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STDs - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

what should i know about herpes 1 and 2
and if a person has either one or both can they still have kids and there kids grow up to be in good health and not have it ?????

2007-07-31 21:26:34 · 0 answers · asked by lovely 1

i need help on this i gave . a std. syphillis. to this married woman while i was well doing my missionary, 2. year work. for my church. she has.4. kids and a husband who i hated . him as wel as her she. was alway.s comming on to me we had sex in her home my copanion watched for us while we done it in her home . so we wouldnt get caugh by him while he was gone we listened for his car it was loud. and the .2. younger kids was ot side playing. i knew i had something but syphillis not that till i got back home no way am i going to call her she was nothing but cheap as they come i was only.17. she was.44. isnt she more to blame than me. she told me she and him never had sex hardley he well was both mom and dad to his kids aint this trailer park trash more to blame than me where she was older she had strach mark.s like she been shot and i only did her . where i hated him and dont that make her more to blame than me she told me she never goes to a . doctor at all she thought i loved her?

2007-07-31 21:25:50 · 8 answers · asked by matthew v 3

Me and my boyfriend both had HIV tests and all the others done at the clinic and they all came back negative, does that mean that we can have unprotected sex and not be able to catch anyting

2007-07-31 20:45:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Friend Tells Me If U Don't U Have To Get Stitches After Birth

2007-07-31 20:14:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had sex with someone i use to work with a while back and i just found out i have HPV how do i tell him we didn't use a condom becuase i was sure i was clean at the time then recently i got my pap test reasults back i'm positive for HPV. we are not really good friends but it seems we could be good friends since we talk more and more now then we did before i'm afraid to tell him i don't know why. i've told all the previous men i've been with, some were more like i think i'm ok i have nothing to worry about but are you ok and some that said they were cool and worried about me more yet i haven't spoke to them, they don't answer any of my calls. i feel scared i know the world will not end but its uncomfortable. i've use proctection with everyone before this guy and the last person that it was unprotected with was with my ex and that was late august of 2006 i'm sure my ex passed it. since he cheated i dont think this guy gave it to me but how do i tell him??

2007-07-31 18:24:27 · 5 answers · asked by MzJitterBug 2

2007-07-31 18:09:48 · 6 answers · asked by willy 1

Will my birth control (yasmin) interfer with my HPV vaccine?

2007-07-31 18:07:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

here are the facts... i wore a condom she gave me oral and i fingered her she told me she hasnt had a break out in a while...
also i really like her but this is something that is really freaking me out because i dont want herpes but i do want to be in love and she seems interested in me. i was recently blood tested and im clean 100% can i be with her and not get herpes or am i doomed to this virus?

2007-07-31 17:22:51 · 21 answers · asked by Wonderingplz 3

2007-07-31 16:28:19 · 1 answers · asked by RONALDO P 1

to get a baby do you have to go all the way w/ someone or kiss and move your tongue around.

2007-07-31 16:05:02 · 10 answers · asked by dylan 1

A long time ago, when I was a teen, my heartless boyfriend who cheated on me gave me chlamydia. I didn't have it long when I found out about it, but the wierd thing is to treat it they had me mix this powder with water and drink it, they said thats all i had to do(and wait 7 days to have sex again)I haven't been back to the doctor since because I hate to go and I've been very careful who i have sex with. I know I haven't caught it again, but sometimes I wonder if the medicine they gave me even worked because i heard of people taking pills to treat it that's not what they gave me. Even more concerning I have had chronic pelvic pain for years(which i thought was natural)and I'm almost 100% positive that i'm infertile. Is it likely that I got PID which has caused all these problems? And have I had it all this time? or is it more likely that I've had the same std for all these years?(even though I nor any partner i've been with has had symptoms.)

2007-07-31 14:27:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-31 13:30:26 · 5 answers · asked by --JaJaBoR-- 2

i dont have herpes , but a friend of mine had a really bad herpes. he had protected sex the first outbreak was in his penis, then he went through six months Sixth months with out an outbreak, his second outbreak was really painful, and it was in his neck, then from there his spread it into his eyes, and his mouth, because he bites his nails often, he had the herpes bunds now below his eye lids, and in his upper lips, and inside his mouth he has become really depressed. I want to help him but don’t know how. I was wonder what are the chances the next outbreak will be by his eyelids because he is really concerning about it, I help him with some info and now he is taking lysine, he eyes get a little watery he all ready went to the doctor and they keep telling him that they are allergies., so my question is will the bumps in the lips will the go away, and the ones in his face?, if he is able to get through the doctor acyclover eye drops, will it help him, even though he has used twice an ointment and will abreva also help in his lips?

