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Skin Conditions - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

Well it Happened a few days ago I didn't have any contact with any other people, I have a rash on the middle part of my middle finger and I was thinking it might be staph, it isn't spreading or anything its like a regular rash. I just need to know.

2007-10-20 14:29:56 · 2 answers · asked by Dman 2

My husband recently have surgery on his face and around his eye. There is alot of dried blood on the skin and in the stitches, how do I get it clean?

2007-10-20 12:12:51 · 8 answers · asked by Michelle W 1

but after doing now for more than a year its still the same if not worse,,
her dilema is that she got dark spotslpigments on her face from the laser and i heard once that tyra had a guest on her show the had the smae thing but worst and she used some sort of cream to get rid of it and its working but i dont know what it was.
does anyone have any idea of how to get rid of it?

2007-10-20 09:58:31 · 3 answers · asked by NuNi 2

I have a nasty taste in my mouth offten. I need help cause I can't afford a doctor...what should I do I pray to God can some one help?

2007-10-20 04:10:13 · 7 answers · asked by Alanta 2

I've had it for months, it doesn't get any worse or better. It's about an inch beneath my eye. I've tried scrubbing it, popping it, poking it with a needle, there's no puss inside, it's just a bubble of skin. How can I get rid of it? I'ts so unattractive and I can feel it everytime I touch my cheek.

2007-10-20 04:07:01 · 3 answers · asked by sugar_suzan 1

2007-10-20 03:53:42 · 4 answers · asked by dino 2

and i had the mole removed. it was asymmetrical, irregular borders, not round, kind of big, but not really large, and the coloring was different. i noticed years ago that it changed and so i have a feeling it could be nothing, but what do you think? ever have this experience? just got a letter from the skin doctor today saying i need to call for the results, but he will be in on monday.

2007-10-20 03:23:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have worn this necklace for years with no problem, It is real ,however here lately its turning my neck green. What should I do?

2007-10-20 03:18:53 · 21 answers · asked by World P 1

thanks in advance

2007-10-20 02:25:10 · 4 answers · asked by Ghost Of Vermeer 2

I've already called NHS Direct and we're waiting on a call back from the doc.

My husband noticed this afternoon that our son has a rash on his torso. not on his arms and legs or face. it was a sort of brown colour when we noticed it but its getting a bot more red and the marks are starting to raise a little. he's not got a high temp. he has over the past couple of days had a cold and not been eating or sleeping well. I've done the glass press test and not all of the red marks disappear! he's not having problems looking at light and he's not sweaty. the nurse said it doesn't sound like he's got meningitis I was just wondering if anyone else's child has had this and what it was.


2007-10-20 02:09:49 · 7 answers · asked by kazhw82 2

I sometimes get these tiny little bumps around my lower eye lid area and they look awful, what ould they be and how do I get rid of them? They do not hurt or anything just look like little pimples.

2007-10-19 18:07:22 · 3 answers · asked by Jennifer M 2

if you did what did you use to get rid of it. I have it on my foot and it is so painful to walk. I have it for a long time already cuz first i thought that it was just a calluse,and i had it for a long time and then i found out that it was a wart. I started to take some medications right after, but it doesnt seem like its helping, well its says on the bottle that its supposed to get bigger first that cuz it is pushed from the inside, and thats how u see that it works, but I dont know it feels like its never gonna go away. Im so tired of it. so what did you use to get rid of it.

2007-10-19 17:45:03 · 5 answers · asked by my angel is 2 1/2 now:) 1

has been this way ever since. I hate it. My dermatologist said it is most likely due to Reynaud's Phemonemon. My hands are also very red/purple.

I have tried creams and multiple different types of laser treatments. Do you think actual surgery could be used to tamper with the many blood vessels that are so close to my face?

I do not know what else to do and I hate it... could a plastic surgeon possibly clear this redness from my face?

Also, would something like blood thinner work?

Advice from people that know what they are talking about would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

(Always pick a best answer)

2007-10-19 17:10:51 · 1 answers · asked by kevster1020 2

i recenlty got a shot in my butt with penicllin for tosilitis. my throat cleared up and i had to take steriods..around the same time of my sore throat i got litte red bumps..almsot not visible..now they are large and have spread allover my body and where ever i touch..its not on my ear and nose..it doesnt itch..only a couple of them..but its really ugly and making me insecure..now im on a 300mg antibiotic..and being tested for mono..does anyone have any idea of what the bumps are?

