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Respiratory Diseases

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

2007-09-30 23:50:32 · 2 answers · asked by chryztie 1

my question's mainly to asthmatics and any one who have an answer.
if u have an asthma attack which u can't really control.when do u really know it's time to forget about ur self-trials to fix it and decide to go to the ER?

2007-09-30 18:46:24 · 4 answers · asked by Pinka 3

Recently, I've been experiencing things with my body that I've never felt before. Pains in chest. Sometimes the pain is dull and sometimes it's sharp. The pain is getting worse. There is also a matter of shortness of breath. First I feel like my throat muscles drop as if I had no control over it. During this time I am unable to swallow or breathe. and I feel an anxiety fall over my body. Then, I get pains up and down my arms and in chest. The pains in my chest seem to remain on a daily basis. Sometimes it almost feels as though they are soar like after a workout. I will usually get light-headed and dizzyness without cause. My heart rate normally stays somewhat the same during all of this. The doctors have labeled panic attacks without giving me a thorough check, but panic attacks from what I understand don't involve pain. I do get nausia alot during the days and it seems I been getting dehydrated easier. I'm not sure what to do anymore.

2007-09-30 17:37:50 · 11 answers · asked by animikiiasin 2

My Dad has it and he's never smoked in 85 years . Any answers besides oxygen tanks ?

2007-09-30 17:33:54 · 2 answers · asked by westhighland 3

2007-09-30 10:30:21 · 1 answers · asked by Terri L 2

When I was younger I had been born 2 weeks early, and my lungs didn't develop all the way, causing me to have asthma. I'm now 14 years old, and I don't know what I should do? IS there any type of exersizes, vitamins, drinks, and foods to have to help?

have a good day!

2007-09-30 10:06:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dad had a physical which included a blood test and an EKG three months ago. Two weeks ago from today he started having trouble breathing and he looked terrible and the color of his skin was silver and his stomach started to swell so he went to his doctor the next day and they could hear bowel sounds up by his heart and lungs and told him that he would be ok. Four days later while he was on his way to work he had a massive heartattack and died instantly. And when the autopsy came back the corner said that he had thyroid cancer!!! And that all three of his arteries were pretty much blocked(90-91-99%) And that fluid was building up around his heart and lungs. And we called clinic to get O2 level and they said that they couldnt give out that kind of information. My fathers O2 level should have gave them a clue that he was not getting enough oxygen. And he had a thyroid gland 5x larger than the nornmal size! His was 155grams. He was a healthy 65 year old man too that excercised daily.

2007-09-30 09:57:55 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2

I clean fridges all day at my job. Some have bad mold in them. One day when I was minding the store by myself. Acustomer came in looking for something. She seen all the mold in the fridge and told me long exposer to mold can cause health problems. Is this true? What are the signs of these health problems.

2007-09-30 06:44:17 · 8 answers · asked by laura r 1


This is for my science homework:

What are the possible Harmful effects for the TB Vaccine?

2007-09-30 06:27:41 · 1 answers · asked by Lucy S 2

ok..the past 4 days...i have been coughing..i thought...no big deal. Then yesterday...i coughed alot! like once every 4 minutes...but when i went to go skating i dont remember coughing...until today...i feel a whole bit better cuz i took dayquil yesterday....but today i cough every 30 min. to an hour...but my coughing has Flem...is this Strep throat?...if so any other symptoms?

2007-09-30 05:56:52 · 5 answers · asked by Chuy 2

Is anyone aware of large tonsils being a problem with a child of age 3s speech?

My son has permanently inflamed tonsils and has been on numerous courses of antibiotics for septic tonsilitis, however there has been no redction in size.

We were reffered to ENT and as my son rarely complains of pain they said that there's no need to take them out.

My main concern is his speech, however ENT tell us that this wouldn't be effecting his speech. We was reffered a second time as our GP was of the same opinion as us that this would effect his speech, however after seeing ENT for a second time they said the same witout even taking a look in his mouth. They seem more interested in what amount of pain he is in.

Whilst there he had a hearing test to rule out glue ear as there were signs of glue in one ear, however the tests came back ok. We were told that glue comes and goes as the child grows up, so we have another appointment in December to see if gromits are needed.

2007-09-30 02:02:10 · 7 answers · asked by lewis00007 1

I have had chest pain for 2 days now.. im not sure what indegestion is but i know its not heart burn...

its right in the centre of my chest and it feels like its running from the bottom of my throat down my chest.. it was sharp stabbing yesterday but more of an ache today. i also get a feeling like something is stuck in my throat, but i know i dont.

2007-09-30 01:20:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got an albuterol inhaler yesterday from the pharmacy. It was prescribed to me yesterday. Well today when I was asleep my dog got ahold of it off the coffee table and punctured a hole in the inhaler. It is useless. Do you think it is possible to get another one if I explain to the pharmacist what happened and show him/her the inhaler or do you think they will make me get another prescription for it.

2007-09-29 17:56:21 · 10 answers · asked by Whoa 2

A friend of mine had surgery yesterday and he has a big clot on one nostril. We have tried saline solution to get it to come out but it is a long piece of large tissue that is not coming out. What do you suggest besides calling the surgeon? He is not able to breathe or sleep at all. Thanks.

