I am young and have never been sexually active, but old enough to make the choice if I wanted too.I get cold sores on my lips some times,and I never thought anything of them,my mom had them before I was ever born according to her.
I was pretty used to them and have been free of them for almost a year.Then a few days ago I thought I had a yeast infection wich was odd seeing as how i am perfectly healthy ,and have only had one a long time ago when I was a child.I bought monistat and put that on,But it dosnt seem to be helping very much,I just want to know exact symptoms of herpes type 2 to see if thats whats going on.Im a christian girl and I really honor my body as a temple,I don't know what to do if I have these? what did I do wrong?Is this my fault?
please help me Im really freaking out.
I'm scard to death of having anyone other than my husband see my areas,including the doctor/obgyn.How do I get over this emense fear?
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