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General Health Care - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care

First Aid · Injuries · Other - General Health Care · Pain & Pain Management

I thought maybe I could get a tattoo to cover up the scar if doing it again was out of the question.

2006-07-25 14:09:44 · 3 answers · asked by ravenlily1 1 in Other - General Health Care

I am ok with eating pretty much anything. I wasnt to know what foods I should avoid such as things with MSG...sugars...etc...please help me

2006-07-25 13:44:45 · 6 answers · asked by ernest o 1 in Other - General Health Care

My boyfriend fell thru a glass window as he passed out recently, and got deep cuts in his back. He had 20 stitches in his back. He gets them out on friday. We were wondering if he could go swimming with the stitches. Not like swimming laps or anything, just wading around in the pool. Im not sure if its okay or not though, help please.

2006-07-25 13:30:05 · 13 answers · asked by kristen4562 3 in Injuries

If I swallow a chewable pill (vitamins, tums, etc.) will it be as effective as if it had been chewed?

2006-07-25 13:27:52 · 5 answers · asked by ebillar 1 in Other - General Health Care

I am a Registered Disabled Pensioner who is being told to leave my present doctor's practice. I cannot always get to the surgery or hospital because of my on-going long-term illness that these doctors are aware of! It is unpredictable, in as much as it is worse on some days and restricts me to my home if not my bed.
There is no-way that I can get to any other surgery in the town,as most of the other surgeries are too far for me to travel.Most of the buses don't have access for wheelchairs. This area is THE ONLY place that has all the amenities/facilities that I need to use!!
Can I insist that I stay with my present doctor's practice?
Is there any bodies that I can appeal to for help in this matter. I feel I am being treating most unfairly. Any thoughts on this matter/opinions, will be most welcome....Thank You!!


2006-07-25 13:03:56 · 18 answers · asked by tottie-for-lol 2 in Other - General Health Care

It's related to Physical Therapy

2006-07-25 13:02:49 · 2 answers · asked by Lloyd Christmas 1 in Injuries


how come when you shine a flashlight or something bright in your eyes, you continue to see the shadow of the image when you blink?

2006-07-25 12:47:09 · 2 answers · asked by Genesis 4 in Other - General Health Care

I have been having a greater amount of problems with my sinuses. I am unable to find allergy symptoms that match what I am experiencing.
My eyes get very dry and itchy. My sinuses dry out and become very thick. Not much sneezing. My eyes also becomed very sensitive to light when my sinuses are swollen. Postnasal drip. Even though the symptoms don't quite match could this be allergies. I have had this problem for many years.
I just went to my doctor and she is treating me for allergies initially but the info I get online doesn't jive.

2006-07-25 12:45:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

I have had severe shoulder pain for about 4 months now, about 2 months ago I went to orthopedics to have it looked at and they gave me a cortisone shot in the joint, It gave me about 95% relief for about a week and a half, and I have been doing the excersises he gave me to strengthen my muscles in the shoulder. I went back today still with the same pain, he said I could either do the surgery or do physical therapy for a while to see if it helps. He said I have shoulder impingement, as well as maybe a tear in the labrum. Should I go ahead with the surgery or do the physical therapy first? Thank you for your opinions.

2006-07-25 12:27:50 · 4 answers · asked by ncnbja37 2 in Injuries

The bump goes away sometimes, and it seems like it inflames when it gets irratated when I eat certain foods.

2006-07-25 12:19:32 · 10 answers · asked by rockran 3 in Other - General Health Care

I had strep throat about two months ago. since that time my one tonsil has been puffy. I took antibiotics and finished all of them, but this weekend I was poking at the tonsil with a q-tip and pushed really hard on it and it exploded Puss. I don't have a fever, It doesn't hurt, No glands are sore. Do Tonsils just hold puss? why woudn't I feel like it was infected. Should I have the tonsil removed, or just call the doc for different antibiotics?

2006-07-25 12:18:57 · 11 answers · asked by fit4life 2 in Other - General Health Care

For the last 6+ months I have had a shooting pain in my wrist and hand. It hasn't been too bad, but now it's gotten horrible and I can hardly stand it. Also, just recently, I started feeling a burning, tingling sensation in my forearm from my wrist to my elbow. I can hardly do anything without it hurting to the point of asking to take heavy pain pills, and I can't do much else but let my hand rest on my leg or beside me. What could it be?

