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I am young and have never been sexually active, but old enough to make the choice if I wanted too.I get cold sores on my lips some times,and I never thought anything of them,my mom had them before I was ever born according to her.
I was pretty used to them and have been free of them for almost a year.Then a few days ago I thought I had a yeast infection wich was odd seeing as how i am perfectly healthy ,and have only had one a long time ago when I was a child.I bought monistat and put that on,But it dosnt seem to be helping very much,I just want to know exact symptoms of herpes type 2 to see if thats whats going on.Im a christian girl and I really honor my body as a temple,I don't know what to do if I have these? what did I do wrong?Is this my fault?
please help me Im really freaking out.
I'm scard to death of having anyone other than my husband see my areas,including the doctor/obgyn.How do I get over this emense fear?

2006-08-06 18:12:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

11 answers

Chances are you do not have herpes simplex virus 2 (typically genital herpes), especially since you said you are not sexually active. Genital herpes and cold sores are different strains of the virus. Cold sores are cause by herpes simplex virus 1, they can also cause genital herpes but this is more rare and usually transmitted by oral sex. Herpes simplex virus 2 is typically genital herpes but can also cause cold sores (but this is even more rare).

If you have cold sores that does not mean you have genital herpes. Some people have both, some people have just cold sores, while others just have genital herpes. I have personally had genital herpes for over 5 years now, and I DO NOT have cold sores.

When a person has contracted genital herpes they usually have their initial outbreak or primary outbreak about 2-20 days after being infected with it. The first outbreak is extremely painful! I was in so much pain my doctor prescribed me Vicodin, I had to take off a few days of work and I could hardly walk or sit down because it hurt so bad. The person will get large blisters in their genital area. There can be a few to ten or even more of these blisters. These blisters can open and puss a clearish liquid. It can take up to 4 weeks for the blisters to finally heal. If you really want to see what they look like try an image search of genital herpes. It's not the prettiest thing to look at but it will give you an idea of what they really look like.

Your best bet is to see a doctor. A lot of women don't like doctors looking at their genital area, but it's something that needs to be done, especially getting pap smears done. Yeast infections are commonly confused with bacterial vaginosis (BV) and trichomoniasis (an STD). So, if monistat doesn't seem to be working, it might be something else like BV or trichomoniasis. All three of these are bacterial infections and can be cured with medicine. I personally would see a doctor about this. It really does not sound like genital herpes, but it does sound like some kind of infection.

Check out these sites for more information:
Good luck!

2006-08-07 00:11:17 · answer #1 · answered by Alli 7 · 1 0


2016-04-18 08:21:07 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2016-09-04 15:16:26 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Hello, I know how you feel. In June of 2006 I had the same problem I am married and my husband is the only one I have been with. I was scared to death too!!! I finally gave in and went to the doctor. He thought it was genital herpes too and done a test on me. When it came back it was herpes but not the genital type. He said it was just like having a cold sore on your lip but on your private area. He gave me an pain medicine and valtrex. He also gave me a antibatic. I don't know if that is spelled right or not. But this stuff really helped. In a matter of 2 days I felt so much better. The bad news was he told me that it may happen again, but now I know the symptoms early. So I hope this helps you and helps you not be so scared anymore. Hope you feel better.
With Love,

2006-08-06 18:30:34 · answer #4 · answered by Shell 2 · 1 0

I got clinically diagnosed with the herpes simplex virus (type 2) about three yrs ago, when I was still in college and had a foolish one-night stand. I realize loads of people say this, but I swear I had never done that sort of thing before. I just made a huge mistake that one time and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to have to live with the consequences for the rest of my life. The worst part was feeling I could never date men again. In the end, who wants to go out with a girl that has sores around her "you know what" area? But since a friend shared this movie https://tr.im/mrwH3 everything changed.

Not only was I able to eliminate all remnants of the herpes virus from my system in less than 21 days, but I was also able to start dating again. I even met the guy of my dreams and I'm so fortunate to write that just a week ago, in front of everybody in a crowded restaurant, he got down on one knee and proposed to me!! This program gave me back the opportunity to be happy and experience true love again. Now I want to help others by sharing this story.

