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General Health Care - March 2007

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First Aid · Injuries · Other - General Health Care · Pain & Pain Management

do you have the book

2007-03-25 14:17:08 · 5 answers · asked by cjtaze 1 in Pain & Pain Management

ok so I had a stiff neck and normal pain pills were not doing the trick, so my roommate gave me one of his tylenol with codeine 3. I have to take a UA for my new job tomarrow, will this show up on the UA?

2007-03-25 14:13:35 · 8 answers · asked by Johnathan F 1 in Pain & Pain Management

I have tendonitis my shoulder what can i do to heal it quickly i gave had it for almost a year now

2007-03-25 14:12:44 · 3 answers · asked by ironmen53 1 in Injuries

IM not going to try it@!

2007-03-25 14:09:13 · 8 answers · asked by brittanyroxy123 2 in Injuries

so, i messed my back up at work. 2 guys lifting a 500 lb steel beam. i'm in construction but im not a big guy. i weigh 155 lbs soaking wet. my back is shot. it happened on friday and im gonna have to miss work tomorrow (monday). hydrocodone makes me feel restless. i cant sleep on the damn stuff whereas oxcodone works much better for me. the problem is that i dont have a gp. im just trying to get a same day appointment anywhere i can get one tomorrow. so, im a new patient, 22 years old, tattoos and a messy beard. i have trouble getting pain pills after dental surgery sometimes. i think it is because of my physical appearance and the outragous drug laws. i need something for pain. i've been taking 600-800 mg of ibuprofen 3 times a day as well as 500 mg of acetaminophen 3 times a day and im still hurting pretty bad. how do i get a doctor to write a perscription for a first time patient?

2007-03-25 13:47:50 · 10 answers · asked by Mr. G 2 in Pain & Pain Management

I'm 19.......I do have bad habits of sitting down crooked....or at work since i left heavy boxes sometimes I lift them the wrong way to be faster....this discomfort/pain lasts a split second and i have difficulty getting up, but when i do the pain/ discomfort is no longer there...AND it doesnt always happen..also it has been going on for a few months.....i was just wondering if thats what can cause this or if there are other causes...thanks

2007-03-25 13:45:00 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

My daughter has a splinter (small but causing area to be red) which she got from our deck. None of the splinter is sticking out of the skin so I can't grab it with tweezers. She won't let me "dig" for it because just touching the area makes her hurt. What should I do?

2007-03-25 13:10:12 · 9 answers · asked by GeminiVirgo1971 5 in Injuries

I had a car accident around 4 weeks ago and ended up with various nasty cuts around my eye. I had 40 stitches in these various cuts and had the stitches removed after a week. The doctors are saying that it is healing normally and that I should start to massage the area to help break down scar tissue. Now theres just a few things I wanted to know if anyone out there could offer me a little advice on. Is the Doc right about the massaging?, How long does the natural healing process take to be complete on such an injury as this? How long should I wait before using any sort of scar reducing products, and finally, Is there anyway I can reduce or prevent scarring and scar tissue?. Any advice and help would be much appreciated. Thanks

2007-03-25 13:08:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

I had it since September, been many times in a doctor, PT and had cortisone injection and planing to have another one.I had a massage, used a hot compress. Can a chiropractor help me? although I'm not in pain like it used to be but I can't lift my left arm high enough to apply deodorant. I followed what the PT told me to do at home regarding excercise.

2007-03-25 13:00:03 · 5 answers · asked by Vida Jolly 1 in Injuries

2007-03-25 12:29:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

I have recently began running track for my highschool (I'm a sprinter). About a week ago I started experiencing pain in my quad while sprinting. My quad tightens up and i'm in serious pain. I have been using heat pads and been taking ibuforen, but it doesn't seem like it is working. I've haven't been running in 4 days but my quad still seems to be bugging me. It doesn't hurt to walk on it. It just starts to hurt when I run and try to stretch it out. It has been starting to bruise also. What should I do?