2007-09-29 16:17:14 · 1 answers · asked by Toothie 2

heavy smoking destroys the pseudostratified ciliated epithelum lining the trachea. Speculate what might happen if these cellsare replaced by nonciliated epithelium during the course of tissue repair?

2007-09-29 13:04:06 · 3 answers · asked by sgregory0020@verizon.net 1


Whenever I draw in a really long breath or deep breath I get a sharp pain on the left side of my chest, near my heart. Is it just growing pains, or should I get it checked out? I wouldn't normally care but its been going on for a few months or years now, can't remember.

2007-09-29 09:25:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Try to be short with this. I was diagnosed in June 2002 that i had Pulmonary Fibrosis and that i would need a double lung transplant. At this time i went on portable oxygen tanks to help me breathe. Feb 2003 i was transplanted for the lungs. March 27 i was released from the hospital. June 1 2003 i went back to work. From that date on i have had numerouse problems freom the transplant as well as other organ damage because of the medicines. I have chronic kidney failure which according to all my doctors is whats causing all the other ailments i am having because my kidneys arent working like they should. They have cause me to have neuropathy in my hands and feet but i am NOT eligible for a kidney transplant because the doctors say my lungs wont hold up for any type of major suregery, plus they have stated that there is no way they will re-transplant me at all because my body is basically torn up from the meds i am taking. ANYWAY i am currently still working for the fed govt but i have to go out this year on med disability because there is no way i can now perform my job because of my lungs and kidney and heart disease. What i want to know is: do i or did i qualify for ANY type of disability from any agency during that time frame. I am still considered to be disabled according to the doctors because of the health problems now, plus i use oxygen again as a result of my lungs failing again, this time its called "broncholitis obliterans" and there is no cure for it except the transplant that i cant have. I was told by some outsiders that i still would or should be qualified for some form of social security from the very first day until now june 2002 until present even though i still work. One of my wifes co-workers had a kidney transplant and the ssa recognized it and they pay her TODAY a monthly check and she is working full time. They told me that lungs were not recognized in the medicare or social security guides or rules. Now am i entitled to any thing at all while i am still working...THANKS...Tony

2007-09-29 04:10:03 · 2 answers · asked by rigged2 1

hello everyone my name is neal from last two three years i am smoking and now i wanna get rid of it i tried several time to leave it but i am not able to i tried many things to get rid of it but iam not able to so please guys help me tell me ways to exit it please !

2007-09-28 17:30:32 · 16 answers · asked by neal 2

A 52-year old man suffers a pulmonary embolism that orginated as a blood clot in his right leg. Describe this condition and how it develops. Specifically trace the pathway of the blood clot from the leg to the lungs.

2007-09-28 12:56:21 · 5 answers · asked by crismarie 4

2007-09-28 04:35:33 · 1 answers · asked by Kushal 1

yesterday my friend was hit by a car and ended up with, brokeen ribs, a punctured lung and a fractured coller bone

how serious is this?

2007-09-28 03:45:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i inhaled some pixy stix thru my nose...it wasnt a big dose it was just little and i didnt do it so hard... anyways whats the worst that could happen?

Where does it all go? To my lungs or to my brain?

Aww man...i just couldnt resist to know why do ppl do cocaine

2007-09-27 10:56:42 · 5 answers · asked by Oscar de la Hoya 1

i live an apartment complex where the family in the apartment behind mine recently had to move out ASAP because of mold; my daughter and i both have been having really bad allergies and coughing along with sore thraot..could the mold be a reason or factor here? I REALLY need to know becasue my daughter is asthmatic.

2007-09-27 06:22:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, I just went to the doctors today and found out I have bronchitis. What exactly is it? and what are the chances of it developing into pneumonia or just getting worse. I am just curious

2007-09-27 06:05:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

its not in my lungs, its above my collar bone and below my adam's apple.
i just got my tonsils taken out yesterday, and the surgeon said they were rotted..
i was told it could be reflux but i took medicine for it for a month and nothing happened..
please help..
the last time i posted this question i got one answer which was "i can't help much"..the 3 doctors i went to all said different things..from allergies to infections to tonsilitis..none of them seem to be the root of the breathing problem though...please help..

2007-09-27 05:54:11 · 5 answers · asked by grant 1

she did it about 20 times yesterday. she never acted like she was out of breath or that she was in distress. i cant tell if she has a real problem or if this is a newly formed habit (she seems to inhale in loudly if shes excited or angry) ther hasnt been any problems thus far, she is 3. how can i tell if its ashma or another problem?

2007-09-27 02:22:32 · 5 answers · asked by sheena h 1

I am very worried. Most of the time that my mother start eating she will start coughing and it become real bad..it can last from 5-15 min..Then mucus will come out and she will be o.k. It happened the other night when she was in bed and was coughing so hard she hardly couldn't breath until mucus came out..she when to doctor a couple of time and gave her zanta 150 but didn't help much..The doctor say he thinks it's acid reflux with recurrent aspiration..Does anybody out there could explain what this is..Is it food going in the lungs or what? My mother didn't have any answer from the doctor..Also is there anyone out there that could help in given advice of what she should do..also when she eats she will chew on her food for so long so she feel it comes down easier...Please help..desperate in helping my mom...

2007-09-27 02:05:55 · 6 answers · asked by wondering 1

from Medicine, Homeypathy, Sidha and herbal medicine

2007-09-26 22:18:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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