2007-07-31 12:50:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

in the past month i have been urinating a lot and the pubic hair region itches me, my knob is always red and it always feels like its burning dow there,i also have 4 or 5 red pimples on my knob, can this be a yeast infection, i have been tested for all STDs and they have all come out negative, could this be a yeast infection pls help

2007-07-31 11:58:18 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

im dating a guy who has just told me he has them..we have not had sex yet but we will soon. i know nothing about it and altho gone on some websites theres sum questions i cant see to find answer to.
1* if i touch his penis can i not touch anything else til i wash my hands incase i touch my mouth etc and spread it?
2* do i have to boil wash the bedding the next day?
3* if we have sex with a condom is there anyway i cud still catch it?

i really like him but this is putting me off
please help!

2007-07-31 11:48:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, I am wondering can you get HIV from your own blood. I probably sound like an idiot. I do know the ways of catching this virus. I am just being paranoid I suppose. About six months ago I cut myself pretty bad with these cuticle cutters which I had previously used before. They were clean, but I have bled on them in the past. (After it happened I threw them out. I wasn't chancing it again.) Ever since then I've been wanting to get an HIV test. However I don't have ANY other reason to get one. I was going to go today, but then I decided not to, and to do it in a few weeks. I've been going nuts over the chance that I have it. Seriously, tell me I'm being paranoid and it's not possible I gave myself HIV through a pair of cuticle cutters lol. It doesn't help that when I was thinking about my chances of having it. My mom pulled up in front of a car with the license plate "POSITIV". Weird coincidence? I'm freaking out. I'm also wondering about Hepatitis. I think I'm a hypocondriac =[

2007-07-31 10:54:49 · 8 answers · asked by freepaidmoney 2

My husband smokes pot with is old high school buddies every now and then..well there's only one guy who is just always stoned..he's got STD's and his girlfriend as well, because he tells my husband what he has when they have their buddy talks. Well my husband smokes out of their pipes when he's there. He doesnt have one because he only does it once in awhile. Should he go get checked for STD's given through the pipe they smoke out of? I dont' know all the std's they have, just of one..chlamydia. But the friend's gf is a Cr@ck head and sleeps with a bunch of guys besides her bf. So I'm really scared, and I won't let him kiss me.

2007-07-31 10:47:03 · 4 answers · asked by Laurellamags 5

so if that happened, could u get herpes?

then, if i were to have sex after that, would i have herpes down there?

this is a legit question

2007-07-31 10:21:01 · 15 answers · asked by hockeyangelofdeath 2

Or is she lying?

2007-07-31 10:16:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-31 07:50:11 · 7 answers · asked by hisbaby1492 2

2007-07-31 01:46:44 · 13 answers · asked by A.R 1

The doc is a gynecologist who also said that once a person has the virus and the symptoms disappear, it's impossible to detect whether or not it's still in the body. I'm skeptical, because I also read that 70% of women who have it are able to get rid of it on their immune system's own accord. But I'm worried about my friend who had HPV, because she doesn't use protection. I feel like something is wrong in the logic here, but I don't want to freak her out unnecessarily by bringing up something false.

2007-07-30 21:21:35 · 2 answers · asked by peggychen428 2


hi, i was wondering do u have to have sex with some1 who has the virus (HIV) to recieve it?

2007-07-30 20:27:48 · 4 answers · asked by derekfisherkb 2

Should I have any problems buying condoms from a drug store if I'm 17???

2007-07-30 20:15:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I helped my friend dressed hs wound that day when he had a fall and bleed alot. This quesion came across my mind.

What if he is a HIV patient, & how long can the HIV Virus(inside the blood) stay outside the body

2007-07-30 20:01:53 · 3 answers · asked by Jon H 3

2007-07-30 19:41:14 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

How may times a year do you usually have an outbreak?
What does it feel like when you have an outbreak on the inside?period cramps?Do any of you all ever feel insecure about it?

2007-07-30 17:46:40 · 11 answers · asked by EJ 1