2007-03-25 11:53:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

if i sit down for about an hour or two then i stand up theres alot of black spots in front of my face for about a minute... i practically go blind...plus my head starts hurting alot. then the blood starts rushing to my head. does anyone know why this happens?

2007-03-25 11:44:45 · 10 answers · asked by cheerios 1 in Other - General Health Care

2007-03-25 11:43:10 · 5 answers · asked by monica r 1 in Pain & Pain Management

i have spina bifida and use a wheelchair but my right leg can go up a few inches left cant move at all

2007-03-25 11:33:32 · 1 answers · asked by jadedearing 2 in Injuries

like it looks like its dirty but i know its not cuz i scrub it like every day. and its only the back of my neck...i showed my health teacher and she said that my body preduces to much of this one vitaim...anyways i was just wondering if any one new of a way that i could get ride of it by april 5 when i go to arizona.

2007-03-25 11:23:11 · 2 answers · asked by kat 2 in Other - General Health Care

I seem to be always getting yeast infections. I go a few months without one and then it comes back. sometimes they are not as bothersome as others, but i am tired of getting them. Have taken prescriptions for them. No one seems to be able to give me the answer, not even doctors!

2007-03-25 11:17:51 · 17 answers · asked by mo2020@sbcglobal.net 1 in Pain & Pain Management

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Was on prednisone in the beginning,methotrexate for five years.six months ago Dr. prescibed plaquenil along with IB 800s and norco for pain. I just seem to get no relief -cannot remember being pain free and co-workers do not get it, that I am suffering. In the morning I hobble along but by the afternoon my stride is even; however by then I may not be able to raise my arm or shoulder

2007-03-25 11:11:08 · 4 answers · asked by pamtedd 1 in Pain & Pain Management

Every morning when I wake up I can hardly walk because of my sciatica nerve. It takes me about 2-3 hours to be able to actually stand up straight in the morning after I wake up. There has to be something I can do in order to excersise this nerve. Any tips or advice would be helpful thank you very much!

2007-03-25 11:06:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

got them a while back because i tend to sleep wrong at night, and wake up with a bad neck ache. i need to take one but im scared of how its going to make me feel. wandering if they make you feel drowsy, clumsy, etc..thanks

2007-03-25 11:06:01 · 3 answers · asked by Tiffany G 2 in Pain & Pain Management

2007-03-25 10:30:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

I've had 3 back surgeries and have rods and pins in my back. Does anyone know if I can do any yoga, and where can I get the right steps for it? Thanks

2007-03-25 09:53:01 · 5 answers · asked by DOT 5 in Injuries

I want to donate Plasma and make some money, so how do I make my tiny, little veins get bigger and more visible?

2007-03-25 09:52:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

I moved to a different state and now this state, NO DR's will give me what my 13 yrs of my G.P.M.D.
ordered for migraines...what's up with that???
IMITREX does NOT work with me!!!

2007-03-25 09:50:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

Her left femur was broken and her pelvis. Surgery is in the morning. How long does this type healing take and what is involved ?The surgeon said they were putting in a rod.

2007-03-25 09:33:46 · 10 answers · asked by bob 2 in Injuries

While over at my mothers this afternoon we were putting a mirror on her dresser. It was noneventful and took all of 5 mins. Upon sitting down She noticed a Huge bump forming on her hand between her ring finger and middle finger. There was no pain or abrasion just this golf ball size knot turning black. We put ice on it and it went down some but I just phoned her and she said it is now spreading thru out her hand and it is now hurting. She is not on any blood thinners. The only thing she has taken is predizone for (spelling) gout.

2007-03-25 09:30:43 · 6 answers · asked by GI 5 in Injuries


hey im 14 and i got problems sleeping i tryed relaxing and that but dosent help me so i was told to take pills but they dont work and they not good for you i dont always like relaxing cois that would make me even more less sleepy so what can i do?

2007-03-25 09:28:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

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