2015-10-17 23:29:59 · answer #5 · answered by Demetris 1 · 0 0

Typically genital herpes is shown by sores in the area. There are some other symptoms most of which have to be seen to diagnose. As for your fear of being seen in that area i would suggest you let go of that fear, if it is related to your religion (im not insulting any religion) then you should let that go as well religion isn't meant to keep you from being healthy. Not seeing an OB/GYN when needed in instances like this can be very very dangerous. It might not be herpes, it could be something worse, there are STD's that if detected early can be cured but if not treated can become fatal or make you sterile. I suggest going to the Doctor ASAP. Good luck and be safe.

Cpl Rush
US Army Combat Medic

2006-08-06 18:20:46 · answer #6 · answered by Militarywiccan110 2 · 1 0

If you have not been sexually active, you most likely do not have it. However, if you have the cold sores on your mouth it is very possible to transfer them to your genitals, through the bathroom or any other means.
A yeast infection is an itchy, burning, sensation. Herpes is extremely painful and accompanied by little sores. Very very different problems.
You should decide which yours is most like and see a doctor.
Either way, there is support groups who can help you cope with whatever it is. Yeast infections are no big deal.
Maybe talk to your mom.

2006-08-08 05:35:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Genital herpes is a contagious viral infection affecting primarily the genitals of men and women. It is characterized by recurrent clusters of vesicles and lesions at the genital areas. It is caused by the Herpes Simplex-2 virus (HSV-2), one of several strains of the Herpes Simplex Virus responsible for chickenpox, shingles, mononucleosis, and oral herpes (fever blisters or cold sores, HSV-1). While generally not dangerous, it is a nuisance and can be emotionally traumatic, as there is no cure.

Transmission is caused by close oral, anal, or genital contact, including intercourse, masturbation, kissing, or any direct skin-to-skin contact which allows for the transfer of bodily fluids.

A person is considered contagious when prodromal symptoms, active sores, and healing lesions are present.

Herpes is potentially contagious when no symptoms are present. That is, a person who has genital herpes is potentially always shedding active virus.

Approximately 1 in 6 members of the general infected population is thought to shed active virus occasionally without symptoms.

Some people do not get typical blister-like sores but harbor active virus in their saliva, vaginal, or penile secretions, and can shed the virus without knowing they have herpes.

Lesions can occur deep inside the vagina where they cannot be seen or felt, but can readily transmit the virus.

An uninfected individual has about a 75% chance of contracting herpes during intimate contact with someone actively shedding virus.

Oral herpes can be transmitted to the genitals, and vice versa. Symptoms are similar.

Auto-inoculation: An infected individual can spread the virus to other parts of his or her body by touching an area shedding virus and then touching, scratching, or rubbing another susceptible part of the body. Towels are especially conducive to this.

It is possible for a person to contract genital herpes if the partner with oral herpes performs oral sex. Oral herpes can be transmitted to the genitals, and vice versa. Symptoms are similar.

Environmental surfaces like toilet seats may be a source of contagion, but there is no evidence that this poses a real threat to the general population. Experts differ as to how long the virus can survive on its own. The primary cause of infection remains intimate contact.

2006-08-06 18:19:56 · answer #8 · answered by I love my husband 6 · 1 0

First off in the beginning you say your young and not sexually active , then at the end you state your not comfortable with anyone seeing your parts but your husband .

secondly , Just because your mom had Hsv1 and you had Hsv1 has nothing to do with you getting Hsv2 , you have to have sex to get HSV2 . your mom kissed you after you were born and gave you HSV1.That's why 75-80% people have it .
If she also had HSV2 they would have tested you just to make sure you didn't have it .

The difference between HSV1 AND HSV2 is location , location LOCATION . HSV 1 is the strain above the waist , HSV2 is below

You have to be having sex to get HSV2 will always show up in your genitals .

2006-08-06 19:31:48 · answer #9 · answered by insertstrawhere 4 · 1 0

Get Rid Of Herpes Naturally - http://HerpesCure.neatprim.com

2016-03-02 03:36:16 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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