We did have unprotected sex (obviously at that time, we had no idea that he was infected). He has never had any symptoms of herpes. Beacause he came out positive, I had myself tested. My doc did an IGG blood test and it came out negative. It has been about 20 days since the last time intercoarse took place and we did use a condom. My question is this. Once you are infected, will it show up in the IGG test? Or is there an incubation pieriod before the test can detect it? I did have another IGG blood test ran today. I dont have the results yet, but if they are negative does that mean I am in the "clear"? Do I need to be tested again? And if I do have it, how do I tell my new partner? I feel disgusting, I am not sure how I could have even put myself in this situation!
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