2006-07-25 12:12:00 · 5 answers · asked by Ina N 2 in Other - General Health Care

I have an embarassing and annoying need to go to the toilet frequently. I don't drink alot cos i'm never thirsty. I went on holiday recently and my chap said it was like being on holiday with his nan cos I needed to go so often. If I go somewhere new, I need to find the loo first so I know where it is. I panick sometimes and think alot of it is in my head and not that I actually need the loo. I have been tested for diabetes which is negative. One night I counted 12 trips to the toilet although other nights I don't get up once. I did have numerous water infections growing up. Could this have weakened my bladder?

2006-07-25 12:10:19 · 13 answers · asked by Mrs Captain 2 in Other - General Health Care

1) I don't have it all the time. It comes and goes with no reason.
2) My doctor has no idea what it is. The more time that passes the worse the pain becomes.
3) The pain is always in the same places. At the very top of my rib cage, directly under my breasts. Sometimes it's on one side and sometimes it is both.When it is on the right side, I also get the pain thru to my back.
4) I have had chest xrays and cat scans. Shows nothing relating to the pain.
5) Here is the stupid part. If I take my bra off and take an Alieve, it usually subsides in a short period of time. But it isn't today. This is the third attack today and nothing is helping the pain.
6) I think that is all the highlights. Does anyone know or have you ever heard of this before? If it doesn't let up, it's severe enough that I am going to have to go to the E.R.

WHAT do you think?

2006-07-25 11:55:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

Has anyone had a stomach ulcer? What are your symptoms, and what do you do to help them. Maybe you have some home remedies or something that works for you. I dont really have alot of pain. Maybe a little. But i have a terrible burning in my stomach when i eat. I drink milk and it helps, but i would like to know some other remedies. Im getting sick of milk. lol. Thanks in advance for any advice.

2006-07-25 11:50:03 · 2 answers · asked by iloveatrucker06 1 in Other - General Health Care

I work as a care assistant, so I am on my feet all day. This doesn't hurt, but when I wake up or have sat down for a break, the moment I get up, my feet kill. They really hurt but the pain goes quickly. Why is this? Any suggestions xx

2006-07-25 11:39:13 · 5 answers · asked by Mrs Captain 2 in Other - General Health Care

2006-07-25 11:36:48 · 3 answers · asked by itzel a 1 in Injuries

you know, those red puffy bumps you get on your eyelid... okay well it's tuesday, and i want it to be gone by thursday because we're getting our family pictures taken! what can i do or put on it to make it go away!?!

2006-07-25 11:36:39 · 5 answers · asked by grace 1 in Other - General Health Care

2006-07-25 11:24:43 · 4 answers · asked by icctrombone2004 1 in Other - General Health Care

2006-07-25 11:23:02 · 8 answers · asked by anne marie g 1 in Other - General Health Care

early today I knocked my arm/wrist and elbow very heavly on my wall. It now feels very sore, heavy and on occasions tonight i have felt pins and needless in my arm, any iteads?

2006-07-25 11:20:53 · 27 answers · asked by blacknedkittie 2 in Injuries

my friend has a problem with her feet.. all her life she cant put her feet flat on the ground she has to walk like a ballerina every day in vey high shoes... anytime she tries to put her feet flat on the ground it hurts her so much... her feet have now become arched and she cant ever wear flat shoes or trainers.. what can she do?
please help i have looked everywhere..

2006-07-25 11:19:17 · 7 answers · asked by cinderella 3 in Injuries

I slept without a pillow last night and my neck is really sore and Ive tried everything

2006-07-25 11:05:24 · 9 answers · asked by dezzynicolaa 2 in First Aid

in the meantime, has anyone ever felt like they had a lump in their throat? It's not an actual lump that can be felt when you touch your throat but a a sensation like there's pressure on the base of your throat. Kind of like if someone was putting pressure there, if that makes sense? Anyway, this has gone on for several months and I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this. If so, what were you diagnosed with?

2006-07-25 10:57:02 · 6 answers · asked by Someone 3 in Other - General Health Care

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