2007-10-19 16:41:31 · 3 answers · asked by blondieee 1

I had my ears pierced about two months ago, and the other day I was changing my earrings and my left ear had a lump behind my ear. And it had some puss inside. I was wondering about how do I go about dissinfecting it and taking care of it as well as WHAT SHOULD I DO!!! and is it okay for me to pop the lump to release out the puss and how should I do that!.

2007-10-19 16:03:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my toe has signs of fungus, discoloration of nail, callus, flaking of skin, but i also feel the toe joint to be weaker and the toe in general to feel slightly numb, i have no idea what it could be, fungus? ulcers? i dont know, help would be appreciated

2007-10-19 14:11:29 · 7 answers · asked by elle4 1

Our dog's head was stuck completely inside a potato chip bag causing him to pass out. He laid lifeless for several minutes after the bag was removed. Don't know how long he laid with the bag on his head. Fortunately, he is fine except for some hearing loss. Could his hearing loss be permanent?

2007-10-19 12:53:41 · 5 answers · asked by Maureen S 3


2007-10-19 12:26:16 · 2 answers · asked by nicolas g 1

I'm waiting for a call from the doctor...but wondering what it could be? It doesn't look like any case of pink eye I've ever seen. Also last night we were playing w/ face paint & maybe that could have irritated whatever the red ring was? Her left eye kind of turns in toward her nose too when she tries to look straight! It looks horrible!!!

2007-10-19 08:44:16 · 23 answers · asked by ♥bigmamma♥ 6

2007-10-19 08:18:39 · 3 answers · asked by hello_puccalove 1

2007-10-19 07:23:56 · 6 answers · asked by prettyinpink 1

I have exema (sp???) and excess hand washing results in a break out of escama (sp???) ... so, I was wondering if wearing gloves is an alternative.

2007-10-19 06:58:33 · 14 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7

It is on my knee

2007-10-19 06:00:10 · 1 answers · asked by MJ 3

My daily routine is washing in the morning and the evening with a clean and clear face wash. I get out of the shower and my face feels great a whole lot better when I used a dial anti bacterial soap 2 weeks ago on it. But around my chin area and under my mouth is flacky skin. Now, I been taking a scrub pad and smoothly going over just my chin area to try to get the the dry skin off. For the last 2 weeks , my chin area and under my mouth has been real red and dry. It has to be either me scrubbing it to much or could it be the type of lotion I'm using. See, I tried to put some Neutrogena oil free lotion on my face and I cannot tell if the reddness is coming from the lotion or the scrub pad. The lotion is for sensitive skin and has no fragrance or alchaoul in it.

2007-10-19 05:26:05 · 6 answers · asked by sports 1

Hi, I used to be lighter when young and now i am in mid 20's and people say that you have got darker than before? Why have I got darker?? I want to get my skin tone back when i was younger or else How can i get more lighter epsecially on face? Does drinking milk help you go lighter? I dont drink milk but I drink coffee everyday and TEA sometimes at home.. THe milk in the tea is not considered as if I am drinking it alone hunh? It loses the nutrition? Help!!

2007-10-19 05:18:02 · 3 answers · asked by Fawzia 2

I have them on my ankles and thighs and around my nose. I am only 26 years old! What worked best for you?

2007-10-19 03:26:35 · 3 answers · asked by jessicakat 1

I have a 12 month old son who had a flesh colored, pimple look-a-like (but no puss or excessively raised) growth on his cheek, which started to appear about 10 days ago. He had it for a couple of days and one day it turned red and had seemed to have grown. I scheduled to have him checked out that day and the doctor looked at him for litterally 3 minutes and claimed the lesion to be eczema (eventhough he never once scratched that spot or seemed to appear to be itchy there). She gave him some atopic dermatitis creme and said it should dissapear in 4 days,2 days later (today) the skin and the lesion just seem to have gotten more agetated and the redness seems to have spread. I think the creme is too harsh for his skin and it doesn't seem to help. I am going to bring him to the doctor again today, but I was wondering if anyone had any clue or any info on what this could be. The lesion right now is pretty flat and red, but if you look closely the center is more yellow than red...

2007-10-19 01:56:01 · 2 answers · asked by amandajoan75 3