-05-26 07:20:51 · 7 answers · asked by That guy 1

i am taking pain killing tablets (diclac).when i waling and sitting than i feeling joint pain. i get same time whole joint pain. i am taking rest for 2 weeks.please .......anyone suggest anything?????

2007-05-26 04:33:28 · 12 answers · asked by pawan k 1

I can walk probarly but i have trouble walking up and down the stairs and running.

2007-05-26 04:11:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-26 03:19:24 · 4 answers · asked by pawan k 1

I have had back problems for the past few months and am not quite sure why. I'm not sure if I just need a good fancy massage or a good cracking from the chiropractor. If you go to either what are your deciding facors? How do you decide which one to visit?

2007-05-26 02:44:20 · 4 answers · asked by Erin = ) 3

2007-05-26 00:11:07 · 6 answers · asked by leigh p 2

now i have pain in my left arm and in my left side of my face also tingling in my face the doctor said the emzine test was good i do have a murmer and micro vale prolaspe that cause pain but yhese are not the same kind

2007-05-26 00:06:30 · 7 answers · asked by minniemeee2003 1

It feels like I have to go to the bathroom, for number 2. lol... but I dont.. it just hurts, pretty bad. do I need to get some help? should I try pepto? I dont know. Thanks for your help.


2007-05-25 23:49:19 · 3 answers · asked by chadjohnproctor 1

for some reason i have constant muscle spasms in my arm only my right

any ideas??

2007-05-25 21:43:30 · 3 answers · asked by Jane 3

when i m in my sleep and i gets pins and needls(cramp) in my lower legs and feet. some time my toes twists and hurt very much. i m really fed up with this now..so plz help me

2007-05-25 20:23:24 · 13 answers · asked by friend 2

2007-05-25 18:07:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


i sometimes get pain right at the end of the arch to the beginning of my heel. when i push it down it hurts, but then putting pressure on it makes it go away a little bit. then if i were to walk, the heels of my feet would be really sore but the pain would go away again. it happens to both feet. is this some sort of foot condition? if so, what's the name of it.

** i live in hawaii so i usually use slippers (flip flops) to school and i use shoes seldomly. i also walk around a lot on campus and stand a long time at work.

2007-05-25 16:49:43 · 7 answers · asked by tenaciousone84 3

I suffer from chronic knee pain due to a birth defect. I also suffer from migraines which makes it hard to treat the pain. When I seek treatment through my pain protocol i feel like everyone sees me as a drug addict. I have slipped into a deep depression from all of this, how do I cope with chronic pain and the depression it involves?

2007-05-25 16:32:08 · 6 answers · asked by code name siren 1

somtimes i injure myself and then get tterrible pain... it lsts for somedays or weeks.. then it heals.. maybe even after 1 year. But some other body parts.. where you don't imagine to get injure, can they heal too?

Example. Male genitalia. I got hurt, and it still hurts after 2 days. it's bad pain.. but there is no redness or swealling. Just hurts really deep and bad.

i gues some nerve may be damaged. There is no use in going to urologist cause i've gone there before.. and they think i'm crazy.. and say "you're anxious". Just because there is no visible signs.

So, shoud i keep hope?

2007-05-25 14:52:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been having really bad leg pains lately. I am only eleven years old, and I will say, even though I am going into sixth grade soon, I am about as short as a third grader. My legs have been hurting really badly all over. It is from about the knee cap, to the heel of my foot. My dad thinks it is growing pains. I need help to try and stop the pain. One thing to add, because I know a lot of people are going to say, I do not take pills, because when I was young I choked on a pill and I don't take them any more. Please give me ideas, or tell me what you think is wrong. Thanks!

2007-05-25 14:02:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Breast Reduction WEDNESDAY MAY 30...............?
yes I'm having a Breast reduction wednesday, and i'm not scaried of the pain yet, but is more concern about the breathing tube that they put down your mouth, but my question is: Is there any other method that they can use without the tube, could they use a mask. only answer if you really know or you had a breast reduction or any other surgery. please help me...

2007-05-25 13:46:58 · 6 answers · asked by latoya G 1

i don't know how brain freeze feel like, but i heard your head hurt. i love eating cold stuffs but my head never hurt in the same day i eat. however, it hurts the next day like a pounding feeling and it feel heavy. is this a symptom of brain freeze?.

2007-05-25 11:37:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tylenol, Asprin, Ibprofin, or Motrin?

2007-05-25 10:29:53 · 7 answers · asked by Mary 4

2007-05-25 08:23:58 · 14 answers · asked by Rebekah (Becka) 1

Not sure wat it is. If i press on my second cervical it is very sore. X-rays were taken,nothing wrong. Pain radiates up in my skull and behind my eyes and radiates down my spine, affecting surrounding muscles. Sometimes get cramps in arms and legs or hips as well. Feel nauseous sometimes when I get headache. Sometimes get like a shocking, tingling sensation in my wrist. Could you help me?

2007-05-25 07:27:26 · 5 answers · asked by 007butterfly 2

im quite worried he is 60 and alergic 2 morphine

2007-05-25 06:36:47 · 13 answers · asked by lizardnotts 1

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